Volume Seven Part Three Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 7, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-333989-0 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1998 This "script" was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because…we're translating the same thing silly! I'd hope they'd be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else's translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 95 :The Sun and: (go go go go go go go) Pg. 96 :The Moon: (go go go go go go go) :…Being covered up…: Pg. 97 :Who…?: :You…: :…of Fire…: Pg. 98 Sakura-"hm…?" Fujitaka-"Are you okay? Can you wake up?" Sakura-"Mph…I feel sleepy…" (rub) Pg. 99 Fujitaka-"You don't have a fever but…" Fujitaka-"I should call the doctor." (waver waver) Sakura-"I'm fine, just a little tired." Sakura-"Dad, Oniichan, go to school." (kuu) (pata) Sakura-"Really, I'm fine…" (yawn) Sakura-"…See." Pg. 100 Fujitaka-"Then I'll be off." (zzzzzz) [Pretending to be a stuffed animal] (Biku) (shut) Pg. 101 Touya-"…Geez." Touya-"Something's happening again." Pg. 102 Kero-"I know the 'Niichan suspects something." Kero-[This'll piss him off.] (sob sob sob sob) (zzzzz) :I know…Dad and Eriol-kun look alike…: :But there's another person he looks like…: Pg. 103 Kero-"Sakura! Hey!" (zzzzz) (tap tap) Kero-"Sakura!" Kero-[I still need to talk to her.] Kero-"She's never been tired like this!" (zzzzzz) (turn) Kero-[hey, hey] Pg. 104 (parararara) (fuwa) (turn) Pg. 105 Kero-"…The card changed." Nakuru Akizuki Pg. 106 [Yea! Yea!] Chiharu-"Sakura-chan's missing." Rika-"I wonder why." (sigh) Pg. 107 Tomoyo-"Do you want to go to Sakura-chan's house together today?" Tomoyo-[We'll do a visit to a sick person] (Gack!) Syaoran-"Wh-Why me!" Tomoyo-"Sakura-chan would be happy to see you." (nod) Pg. 108 Yamazaki-"Hiiragizawa-kun, you're good at this." Chiharu-[wow] Chiharu-"No kidding." Naoko-"You're amazing Hiiragizawa-kun." Eriol-"I've gotten used to it." Naoko-"Do you always do it at home?" Eriol-"Yeah." Tomoyo-"Just like you Li-kun." (mu) (disgust disgust) Naoko-"Do you live alone?" Eriol-"No." Pg. 109 Eriol-"With two…" Eriol-"No, with 3 people." (smile) Pg. 110 Yukito-"Tooya." (sigh) (DON) Touya-"How do you always bring a bigger lunch than I expect?" (dosa) Yukito-[A ha ha ha ha] Yukito-"I'm always hungrier than I expect." Yukito-[Every morning I eat a lot too.] Pg. 111 Touya-"Yuki." Yukito-"Hm?" Youya-"You probably don't remember what I was saying before, but…" Touya-"I…You…" (Wow) (da) Pg. 112 (swish) (squeal) [Nakuru-chan, you're awesome!] [cool!] [A girl who can hold her own with the boys in basketball, how cool!] (turn) Pg. 113 Nakuru-"Touya-kun!" Yukito-"Akizuki-san's amazing, but she hasn't joined any clubs." Yukito-[She could be the captain of any of the athletics clubs] Touya-"…Sounds like you." Yukito-"You mean since I haven't joined any clubs?" Touya-"That's not it." Pg. 114 Sakura-[Mmmm!!] Sakura-"I slept a lot!" Kero-"No kidding, you slept." Sakura-[Hoeee!?] Sakura-"It's already Three!?" (ding dong) Sakura-[huh?] Sakura-"Coming!" Sakura-"Tomoyo-chan! Syaoran-kun!" Pg. 115 Tomoyo-"How are you feeling?" Sakura-"I'm great! But I was a little sleepy." [Changed clothes] Kero-[Yeah, you shoulda heard her snore.] Sakura-[Kero-chan!] Tomoyo-"Oh yeah," Tomoyo-"We made these today in home ec." Tomoyo-[I thought I'd bring them for the visit.] Tomoyo-"This is the one I made, and" Tomoyo-"That's the one Li-kun made." Sakura-[Wow, they look delicious.] Pg. 116 Sakura-"Thanks, Syaoran-kun." Sakura-[Thank you too, Tomoyo-chan.] (blush) Sakura-[Delicious] Kero-[The one Kid Priest here made's only so so] Syaoran-[What was