Volume Four Part Three Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 4, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319844-8 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound becausethey just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 95 (plink plink) Sakura-"Wh-what was that?" Tomoyo-"You must be able to sense lots of things." Sakura-"Hoeeee" (rustle) Pg. 96 Terada-"BOO!" (niyu) Sakura-"Hoeeee!" Tomoyo-"Sakura chan look." (shiver shiver shiver) Pg. 97 Sakura-[Eh!?] Tomoyo-"It's Terada sensei." (a ha ha ha ha) Terada-"I scared you good, Kinomoto." (collapse) Sakura-"ohhhhhhhh." Tomoyo-"It's just a teacher who was sent to scare us, so that's okay." (flutter) Sakura-"Sensei…?" Pg. 98 Tomoyo-"He probably went to scare some other students…?" (shin) Mizuki-[Okay, you two are last.] Yamazaki-[Thank you.] (glare) (smile) Pg. 99 Mizuki-"…Do your best, okay." Pg. 100 Yamazaki-"What is it? Li kun, you're making a scary face." Syaoran-"…This is…!" Pg. 101 (drip drop) Tomoyo-"That's strange." Sakura-"Hoe?" Tomoyo-"There hasn't been anyone trying to scare us since Terada sensei at the beginning." Tomoyo-"…That is" Tomoyo-"I wonder why we haven't seen anyone?" Pg. 102 Tomoyo-"There's only one path to the grotto." Tomoyo-"The teachers should have tried stopping su from getting to the shrine at the spring." Sakura-"R…right." Tomoyo-"And it's strange that we haven't seen anyone on their way back." "KYAAAAAAAAA" Pg. 103 Sakura-"That's Chiharu and the others!" Tomoyo-"Let's go!" (ba) (run run run run) Pg. 104 Sakura-"What happened!?" Chiharu-"Disappeared!" Sakura-"What did!?" Pg. 105 Chiharu-"Everyone disappeared!" Sakura-"Naoko chan!!" Pg. 106 Sakura-"Rika chan! Where's Naoko chan!?" Sakura-"Rika chan!" (fu) Sakura-"Chi…haru…chan…" Pg. 107 Tomoyo-"…Disappeared…" Tomoyo-"…They're gone…" Sakura-"It's the same as Naoko chan's story!!" Sakura-"The teachers must not know!" Sakura-"We've got to go tell them!" Tomoyo-"Right!" Pg. 109 (clatter) Sakura-"Tomoyo chan…!" (woosh) Pg. 110 (da) (ba) Pg. 111 Sakura-"Tomoyo chan's…" Sakura-"Everyone's…" Pg. 112 Syaoran-"Disappeared!?" Sakura-"…yes." (sniff sniff) Syaoran-"They guy I was with, Yamazaki, also disappeared." Sakura-"Is it a ghost!?" Sakura-"A ghost made Tomoyo and the others disappear!?" Pg. 113 Syaoran-"No." Sakura-"But…!" (pora pora) Syaoran-"Calm down!" (gu) Syaoran-"If you calm down you'll understand." Pg. 114 (gyu) Pg. 115 Sakura-"…A Clow Card's" Sakura-"Presence?" Pg. 116 (yura) Pg. 117 (su) Sakura-"Th-thank you." (sniff) Syaoran-"Are you done crying now?" Sakura-"Yes. I'm sorry." Sakura-"…That was nice of you." Syaoran-"It's just that I hate seeing people cry." Pg. 118 Syaoran-"But for the Clow Card to make everyone disappear…" Syaoran-"Where could the card be?" Syaoran-{kin moku sui ka do} Syaoran-{rai fu rai den shin choku } Syaoran-{kyu kyu niyo ritsu riyou} (kata kata kata) Syaoran-"It's at the shrine." (paaaa) Pg. 119 Sakura-"…I wonder what kind of card it is." Syaoran-"I don't know." Syaoran-"Especially approaching it I can't tell." Syaoran-"But it's pitch dark." Sakura-[Ah!] [return trip candle] (ba) Syaoran-"Do you have anything to light it with?" Sakura-"N-no." (shake) Syaoran-"Do you know fire magic?" Sakura-"N-n-no." (shake shake) Syaoran-[sigh] Pg. 120 Syaoran-{kashin} (poof) Sakura-"Amazing!" Syaoran-"You could do this trick even without a Card." Sakura-"But, you can use this magic for cooking and cleaning." Sakura-"You're amazing Li kun!" Syaoran-"L-Let's go!" (walking fast) Sakura-[wait] Pg. 121 Sakura-"Hey, can I ask you something?" Syaoran-"What?" Sakura-"Why do you