Volume Eight Part Four Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 8, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-333984049-X C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1998 This "script? was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Catch You Catch Me page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because?we?re translating the same thing silly! I?d hope they?d be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else?s translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 137 Sakura--"I wonder if this is okay?" (whirl whirl whirl) (drip) Kero--"How long do I have to stir this huh?" Tomoyo--"This should be okay." Kero--[My eyes are spinning.] Sakura--[Kero-chan!] Tomoyo--"And now we pour it in the molds." Tomoyo--"What shape have you decided on?" (flap flap) Pg. 138 Sakura--"For everyone, this one." Sakura--"And this one for Yukito-san's." Tomoyo--"Because it's Valentines chocolate, right?" {From} (clap clap) (sigh) Sakura--"All done!" Pg. 139 {To Yukito-san from Sakura} :I wonder if Yukito-san will return my feelings: :It would be nice.: Kero--"Fine, fine." Kero--"I understand that the snow bunny gets the chocolate." Kero--[Even if I did help you make it?] Sakura--"There's a share for you too." Kero--"Yea! Yea!" Sakura--[Kero-chan sure likes to eat.] Tomoyo--[Definitely] Kero--"This is mine!?" Sakura--"Right." Pg. 140 Kero--"All of them!?" (turn) (sparkle sparkle) Sakura--"N-no, there's one for Oniichan and Dad too." Sakura--[I give them some every year.] [A little disappointed.] Kero--"Well, at least I get one, it's okay!" Kero--[I'm looking forward to tomorrow.] [floating] Sakura--"Thanks for your help." Tomoyo--[It's nothing.] Tomoyo--[hm?] Tomoyo--"This is for your brother, your dad, and Kero-chan, right?" Sakura--"Right." Pg. 141 Tomoyo--"?But there are four." Sakura--"Right, four for?" Sakura--[Hoe?] [Oniichan] [Dad] [Kero-chan] Sakura--"So three?should be fine." Sakura--"Wh-why four?" Pg. 142 Sakura--"Oniichan, are you leaving already!?" (pata pata) Touya--"I've got work." (rustle rustle) Sakura--[Then?I'll give it to you now.] Touya--"Huh?" Sakura--"Because today's Valentines Day." Sakura--[Even thought you'll probably get plenty from other people.] Touya--"Is it safe?" Touya--[To eat, I mean.] (grrr) Sakura--"I tested it last night!" Touya--"Thanks." (pat pat) Pg. 143 Sakura--"U-um! There's something I want to give Yukito-san, so" Sakura--"So invite him over when you come back please!" (wave wave) (sigh) Sakura--"Morning!" (pata pata) Fujitaka--"Good morning." Pg. 144 Sakura--"Oniichan's always at work isn't he." Sakura--[He already bought a motorcycle.] Fujitaka--"He wants to save up for college himself." Sakura--"?I see." Sakura--"Oh, that's right." Sakura--"Here." Sakura--"Since today's Valentine's Day." Fujitaka--"Thank you for this year too." Pg. 145 Fujitaka--"Who's the heart shaped one for?" Sakura--"Hoe!?" Sakura--[Wh-what] Sakura--[How do you know about it?] Fujitaka--[You used the heart shaped mold.] Sakura--[Oh, I see.] Fujitaka--"I hope they like it." Sakura--"?Yeah." Pg. 146 Sakura--"Morning!" [Morning Sakura-chan.] (zewa zewa) Sakura--"Everyone looks like they're having fun." Rika--"Because Today's Valentines Day." Chiharu--[Ah! It's Yamazaki-kun!] Chiharu--"Here!" Yamazaki--"Thank you." (gara) Syaoran--[morning.] Pg. 147 Sakura--"Morning, Syaoran-kun!" (blush) Syaoran--"M-morning." Yamazaki--"Do you know? A long time ago chocolate was very dangerous and kids weren't supposed to eat it." Yamazaki--"A long time ago they put good tasting drugs in chocolate, and it made you feel good when you ate it. It was big