Volume Seven Part Two Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 7, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-333989-0 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1998 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because…we're translating the same thing silly! I'd hope they'd be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else's translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 49 Kero-"This presence!?" (zaba) (gooooo) Sakura-"Shield!!" (vuun) Pg. 50 (sushi) Sakura-"Kyaaaaa!!" (Don) Pg. 51 Tomoyo-"Sakura-chan!!" Kero-"Sakura!!" Sakura-"I-I'm okay…" (shuuu) (flutter) Kero-"Retreat!" Sakura-"But…!" Kero-"The Clow Cards are useless!" Kero-"Retreat!" Pg. 52 Kero-"Hurry!!" (gyu) Sakura-"Let's go!" (da) Kero-"No way." Kero-"We couldn't have lost." (splash splash) Kero-"But that presence!!" Pg. 53 ( zaaaaaa) Pg. 54 (zaaaaa) Sakura-"…I wonder why my magic wouldn't work at all." (scrub scrub) Sakura-"What do you think?" [shower] Kero-"…Sakura." Kero-"Tomorrow have the Snow Bunny come over." Sakura-"Yukito-san? What for?" Kero-"I have an errand with Yue." Pg. 55 Kero-"I want to warn him." Eriol Hiiragizawa Pg. 56 (zaaaa) Touya-"You're up early, monster." [on duty] Sakura-"Uhh…Umm…" Sakura-"Is Yukito-san coming over?" Touya-[Yuki?] Touya-"Wasn't planning on it." Sakura-[Aarrgh] Touya-"What?" Sakura-"Uh, um…Yukito-san…" Sakura-"Uh, um…" Pg. 57 Sakura-[arrgh] Touya-"If there was something great he'd come over." Touya-[that guy] (turn) Sakura-"I'll make it! Today I'll do my best and make dinner!!" Touya-"Well, I'll invite him over." Touya-"The monster's cooking is really an occasion." Touya-[It might be dangerous for one's life] Sakura-"What did you say!?" :But…I wonder what Kero-chan has to talk to Yue-san about?: :It must be about what happened last night.: Pg. 58 (zaaaaaa) Chiharu-"The rain isn't stopping." Rika-"It's not raining outside of Tomoeda." (zaaaaaa) Rika-"I heard it on the news." Naoko-"These are really extra-ordinary circumstances!" (sparkle sparkle) (shiver shiver) {That rain is definitely not normal rain.} {But I caught all of the Clow Cards. Why…?} Pg. 59 (su) Sakura-"Hoe?" Sakura-"Eriol-kun!" Eriol-"Here." Eriol-[Because I brought flowers for the classroom.] Pg. 60 Eriol-"You're at your best when you're smiling." Sakura-[Thank you.] :Eriol-kun is nice.: (run run run run run) (DAN) Syaoran-"MORNING!!" [saw everything] Sakura-"M-morning." Pg. 61 Tomoyo-"Good morning." Tomoyo-[o ho ho ho] (gabi gabi) Sakura-[Morning.] (glare) (smile) Sakura-[Hoe?] (turn turn) Tomoyo-[The tension is rising.] Pg. 62 (zaaaa) Syaoran-"The Clow Cards!?" Sakura-"Watery was swallowed." Sakura-"And then it came after us." Sakura-"And it passed through Shield." Syaoran-"But I thought you wrote your name on them all." Sakura-"Yeah." Syaoran-"What's going on?" Syaoran-"This rain is really strange…" Sakura-"But I caught all of the cards…" Pg. 63 Syaoran-"…Who would use this kind of power?" Sakura-"But I couldn't sense anything…" Syaoran-"It could be that you just couldn't discern it." Syaoran-"It could be that the owner has a stronger power than us." Sakura-"A stronger power than us…" Pg. 64 (zaaaaaa) Touya-"Oh, it's Sakura." Yukito-"huh?" Yukito-[where?] (grab) Touya-[Why's she near that brat!?] Yukito-"It's true." Yukito-[You've got good eyes, Touya.] Touya-"Yuki…" Pg. 65 Yukito-"What?" Touya-"I…You…" Pg. 66 Nakuru-"Touya-kun!!" (BA) Touya-[ugh] Nakuru-"The teacher was calling you." Nakuru-[Better bring those papers fast!!] Touya-"…I'm going." Touya-"Yuki, hand me those papers." Touya-[I'll take them myself.] Yukito-[It'll be heavy.] Touya-"Akizuki…" Nakuru-"Nakuru is