Volume Seven Part One Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 7, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-333989-0 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1998 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anythingblatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because…we're translating the same thing silly! I'd hope they'd be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else's translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 3 {From here on "I" may be trouble for you, but…} {You'll always be alright.} Pg. 8 :Who…: :Who…?: Pg. 9 :…I know…: :I've met him before…: :…this person…: (ring ring ring ring ring) Pg. 10 (ring ring ring ring ring) (sitting up) Kero-"You're finally awake." Sakura-"huh?" (rub rub) Sakura-"A dream…?" Kero-"Didja have some kinda weird dream?" Sakura-"Yeah." Kero-"What kind?" Sakura-"It was.." Kero-"huh?" Kero-"huh?" Sakura-"I forgot." (tehe) (jump up) Kero-"How could you do that!!" Pg. 11 :I'm Sakura Kinomoto. I go to Tomoeda Elementary.: :My favorite classes are gym and music. Recently I started liking Math a little bit. But anyway, I'm an energetic girl.: Kero-[here.] Sakura-[thanks.] :This is Kero-chan.: :His real name is 'Cerberus-san.': :He's the protector for the magic Clow Cards I use. The 'Guardian of the Seal.' But he's not really a stuffed animal.: Pg. 12 :Right now I still can't control the big Kero-chan very well in that form.: :And: (pata pata) Sakura-{bag, bag] :These are the Clow Cards: (click) :They were made by a famous sorcerer, Clow Reed, to perform magic with.: :Once the cards were scattered all over, so I had to go collect them. And now they belong to me.: Pg. 13 {From now on "I" may be a problem to you.} {But you'll 'Always be alright.} : "I may be trouble," what's that supposed to mean?: Pg. 14 Kero-"Hurry, you're late!" (Ack!) (pata pata pata) Sakura-"Morning!!" (tote te te te te t e) Touya-"You're late." :My big brother Touya.: (grrr) :He goes to Seijou High School nest to the Elementary School. And as usual he's being mean.: Pg. 15 :Just becasuse he's bigger than me.: (pofu) :I can't even grow a centimeter, it's embaaaarrasing!" (grrr) (wave wave wave wave) Fujitaka-"Goog morning." Sakura-"Morning Dad!" Touya-[morning.] :My dad, Fujitaka-san.: :From our house he takes the bus and three trains to get to Touwa University where he teaches Archeology.: :He's nice and can do anything. I looove him.: Pg. 16 :My mom, Nadeshiko-san, died when I was three, but,: :There are lots of pictures of her as decorations, and I hear lots of stories about her from Dad and Oniichan, so I'm not lonley.: Sakura-[It's mortifying, but they're delicious.] Touya-[Well, they're better than the monster could make.] (kick) Pg. 17 Sakura-"I'm off." Touya-"I'm off." Fujitaka-"I'm off too." Sakura-"See you!" Sakura-[hm?] Sakura-"Wait!" (zoom) Sakura-"I asked you to wait!" (gasp) Touya-[If I waited I'd be late.] Touya-"Yo." Pg. 18 Sakura-"Yukito-san!!" Yukito-"Morning." :Yukito Tsukishiro-san. He's in the same class as Oniichan and a friend of his.: :But he's really: :Created by Clow Reed to protect the Clow Cards, like Kero-chan.: :His real name is Yue-san.: Pg. 19 :Even with Kero-chan I can't really control Yue-san.: :When he's in the other form of Yukito-san.: :Yukito-san has no memory of Yue.: :But whenever I see Yukito-san I get all, hanyaaan.: [morning] [morning] Tomoyo-"Good morning!" Sakura-"Morning, Tomoyo-chan!" Pg. 20 :Tomoyo Daidouji-chan.: :She helped out with a lot of things while I looked for the Clow Cards. She's my best friend: :She's the daughter of the president of a big toy company. She's smart, really pretty, and a great kid, but: (sigh) Sakura-"What's wrong?" Tomoyo-"You're done catching all the Clow Cards.: Tomoyo-"You won't have a chance to wear my special costumes as often." Tomoyo-"No! There are still lots of clothes for you to wear!" Pg. 21 Tomoyo-"Therefore! I have to videotape them!!" Tomoyo-"I'm ecstatic!" (paaaa) Sakura-[T-tomoyo-chan.] [what? What?] (sigh) :I guess she's a liiiiiiiittle different.: Both-"Morning!" Everyone-"Morning!" Sakura-"Morning, Syaoran-kun." Syaoran-"…morning." Pg. 22 :Syaoran Li-kun: :He's the descendant of Clow Reed, the maker of the Clow Cards.: :While I was catching the cards we had some fights.: (smile) Syaoran-[what?] Sakura-[nothing.] (kaa) :Now we've become sort of good friends, so I'm happy.: Tomoyo-"Li-kun, will you have to go back to Hong Kong?" Syaoran-"Yeah. Now that all the cards are collected and decided on a new master." Syaoran-[I don't have to explain to my mother.] Pg. 23 Sakura-"I see…" Sakura-"But! You can come back, right?" Sakura-[right?] Syaoran-"That's the plan." Sakura-"That's great!" (smile smile) Pg. 24 Sakura-"Oh yeah!" (rustle rustle) Sakura-"It's a reply from Mizuki sensei!" Tomoyo-"Is she okay? Mizuki sensei." Tomoyo-[oh my.] Sakura-"Yep. She's studying hard as a foreign student." :Mizuki Kaho sensei. She taught us Math.: :After I sealed the last Clow Card, she helped me during the 'judgement.': :She's a nice and really pretty person.: "I want to see her." :And once I captured all the Cards, Yue chose me as the new mistress.: :I was really glad.: Pg. 25 :Come to think of it, what was that dream about?: :It was probably an important dream, but I can't remember…: (gara) Terada-"Everyone take their seats." [okay] (wara wara) Terada-"Today I'd like to introduce you to a new exchange student." [Yea!] [I wonder what kind of kid it is?] Sakura-"Just like when you came." Terada-"Come in." Pg. 26 (mushi) Pg. 27 Terada-"Eriol Hiiragizawa-kun has come here from England.' Eriol-"Nice to meet you." (bow) [Wow] {Sign says: Eriol Hiiragizawa} [It's not a girl this time too] [Nice to meet you] [Squeal! So cool!] Eriol-"Nice to meet you." :Huh?…What?…: [again] (disgusted) (gabi gabi) Tomoyo-[oh my.] Pg. 28 {Kaho Sensei Thank you for the letter. Now summer's over and I'm replying from school. It's been hot every day here. How is it where you are? A foreign exchange student came today. He's a boy named Eriol Hiiragizawa. He's from England. He seems nice but} Sakura-"Somehow…it feels like I've met him before…Hiiragizawa-kun." Eriol-"Me too." Sakura-[Hoe?!] Eriol-"Did I scare you?" Sakura-"N-no. I was just a little surprised." Eriol-"That's good." Eriol-[Can I sit next to you?] (nod nod) Pg. 29 Eriol-"I too feel as if this is not our first meeting." Sakura-"Weird huh. Since this is the first time.' Eriol-"Maybe we have met before." Sakura-"eh?" Pg. 30 Eriol-"Before birth." Eriol-"Perhaps we met." Pg. 31 Eriol-"Can I ask your name?" (stand) Sakura-"I', Sakura Kinomoto." Eriol-"That's the name of the beautiful flowers that bloom on trees in Japan in the spring, right?" Eriol-"Is it okay if I call you 'Sakura-san?'" Sakura-"O-okay. Hiiragizawa-kun." (tere) Eriol-"Please call me Eriol, Sakura-san." Tomoyo-"It's like a promise scene in a girl's comic book." Tomoyo-[I thought we'd go