Volume Four Part One Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 4, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319881-2 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg 7 Sakura-"Th-There was a shine here a second a go, wasn't there?" (turn) Tomoyo-"Yes.' Tomoyo-[Definitely.] Pg. 8 Sakura-[the…the exit…] Syaoran-"Wait! Calm down and read the presence." Pg. 9 Sakura-"…It's a Clow Card presence." Sakura-"Then these are also the actions of a Clow Card?" Syaoran-"…It's probably the Maze Card." Sakura-"Maze?" (clap) Tomoyo-"I get it, that's why it made this labyrinth." Pg. 10 ?-"I'm impressed with the situation." Syaoran-"The Maze Card dropped us into the middle of the maze, so we'll have to find our way out." Sakura-"What!?" Touya-"I'm home." Fujitaka-"Welcome back. The lecture ended early so I made a feast." Touya-"Well I'm hungry." Pg. 11 (stare) Fujitaka-"What is it?" Touya-"Am I-" (fidget fidget) Touya-"That obvious?" Fujitaka-"I know." Fujitaka-"I am your father after all." Pg. 12 Tomoyo-"It's very unusual." Tomoyo-"You should be able to find the exit if you keep one hand on a wall…" (pant pant) Sakura-"Everything about this is strange." Sakura-[The scenery.] Sakura-"Ah!" Sakura-"Li kun! Use your compass!" Sakura-"It can find the direction out!" Sakura-[I read it once in a book.] (ma shiro) Sakura-"Huh?" Pg. 13 Syaoran-"It's because it's only made to find the Clow Cards." Tomoyo-"And this maze itself is a Clow Card." (paaa) Sakura-"Awwww." Sakura-[I see.] Tomoyo-"But there has to be some way to get out of here." Sakura-"Ah!" Tomoyo-"Sakura chan?" (rustle rustle) Sakura-"I just had a good idea." Sakura-"Release!" (paaaaa) Pg. 14 (paaaaa) Sakura-"I'll find the exit this way." (gaa) (gooo) Pg. 15 Sakura-"Hoeeee." (doaaaaan) Syaoran-"Well, that's no good." Tomoyo-[yeah.] Tomoyo-"The Maze Card is very strict." Pg. 16 Touya-"I met Kaho." Fujitaka-"Mizuki san?" Fujitaka-"I didn't think she'd returned." Touya-"I didn't think so either." Touya-"But…" Touya-"She's Sakura's new math teacher." Fujitaka-[Sakura's?] Pg. 17 :Touya's Flashback Mode: Mizuki-"Can you see it?" Mizuki-"It's not bad, so it's okay." Touya-"I understand." Pg. 18 (fluff) Mizuki-"You're a good kid." (pat pat) Mizuki-"When I see you tomorrow I'll teach you." Touya-"eh?" Mizuki-"Later." Pg. 19 Teacher-"I'd like to introduce a teacher in training from yesterday." Mizuki-"I'm Mizuki Kaho." Mizuki-"For a few days I'll be in charge of math, starting today." [Sensei, how old are you?] [A beautiful lady!] [Really pretty.] [wowww] (smile) Touya-"Because I was wearing my uniform." Pg. 20 Touya-"I saw you tomorrow." Mizuki-"I know at school, but I didn't know you'd be a kid at my class." Mizuki-[Even with the uniform.] Touya-"…Then how…" Mizuki-"Somehow I did." Touya-[Somehow] Mizuki-"So were you surprised to have someone else hearing and seeing the same thing?" Touya-"well…" Mizuki-"Well, let's introduce ourselves." Pg. 21 Touya-"I'm Kinomoto Touya." Mizuki-"Mizuki Kaho." Mizuki-"Let's become good friends." Touya-"Is that the somehow?" Mizuki-"Yeah but…my wish is also to enter." Pg. 22 :Continuing Flashback Mode: Touya-"Study Abroad!?" Touya-"When?" Mizuki-"Tomorrow." Touya-"That suddenly…!" Mizuki-"It's not sudden. It was decided 2 months ago." Pg. 23 Touya-"Why did you deceive me?" Mizuki-"But if you had known we wouldn't have been able to get close." Mizuki-[You would have disliked me because of rank.] Touya-[So that's the question?] Mizuki-"So on the last day of my teaching training I'll tell you that I liked you here to celebrate the year." Mizuki-[and return to school.] Pg. 24 (giggle) Touya-[uhhh] Mizuki-"I've been so happy because I love you." Mizuki-"These days have been really fun because I was with you." Touya-"…What, past tense?" Mizuki-"Past tense." Mizuki-"Let's say goodbye." Pg. 25 Touya-"What the…" Mizuki-"Because…" :End Flashback: [The damage of remembering] (thunk) Fujitaka-"What a complicated face." Touya-"And then she told me to remember to do my homework." Pg. 26 Touya-"Speaking of, shouldn't Sakura be back?" {Sakura-Has Club} Sakura-"N…No good." (hena hena) Sakura-"We can't find the exit." (grumble) (growl) Tomoyo-"It's time for dinner." Sakura-[ohhh] Pg. 27 Sakura-"Tomoyo chan, your mom is probably worried." Tomoyo-"Mom's late today, but the maid will make dinner if I ask her…" Sakura-"And you?" Syaoran-"I live alone." Sakura-"What!? You live alone!?" Syaoran-"y yeah." Tomoyo-"Then your family lives in Hong Kong?" (nod) Sakura-"What kind of family do you