fine." Pg. 67 Touya-"Get off." Nakuru-"A ha ha ha ha ha" Nakuru-[See you!] (turn) Pg. 68 Nakuru-"…See you later." Yukito-"huh?" Pg. 69 Nakuru-"And then" Nakuru-"I'll receive something." Pg. 70 (zaaaaa) Yukito-"It was a feast." Touya-"A feast." {Culture note: In Japan before you begin eating you say, "Itadakimasu" and when you finish you say, "Gochisousama." Which literally means, 'that was a feast.' ^_^) Yukito-"Sakura-chan you're good at cooking." Yukito-[The hamburger au gratin was delicious.] (blush) Touya-"I have to go to my job." Yukito-"I'll help you tidy up." Yukito-[In payment for the meal.] Sakura-[Thank you.] Yukito-"It's still raining." Pg. 71 Touya-"…Strange rain." Yukito-"What?" Yukito-[did you say something?] (BA) Touya-"No." Touya-"Later." (flap flap) Yukito-"See you." (shut) Pg. 72 Kero-"Return to thy true form. Yue." (fuasa) (pa) (basa) Pg. 73 Kero-"Why is it" Kero-"That whenever you wake up you're always in a bad mood." Kero-[You're always the worst after you wake up.] Yue-"…Yukito is…" Kero-"huh?" Yue-"My temporary form and my true form are different people, it's becoming an annoyance." Kero-[What're you talking about?] Pg. 74 (go po po po) Sakura-[hm?] Sakura-"Hoeee!!" Pg. 75 Sakura-"Yue-san, your tea…" Kero-"That one doesn't eat food." Sakura-"Hoe?" Sakura-[Is that so?] Sakura-"But Kero-chan, you're always eating sweet things." [The wings were in the way.] Kero-"I don't have to eat, but I think it's sad not to go along. Yue and I are just different that we don't have to eat." Kero-[life's just fun that way.] (fu) Sakura-[So you just eat out of stubbornness?] Kero-"Seconds." Sakura-"Okay." (kara) (pata pata) Pg. 76 Kero-"What do you think of this rain?" Yue-"Someone is probably intentionally making it rain." Kero-"I think so too." (paaa) Pg. 77 (fuaaaza) (paaa) Cerberus-"But the question is who." (basaa) Pg. 78 (open) Sakura-"Sorry to keep you waiting." Sakura-"Hoeee!!!" Kero-[What? What?] Sakura-"Oh, you surprised me." Cerberus-[And just what were you thinking?] Pg. 79 Cerberus-[Where's Tomoyo?] Sakura-[I called her, but her mom was making dinner.] (flicker) Sakura-"So Yukito-san doesn't remember being Yue." Sakura-[The time while you're Yue.] Yue-"…Right." Sakura-"Then when you're Yue?" Sakura-[What about when you transform back into Yukito-san?] Pg. 80 Yue-"I remember everything from my temporary form." Sakura-[Is-is that so?] :Why am I nervous?: :Yue-san and Yukito-san: :I don't think they're really the same person: :Yue-san is really pretty but Yukito-san is…: (go go go go go go) Pg. 81 (Bashi) Cerberus-"Sakura!!" (dashi) (gakun) Cerberus-"What the!?" (gu gu gu gu gu) Yue-"I can't…move…" Pg. 82 (Zaba) Sakura-"Kya!" Cerberus-"Sakura!!" (gooooo) Pg. 83 (gu gu gu gu gu) Yue-"This power…!" Cerberus-"I knew it…!" Pg. 84 Sakura-"I can't…!" Sakura-"Breathe…!" Sakura-{And during this, I and} (goooo) Sakura-{Everyone will…!} (Gooooo) Sakura-{No…} (grip) Pg. 85 Sakura-{Absolutely Not!!} Pg. 86 (kashi) (paaaaa) Yue-"This magic…" Pg. 87 Cerberus-"Isn't Clow magic!" Pg. 88 Sakura-{Card-san, please!} Sakura-{Fight with me!!} (paaaa) (spin spin) (bashi) Pg. 89 Sakura-"Fiery!!" (goo) (gooooooo) Pg. 90 (DON) Cerberus-"She did it!!" Pg. 91 (land) Sakura-"The wings on the staff…" Sakura-"The card changed…" Pg. 92 Cerberus-"Sakura!!" Sakura-"Kero-chan, Yue-san, he…re…" (faint) Cerberus-"Is she okay!?" Cerberus-[Where's she hurt?!] Yue-"She's asleep." (koke) Pg. 93 (zaku zaku) Mysterious Figure 1-"She's determined." Mysterious Figure 2-"New Magic." Mysterious Figure 3-"…This will be fun." (Wild guess as to who these mysterious figures are ^_~) The End ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~