trouble." Chiharu--[Another lie?] Yamazaki--"Hey! I bet you know about it Hiiragizawa-kun!" Eriol--[Good morning.] Pg. 148 Chiharu--"Listen, Hiiragizawa-kun isn't?" Chiharu--[He's honest, not like you.] Eriol--"You know a lot, don't you." [whaaaat!?] (gan) Sakura--"Really!?" Eriol--"In old Europe there was a law made that no one under twenty could eat chocolate." Yamazaki--"Everyone who broke the law got severely punsihed." Pg. 149 Eriol--"Right." Eriol--"In Europe there was a book that had all the details of the laws written against chocolate." [whaaaaaat!?] Yamazaki--[right, right] Yamazaki--"White chocolate was a pretty heavy crime." Eriol--"Almond chocolate too." (gashi) Pg. 150 Yamazaki--"Hiiragizawa-kun, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Eriol--"Definitely." Naoko--[Hiiragizawa-kun and Yamazaki-kun are compatible types.] (smile smile) Pg. 151 Sakura--"It's good that?we were born now." Syaoran--"R?right." [It's bad to eat chocolate] Sakura--[But why was white chocolate the worst crime?] Syaoran--[Dunno?] (o ho ho ho ho) Ruby Moon Pg. 152 Nakuru--"Touya-kun!" (tou) Touya--"Wah!" (besha) [Jumped from 2 floors.] Nakuru--"Here!" Nakuru--"Valentine's Chocolate!" (nyan) Pg. 153 Touya--"Why me?" Nakuru--"Because I like you." Touya--"?Listen." Nakuru--"And in return I want something special from you." Nakuru--"It's only common courtesy." Pg. 154 (gui) (suton) Touya--"Give those to someone else. I've decided." Touya--"That?" Touya--"I?Already have someone I like." Pg. 155 Nakuru--"One hundred points!" Nakuru--[Next comes the wreath of flowers!] Nakuru--"Oh, Touya--kun, you're so cool!" Nakuru--[Even if the chocolates Eriol made were useless.] Nakuru--"?But." Nakuru--"You don't know what to give your partner." Nakuru--"And I don't think you'll get anything in return." Pg. 156 (Ding Dong Dang Dong) Tomoyo--"Have you given Tsukishiro-san your chocolate yet?" Sakura--"No, not yet." Sakura--"But today when I go home Oniichan's having him over." Sakura--[Seijou gets out after noon so I have to hurry home.] (nsho nsho) Tomoyo--[Well, since I'm on cleaning duty I'll give this to you know.] Tomoyo--"Valentines chocolate." Sakura--[Wow!] Sakura--"Arigato!" Pg. 157 Sakura--"Then I'm off!" Tomoyo--[Take care.] Syaoran--"U-um?!" Sakura--[Hoe?] Sakura--"What?" Syaoran--"?See you tomorrow." Sakura--[Ho-hoe?!] Pg. 158 Sakura--"Then see you tomorrow!" Tomoyo--"Aren't you giving it to her?" (pata pata) Syaoran--"W-what?" Tomoyo--"Chocolates for Sakura." Tomoyo--[You're a good cook, and you studied so enthusiastically that I'm sure you made some.] [Bingo] Syaoran--"She's?busy, so that's okay." Tomoyo--"You're really nice." Pg. 159 Syaoran--"Not?! Not really nice?!!" (o ho ho ho ho) Syaoran--"Be?besides there's something I have to investigate." Tomoyo--"What?" Syaoran--"?That coat." Pg. 160 (click) Eriol--"I'm home." Spinel--"Welcome back, Eriol." Spinel--"?You're the target of some magic." Eriol--"As expected Spinel." Pg. 161 Spinel--"Eastern magic?someone of Chinese descent is tracking you down." Spinel--"?But he's failed." Eriol--"Because of my defense." (suuuu) Spinel--"Who?" Eriol--"My cute descendant." Eriol--"He's looking for the owner of the coat left with Sakura-san before." Pg. 162 Spinel--"He must be unusually brave to tackle searching for Clow Reed through something he wore." (to) Spinel--"?Sounds like fun, Eriol." Eriol--"Definitely fun." Eriol--"Very." Eriol--"?From now on things will be a lot of fun." Pg. 163 Sakura--"I'm home." Sakura--"Yukito-san came!" (patatatata) (click) Yukito--"Welcome back Sakura-chan." Sakura--"I'm?home." (hanyaan) Pg. 164 Yukito--"I hear from Touya that you wanted