to the music room together, so I went looking for her.] Pg. 32 (disgust) Sakura-[Ah!] (stomp stomp) Sakura-"Tomoyo-chan! Syaoran-kun!" (zashi) Tomoyo-[Next is music.] Sakura-[Oh yeah.] Sakura-"Eriol-kun, do you want to come with us?" Eriol-"I'm going back to the classroom." Pg. 33 Tomoyo-[Oh my, oh my.] Sakura-[What is it?] "Goodbye." "Later." Pg. 34 Sakura-"Syaoran-kun, are you okay?" Sakura-"You've been making weird faces…" Tomoyo-"Today Li-kun found something new to worry about." Sakura-"Hoe?" Syaoran-"Wha! Hey! N-no!" Sakura-"Is there anything I can do? Is there? (blush) (bafu) Sakura-"But if you have to return to Hong Kong there's nothing I can do…" Syaoran-"I'm not returning." Sakura-"Hoe?" Syaoran-"…At least for the moment." Pg 35. Sakura-"Really!?" (nod) Sakura-[hurray!] Sakura-"Ah! There's some delicious ice cream!" Sakura-"I'll get some!" Tomoyo-[m-money…] Sakura-"That's okay. My treat!" Sakura-[Wait for me.] Tomoyo-"So it looks like a rival has entered the story." Tomoyo-"You won't return to Hong Kong until this is settled." (o ho ho ho) Syaoran-"That's not it!!" Pg. 36 Sakura-"I got 'em!" (grab) Sakura-"Here." (wiggle wiggle) Sakura-[Hoe?] Sakura-"Oniichan!!" (sigh) Yukito-"That's mean Touya." Yukito-[grabbing it like that.] Touya-[want some?] Tomoyo-[hello.] Sakura-"What!?" Syaoran-[oh.] Yukito-"I'll get you a new one." Sakura-"That's Greeeaaat!!" (looking around) Pg. 39 Touya-"…I'm tired." (sigh) Sakura-"What is it?" Touya-"We got a new foreign exchange student in our class." Sakura-"Ours too." Sakura-[huh?] Sakura-"But why would a transfer student coming make you tired?" Nakuru-"Touya-kun, I was looking for you!" (GLOMP) (boing) Touya-[uhhh] Pg. 38 Nakuru-"Oh, are you Touya-kun's little sister!?" (bow) Sakura-"I'm Sakura Kinomoto." Nakuru-"I'm Nakuru Akizuki." Nakuru-"I'm telling you! You are cute!" (suri suri) (n) Pg. 39 (grab) Nakuru-"See you tomorrow Touya-kun!!" Syaoran-[The ice…] Tomoyo-[She left with it.] Yukito-"What?" Touya-"…Nothing." :A pretty person.: :But, 'I'm telling you…?': :[Oniichan's and my exchange students aren't anything alike]: Pg. 40 Kero-"So an exchange student." Sakura-"There's an exchange student in Oniichan's class too." Kero-"So what's yours like?" Kero-[He's from overseas? Your transfer student.] Sakura-"He's Hiiragizawa Eriol." Sakura-"Ah…" Sakura-"Eriol-kun looks a little like Dad…" (zaa) Sakura-"…Rain…Good thing we did laundry this morning." Kero-"…What weird rain." (zaaaaa) Pg. 41 Weather girl-"This rain is only falling on Tomoeda." Sakura-"Hoe!?" Weather girl-"In the neighborhoods around Tomoeda there is no indication of rain." Weather girl-"Officials have no explanations for this bizzare phenomenon." Kero-"That's no rain." Pg. 42 (zaaaaaaa) Sakura-"…Um." Sakura-"Why this?" Kero-"It's the mysterious rain of Tomoeda!!" Kero-"It's time for Card Captor Sakura!!" Tomoyo-[Ah, it's been a long time since I filmed anything.] Sakura-"But I already caught all the Clow Cards…" Kero-"Sakura!" Pg. 43 Kero-"No way this is a natural phenomenon!" (za za za za) (zaba) Sakura-"Card made by Clow!" Sakura-"Lend thy power to this key!" Sakura-"Thy power shall be released with the use of the key!" Pg. 44 Sakura-"Watery!!" (za za za za za za) Pg. 45 (zu za za) (zu zu zu zu zu) (zu) Pg. 46 (go go go go go go) Sakura-"What!?" (ka) Pg. 47 Sakura-"Kyaaa! Kero-"Sakura!" Tomoyo-"Sakura-chan!!" Sakura-"My magic didn't work!?" To be continued ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~