Volume Eight Part Two Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 8, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-333984049-X C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1998 This "script? was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Catch You Catch Me page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because?we?re translating the same thing silly! I?d hope they?d be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else?s translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 49 (zuzuzuzuzu) Pg. 50 Kero--"Look out!!" (gasa) (bam) (basa) Pg. 51 (zuzuun) (gura) Pg. 52 (suwa) (GAKUN) (giyu) Sakura--"KYAAAA" Kero--"Sakura! Yue!" (dosa) Tomoyo--"Sakura-chan!!" Pg. 53 Tomoyo--"Are you okay!?" (da) Sakura--"I'm fine!" Sakura--"Yue-san saved me?!" Sakura--"Are you alright!?" Pg. 54 Ruby Moon--"Oh my my." Ruby Moon--"That was quite a fall." (zuzuuun) Spinel Sun--"He didn't have enough power." Spinel Sun--"That girl can't maintain both the 'Sun' and the 'Moon.'" Ruby Moon--"And so it's the 'Moon.'" Pg. 55 Ruby Moon--"The power will have to be supplied from something." Pg. 56 Sakura--"Are you alright!?" Yue--"?yeah." Sakura--"Really and truly!?" Yue--"?Really." Sakura--"?Thank goodness." Pg. 57 (ki) Sakura--"Key with the power of the stars!" Sakura--"Reveal your power before me!" Sakura--"I command you by contract!" Sakura--"Release!!" Pg. 58 Sakura--"Kero-chan!" Sakura--"Take care of Tomoyo-chan and Yue-san!" :I can feel Clow's presence: :This Card won't work either: (paaaaaa) Pg. 59 Kero--"The card changed again!" Sakura--"Jump!!" (gooh) (boing) (bam) (bam) Pg. 60 (goooh) (baki) (baki baki) Sakura--"It's destroying Yukito-san's house!!" Sakura--"How do I stop the teddy bear!?" Yue--"Magic?is making it move?" Yue--"?Find it's source?" Pg. 61 Kero--"That's it!!" (zu zan) Kero--"Sakura! Ya gotta find the source of the magic that's controlling the bear!" Sakura--"What source!?" Kero--"The place where the magic's strongest!" (ban) (gasp) Pg. 62 Sakura--"It's in the ear!!" Kero--"So cut it off!" Sakura--"Sword!!" (paaaaa) Pg. 63 (tan) (ba) Sakura--"I can't reach!?" (GOH) Pg. 64 (Bam) Kero--"No good! It?s impossible without using Fly!!" Kero--"Fly needs the wings of the staff to fly!" Kero--"But Sword will need the staff too!" Pg. 65 (doka) (gara gara gara) Sakura--"Look out!!" (paaa) Tomoyo--"Kyaa!" (saba) Pg. 66 (to) (shururururu) (flutter) Pg. 67 :Please: :I have to use Sword again: :And I also need to reach the sky.: (paaaaa) (ba) Sakura--"Fly!" Pg. 70 Sakura--"Sword!!" (zan) (flutter) Pg. 71 (shuuuuu) (uuuuu) (koron) Cerberus--"Good job Sakura!" Pg. 72 (flutter) (kasa) Sakura--"This?" Sakura--"This is the same was the Clow Card's magic circle." Pg. 73 Eriol--"?As expected" Eriol--"Sakura-san." Pg. 74 Syaoran--"The teddy bear grew enormous!?" Syaoran--[That thing!?] Sakura--"m, mmhm" Sakura--[I was surprised too.] [still sleepy] Syaoran--"Why didn't you call me?" Sakura--[I'm sorry.] Sakura--"I was over at Yukito-san's house and didn't think of it." Sakura--[And then the teddy bear I made got huge] Sakura--"This is from Tomoyo." Sakura--[For me and Kero-chan and you.] (rustle rustle) Sakura--"It's a new product from Tomoyo-chan's mom's company." Sakura--[Tomoyo-chan has one too.] Sakura--"I'll contact you next time." Pg. 75 Sakura--"I promise." (blush) Syaoran--"You went to him?to give him?the bear, didn't