want to collect the Clow Cards?" Syaoran-"To avoid…" Syaoran-"The worlds destruction." Pg. 122 Sakura-"Clow Card." Sakura-"When it's seal is broken there will be a disaster for the world." Syaoran-"You heard that from Cerberus?" Sakura-"…yes." Syaoran-"The Li family guards a magical book that Clow wrote." Syaoran-"Inside Clow wrote." Pg. 123 Syaoran-"When the Clow Card's seal is broken there will be a disaster for the world." Syaoran-"When the disaster begins, the day of eternity will come because of the heart's prayer." Sakura-"…And that disaster…" Syaoran-"I don't know." Pg. 124 Syaoran-"But Clow's personality changed a lot, he wasn't the kind of person to be upset." Syaoran-"That kind of person saying, 'when disaster begins' and a prayer of destruction…" Syaoran-"That's why I, the Li family's best sorcerer, have now" Syaoran-"come to Japan to collect the cards." Sakura-"But! Kero chan said!" Sakura-"'The disaster can't be planned for, and it's that that person can't plan for.'" Syaoran-"Then it could mean 'for that person it would be a great disaster' ?" Pg. 125 (gasp) (jiwa) Syaoran-"But, but I still don't know." (turn) Syaoran-"Anyway! Now we have to find that Card fast!" (run run run run) Sakura-"R-right." Sakura-"…The bridge is gone…" Pg. 126 (paaa) Syaoran-"I knew it. That shrine?" Sakura-"I'll use Fly to get over there…" Syaoran-"No. The Card would sense it. We've got to use something quieter." Syaoran-{uho} (fuaaa) Sakura-"What?" (sparkle sparkle) (su) Sakura-"Li kun!!" (paaa) Pg. 127 Sakura-"Is that more of your magic?" Syaoran-"You can walk too." Syaoran-[get over here fast.] Syaoran-"I don't know what kind of Card it is. If we find the one for your partner's symbol then he can transform." Syaoran-"Maybe it's in that shrine." Sakura-"Right!" Pg. 128 (suu) Sakura-"Li kun!?" Syaoran-"Keep Calm! You have to do it now while it's in action!" (shuuu) Sakura-"But, but!" Syaoran-"Concentrate!" Pg. 129 Syaoran-"Is it okay with you if everyone disappears!" Sakura-"NO!!" (yuraa) Pg. 130 Sakura-"It's in there!" (da) (ban) (sa) Syaoran-"Now!" (pan) Sakura-"Return to your true form!" Pg. 131 Sakura-"Clow Card!" (shuraaaa) Pg. 132 Sakura-"Erase!?" (shuuu) (suu) Syaoran-"that's why everyone disappeared." Sakura-"You can have it." Sakura-"If you hadn't been here I would have cried and not done anything." Pg. 133 Syaoran-"…That's yours." Sakura-"…Thank you." (blush) Sakura-"Wait! It's Dark!" (Da) (pasha pasha) Pg. 134 Mizuki-"…I wish I could have seen it." Naoko-"I don't remember what happened at the courage test at all." Naoko-[I just woke up in the bungalow.] Chiharu-"Same here." Rika-"Same here." Pg. 135 Yamazaki-"I can't remember either." Yamazaki-[Come to think of it, I was at my bungalow too.] Syaoran-"Erase must have wiped their memories." Sakura-"I see!" Naoko-"By the way, I never finished that story last night." (gulp) Chiharu-"The one where they didn't return from their courage test?" Naoko-"On the other side of the shrine there was a small way out." Naoko-"Everyone saw it and wanted to use it to get out." (disappointed) [shrine] Sakura-"We all thought it was some kind of warning story…" Tomoyo-"Then it wasn't a ghost story." Naoko-"Right." Sakura-"Thank goodness." (sigh) Pg. 136 Naoko-"Oh! But I have a ghost story." (excited excited) (gulp) Sakura-"Let's go play, huh! Huh!" (push push push) Sakura-"Thank you for yesterday." Syaoran-"I don't admit to doing anything for you." Pg. 137 Sakura-"Okay." Sakura-"But I'm still going to say thank you." Chiharu-"Sakura chan!" Sakura-"Coming!" The End. ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~