have?" Syaoran-"My mom and 4 older sisters." Sakura-[wow] Sakura/Tomoyo-"Four!?" Tomoyo-"What a feminine family!" Pg. 28 Sakura-"Then you cook and clean and do the laundry by yourself?" Syaoran-"I guess so." Sakura-"Amazing!" Sakura-"But don't you get lonely?" Pg. 29 Syaoran-"Not really." Syaoran-[It's not like I hate cooking…] Sakura-[What a person!] (sparkle sparkle) (growl) Sakura-[When it heard about cooking, my stomach…] Takashi Yamazaki Pg. 30 Fujitaka-"I called the school, and club finished a long time ago." Touya-"I'll go look." Touya-[Dad, you stay here in case she comes back.] Fujitaka-"Be careful!" [TIRED] "I knew we wouldn't find the exit." [Taking a rest.] Pg. 31 Sakura-"Why can't we get out…" Sakura-"Dad and Oniichan are probably worried.] (rin) (step step step) (pa) Pg. 32 Sakura-"Mizuki Sensei!?" Syaoran-"What's a teacher doing here!?" Mizuki-"I could tell there was something strange going on in the temple in front of my house so I thought I should check it out." Sakura-"Your house?" Mizuki-"I'm the daughter of the Tsukimine shrine caretaker." Mizuki-[Their only daughter.] Pg. 33 Mizuki-"Did you hear the bell?" Sakura-[hoeee] Sakura-[Now that you mention it…] Sakura-"I think I did hear something around then." Mizuki-"I planned to be careful when I heard that sound, but I was late." Mizuki-[I'm sorry.] Mizuki-"Did you get lost?" (nod nod) Mizuki-"I thought you might be in trouble when I saw you." Mizuki-"Well, shall we go?" Sakura-"Huh!?" Syaoran-"We've been looking for the exit forever…" Pg. 34 Mizuki-"Do you know how to get out of a maze?" Mizuki-[it's a test.] Tomoyo-"By using one hand." Tomoyo-"Along the wall." Mizuki-"Like this?" Mizuki-[ehhh.] (kon) (crumble crumble crumble) Pg. 35 Sakura-"Hoeeee." (zun zun) (crumble crumble crumble crumble crumble crumble) (gi) (Paaa) Pg. 36 Tomoyo-"Surely we'll eventually get to the wall next to the exit." Tomoyo-[It's not cheating.] {One Straight Line} (crumble crumble crumble) Syaoran-"That teacher's power is really strong." Syaoran-[This Clow Card's maze really had us in trouble.] Syaoran-"I knew she possessed amazing powers." Mizuki-"Here's the exit." Pg. 37 (ta) Sakura-"Finally, the exit!" (Gunya) Syaoran-"Quick, turn it back into a card before it makes another maze!!" Sakura-"B-but." Sakura-[eh? eh?] Pg. 38 Mizuki-"I won't look." Sakura-[but, but] Mizuki-[Okay, I'm turning around.] (Baaaaaa) Sakura-"The Key that hides forces of darkness! Show your true shape to me!" Sakura-"Release!" Pg. 39 Sakura-"Return to your true form." Sakura-"Clow Card." Mizuki-"Is it over?" Sakura-"Yes." Tomoyo-[You always use a small voice.] Pg. 40 Mizuki-"That's good." :She always makes me feel good: Sakura-[hayaan] Author note: 'hanyaan' is a kind of happy sigh. (stare) (rin) Mizuki-"It's been used since olden times." Mizuki-[it's kind of like a bell.] Mizuki-"What a strange teacher, huh." Sakura-[No, I do strange things too.] (turn turn turn) Pg. 41 Touya-"Sakura!!" Touya-"Where have you been…!" (da) Sakura-"We lost our way!" Sakura-"And then Mizuki Sensei…helped us…" Sakura-"There wasn't an exit and…" (wave wave wave) Mizuki-"There were various troubles, so don't pick on her." Touya-"…Kaho…" Pg. 42 Sakura-"See you tomorrow." Syaoran-"Be careful. I knew that teacher wasn't what she seemed." Sakura-"Li kun…" Pg. 43 Mizuki-"Your little sister doesn't look much like you." Mizuki-[Touya] Touya-"Sakura looks like her mother." Mizuki-"Do you remember what I said when we parted?" Mizuki-"Because the next time we meet Touya is the person I can like." Mizuki-"And myself too." Pg. 44 Mizuki-"Your silence must mean I'm right." Mizuki-[You feel the same way.] Mizuki-"Well, this is okay too." Mizuki-"The next time we meet you and I can be good friends." Touya-"So that's it." Touya-[meeting Kaho.] (mun) Pg. 45 Touya-"I should have expected as much from you Kaho." Touya-"It's annoying." Touya-[You said the same sort of thing in school.] (mu) Mizuki-(a ha ha ha) Mizuki-"I knew you were a good kid Touya." (pat pat) Yukito-"Sakura chan!" Sakura-"Yukito san!!" Yukito-"Your dad is really worried." Yukito-[Touya called and said you hadn't come back yet.] (ta ta) Yukito-[Touya found you?] Sakura-[Yes.] Sakura-"Oniichan! Yukito san's here!" Pg. 46 (smile) Mizuki-"…The same as ever, Touya." Pg. 47 Mizuki-"I'll see you tomorrow Kinomoto san!" :Mizuki Sensei. Li kun said to see and be careful of her. But when I see her I can't think she's bad when I see her.: :But she's a mysterious person…: The End ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~