you?" Sakura--"Y-yeah." Sakura--"But I put a hole in it with Sword, so I couldn't give it to him." Sakura--[It was really hard to lie to Yukito-san.] Sakura--[I just fixed it.] Pg. 76 Sakura--[Oh!] Sakura--"I-I'm sorry." Sakura--"I forgot that you l-l-like Yukito-san too?!" Syaoran--"?No." Sakura--"Hoe?" Syaoran--"You're wrong about me." Syaoran--"Yesterday I finally understood." Syaoran--"The one I li?like is?" Syaoran--"Som?someone else." Sakura--"Someone else?" Pg. 77 Sakura--"Who?" Syaoran--"?Sa-" Pg. 78 Sakura--"Ah!" Sakura--"I shouldn't have asked!" Sakura--[I'm sorry Syaoran-kun!] (blush) Sakura--[oh] Sakura--"By the way." Sakura--"What's that?" (ACK) Sakura--[Hoe?!] (Zoom) Pg. 79 Sakura--"Wh-what the?" (hyu) (koron) Sakura--"A teddy bear?" Pg. 80 Yukito--"No matter how much I eat, I'm never full?" Yukito--"And it's getting worse?" Yukito--"Lately my memory isn't working?" Yukito--"It's really weird?" Yukito--"I noticed that around the house are a lot of broken things?" Yukito--"Sakura-chan kindly gave me a teddy bear, and sometime the ear was torn?and I don't remember at all?" Pg. 81 Yukito--"Now that I think about it?That boy had a teddy bear too." Yukito--"I wonder who he'll give it to?" (suu) Yukito--"?Why?" Yukito--"?Am I so tired?" Pg. 82 Touya--"Yu?" Touya--"?Yuki." (pa) Yukito--"To-ya." Yukito--"Is the soccer meeting over?" Touya--"?yeah." Pg. 83 (ton) Yukito--"What?" Touya--"?Every time I try and talk to you something gets in the way." Touya--"?Yuki, you may not think that I know, but?" Touya--"No, maybe you don't know either?" Pg. 84 Touya--"I" Touya--"I won't let you disappear." Yukito--"?Why would I disappear?" Touya--"Just listen." Pg. 85 Touya--"Listen." Touya--"Yuki." Touya--"You?" Yue Pg. 86 (za) Nakuru--"You!?" Touya--"Ack!!" Nakuru--"I was just taking a nap." Nakuru--"But I heard Touya-kun's voice." Nakuru--[A ha ha ha ha] (Ding dong dang dong) Nakuru--[Oh, Lunch break's over.] Nakuru--"You've got day duty, right?" Nakuru--[Better hurry and see the teacher.] Touya--"Akizuki?" Nakuru--"Na Ku Ru" Nakuru--[what?] Pg. 87 Touya--"?Do you do that on purpose?" Nakuru--"Do what?" Touya--?I'm going now." Nakuru--[Right! See you in class!] Nakuru--[As expected] Nakuru--"?I wonder if he really does suspect anything." Nakuru--"But you really don't understand anything do you?" Pg. 88 Nakuru--"Well" Nakuru--"'Things that were made before' just aren't what they used to be." Nakuru--"There's something I want from Touya-kun." Nakuru--"So don't get in the way, okay?" Pg. 89 Spinel--"So here you are, Ruby Moon." Nakuru--[Ah! Suppi!" Spinel--[WHO is Suppi!?] Nakuru--"While I'm in this form call me Nakuru." Spinel--[Well then, why don't I call you Nakuru-kun?] (poke) Spinel--"So is that the guy you thought looked like a fun snack?" Pg. 90 Nakuru--"Right" Nakuru--"Touya Kinomoto." Nakuru--"A delicious looking guy, huh?" Spinel--"He probably has a great deal of power." Nakuru--[Right!] Nakuru--"As expected of the brother of the new Clow Card mistress!" Nakuru--[Sakura-chan's cute too! 'Very Cute' I say!" Nakuru--"But in the meantime." Nakuru--"I'll just be mean to that interference who's selfishly disappearing" Spinel--"That's good." Pg. 91 Spinel--"And.' Spinel--"Why do I have to bring your lunch when you forget it?" Nakuru--[Because! Eriol made it for me!! Geez!] To be continued. ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~