that?] Tomoyo-"But" Tomoyo-"Why this time? You're usually not tired like that." Pg. 117 Tomoyo-[Nothing like this has ever happened before.] Sakura-[Right.] Syaoran-[But aren't you always running late for school?] Sakura-[Uh… that is…] Kero-"It's because it's a new card." Sakura-"What!?" Kero-"Yesterday Sakura used the Fiery card." Kero-"It seemed to be different from Clow magic." Kero-"Look." Pg. 118 Kero-"Fiery has changed from the way it was before." Sakura-"…You're right." Tomoyo-"The back is different too." Kero-"It's the same magic. But last night the magic was different." Pg. 119 Sakura-"The staff changed too." Sakura-"The star started to glow." Sakura-"And the wings were bigger." Sakura-"Now it's the way it was." Kero-"This Fiery used to be made by Clow, but now it's made by Sakura's own magic." Pg. 120 Sakura-"A Card made by me!?" Pg. 121 Tomoyo-"Then that means…" Tomoyo-"The Clow Cards made by Sakura-chan have become The Sakura-Chan Cards!" Sakura-[Ho…Hoe?] [spellbound] Tomoyo-"The Sakura-Chan Cards that you made yourself are so powerful that they can fight anything!" Tomoyo-"It's wonderful!" Tomoyo-[The changes in the staff promise a new opponent!] Pg. 122 Sakura-[C…Calling them the "Sakura-Chan Cards" is a little…] Tomoyo-[Well, how about the "Sakura Cards?] Sakura-[Some…somehow that sounds like a bank card…] Tomoyo-[Sakura Cards] [spellbound] Syaoran-"Then that's why she has to sleep." Kero-"Up until now, she's been using the Clow Cards that Clow made." Kero-"Of course using your own power is necessary, but." Kero-"Clow put a lot of his own power into them in order to make them work." Pg. 123 Kero-"But making a new card uses Sakura's own magic." Sakura-"So that's why I was so tired." Syaoran-"But," Syaoran-"Why won't the Clow Cards work?" Pg. 124 Kero-"…Last night." Kero-"Sakura was in danger and Yue and I couldn't help." Sakura-"Don't worry, I was fine." Kero-"That's not what I'm worried about." Kero-"We were in our other forms." Kero-"And we couldn't even move a step." Pg. 125 Kero-"The only one's who can affect a Clow Cards transformations are me, Yue, and one other guy." Kero-"Right now, the masters of the Cards are Sakura and…" Kero-"Clow Reed." Pg. 126 (click) Spinel-"Welcome back, Eriol." Pg. 127 Eriol-"I'm back, Spinel." Eriol-"Did you spend today reading again?" Spinel-"You left behind a lot of interesting books here." Eriol-"…That was a long time ago." Pg. 128 Nakuru-"I'm home! Suppi!" Spinel-[Who's Suppi?] Spinel-"Welcome back." Spinel-"How was it? Japanese schools that is." Nakuru-"Interesting." Nakuru-"I found something good." Spinel-"You've got fast hands. You should learn to have a little more patience." Nakuru-"But there's this annoying kid near him." Nakuru-"So I'll just use this patience to get this tasty treat." Pg. 129 Spinel-"But," Spinel-"Shouldn't you be wearing a boy's uniform?" Nakuru-"It's great! The girl's uniform is much cuter!" Nakuru-[The skirt really suits me.] (twirl) Nakuru-"But then, gender really isn't a question." Nakuru-"I'm not even human." Nakuru-"Do you like it here?" Nakuru-"In Tomoeda." Pg. 130 Eriol-"…Yes." Eriol-"It is where I died after all." Pg. 131 Eriol-"Key which hides the power of darkness, reveal your true power to me." Eriol-"I command you by contract." (pou) Eriol-"Release." (paa) Pg. 132 Eriol-"Return to your true form." (paaaaa) Pg. 133 (fuaaa) (ka) Pg. 134 Eriol-"Spinel Sun." Pg. 135 Eriol-"Ruby Moon." Pg. 136 Spinel Sun-"We are your creations." Spinel sun-"Eriol." Eriol-"My last incarnation was Clow Reed." Ruby-"Why have we come here?" Pg. 137 Eriol-"…There's something that I want." The End ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~