something from me." Sakura--"U?um!" Sakura--"Here." Sakura--"Chocolate?" Yukito--[Wow.] Touya--"The monster made it, so you never know what's in it." Pg. 165 (mukki) Sakura--"What did you say!?" Yukito--[That's not true.] Yukito--"It's very delicious." Sakura--"Hm?" (hanyaaaan) (munch munch munch) Pg. 166 Fujitaka--"I'm glad he liked the chocolate you gave him." Sakura--"Yeah!" :But why did I make four?: Sakura--"Say Dad, did Mom ever give you chocolate?" Fujitaka--"Every year she made some." Sakura--"But mom was bad at cooking, right?" Fujitaka--"Yes. But she did her best." Pg. 167 Fujitaka--"My share and Touya-kun's share and" Fujitaka--"Sonomi-san's share and?" Fujitaka--"And her favorite Grandfather's share." Fujitaka--"From when she married to when she died, always." Sakura--"Grandfather..." Fujitaka--"Yes?Every year she would work hardest on his present." Pg. 168 Sakura--"What happened to him?" Fujitaka--"He's fine." Fujitaka--"I only met him once." Sakura--"Why?" Fujitaka--"?Grandfather is the same as Sonomi-san." Fujitaka--"They truly, truly treasured Nadeshiko-san." Fujitaka--"And because I stole their precious Nadeshiko they thought I was bad?" Sakura--"You're not bad!" Sakura--"I may not remember Mom at all but" Sakura--"But in pictures Mom is always happy!" Pg. 169 Sakura--"Without you and Mom I wouldn't have been born" Sakura--"I'm really happy!" Fujitaka--"?Thanks." :Mom's Grandpa, I wonder if he still thinks that Dad is a bad person.: :Dad is wonderful.: :Dad isn't a bad person.: Pg. 170 Sakura--"That's it!" Sakura--"What if I give this chocolate to Mom's Grandpa!?" Sakura--"?But maybe since I made it, it'll be bad?" Fujitaka--"No." Pg. 171 Fujitaka--"I'm sure he?ll be very happy." Sakura--[Oh! But, but] Sakura--"But how will I deliver it!?" (gan) Fujitaka--"That's okay." Sakura--"Really?" Fujitaka--"I know someone who'll definitely deliver it." Pg. 172 Sakura--"Say! What did Mom usually give as a present?" (pata pata) Fujitaka--"Chocolate, a letter?and she attached Nadeshiko flowers." Sakura--"Nadeshiko flowers!?" Sakura--[Hoeeeee] Sakura--"The flower shop's already closed." (kakkuri) Sakura--"That's it!" Pg. 173 Sakura--"Wait a minute!" (pata pata pata pata) (BANG) (ow ow ow) Kero--"What the?" Sakura--"Sorry!" (paaan) Sakura--"Release!" Pg. 174 (Paaaaa) Sakura--"Bestow upon me, Nadeshiko flowers!" (paaaaa) Pg. 175 Sakura--"Flower!" Pg. 176 Kero--"Why'd you need to use magic to get flowers?" Sakura--"I need these flowers to go with the chocolate and the letter!" :Dad and Mom and Oniichan and Me: :Are all happy: Pg. 177 Sonomi--"Calling me like this." Sonomi--"You really are brave Sensei." Fujitaka--"I thought maybe you could deliver this." Fujitaka--"It's for Sakura's Great Grandfather." Sonomi--"?Valentines chocolate." Pg. 178 Sonomi--"Every year from Nadeshiko." Sonomi--"A compliment and delicious chocolate." Sonomi--"When she married you I was so happy to get her letter and?" Sonomi--"Nadeshiko flowers." Pg. 179 Sonomi--"Since Sakura-chan's the one that made it." Sonomi--"I'll deliver it to Grandfather today." Sonomi--[But I'm the boss.] Fujitaka--"Thank you." (vrooom) Pg. 180 Sakura--"I get it!" Sakura--"Tomoyo-chan's Mom will deliver it so it's okay!" Kero--"Tomoyo's Mom," Kero--"Is your Mom's cousin, eh?" Kero--"But" Kero--"The only reason you made four chocolates" Kero--"Is 'cause you're a clutz!" Kero--[Sakura's power is strong enough that she's having premonitions.] (a ha ha ha ha) (dota bata dota bata) Sakura--[Clumsy, what the!] (steaming) Pg. 181 (su) Sakura--"?I hope it makes him happy." Sakura--"Right?Mom." 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