Volume Three Part Four Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 3, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319844-8 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 139 Sakura-"Hoeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Sakura-"I'm late!!" (dota bata dota) Pg. 140 Kero-[what happened to the decision to sleep in] Kero-"How many time's are you gonna wake me up like this?" (dota dota) Sakura-"uuh, but," Sakura-"But the futon felt too good to get out of." Kero-"You don't need to get up when your brother does." Kero-"All this preparation is just so you can go with that "Snow Bunny" isn't it?" Sakura-"Yukito San!!" Author note: The kanji in Yukito's name can be translated as Snow Rabbit. Kero-[ack!] Pg. 141 (dota dota do) [On breakfast duty this morning] Sakura-"ohh, I slept in late!" (da) Touya-"Don't you mean, Today I slept in late again?" (gi) Fujitaka-"Morning." Sakura-"Morning." (koro) Pg. 142 Fujitaka-"But you're in a bit of a hurry since you're late." (nod nod) Touya-"Well, I'm off." (shuu) Fujitaka-"Okay, see you." Fujitaka-[I'll tidy up.] (munch munch) Sakura-"It waf dericious!" (pa ta ta ta ta ta) Sakura-" 'M off." (To ta ta ta ta ta) Pg. 143 Touya-"I'm off." Fujitaka-"Goodbye." Sakura-"Aww Wait!" Sakura-"But why does Oniichan still ride his bike since he got a motorcycle?" Sakura-[He's only ridden it to school once or twice.] Fujitaka-"The bike was too dangerous." Sakura-"Oniichan's not good at riding it?" Pg. 144 Fujitaka-"Well, goodbye." (gasp) Sakura-[that's right! I'm late.] Sakura-"Bye!" (zoom) Fujitaka-"He doesn't ride it because it would be too dangerous for Sakura san to follow." Fujitaka-[Sakura san would definitely try and follow on her rollerblades, and that would be dangerous.] Pg. 145 (zoom) Sakura-[He always meets up with Yukito on this street.] Sakura-"Ah!" Yukito-"Morning Sakura chan." Sakura-"Good Morning!" [Sigh] Pg. 146 Touya-"You're in a big hurry." Sakura-"I'm fine." Touya-"You're fine, but there's a hole in the road." Sakura-"WHAT DID YOU SAY!!" (pachi) Sakura-(a ha ha) (wave wave) Pg. 147 Sakura-"huh?" Yukito-"Under construction." Yukito-"You can't go this way, you'll have to take a detour." Pg. 148 Yukito-"It's another Shinto shrine." Yukito-"Did you know?" Sakura-"No, I never come this way." Tsukimine shrine Sakura-"Hoe?" Pg. 149 Sakura-"MORNING!!" (clap clap clap clap clap) Tomoyo-"You're safe." Chiharu-"Sensei's not here yet." Sakura-"Thank goodness." (hena hena hena) Terada- Sakura-"Hoeeee!?" Pg. 150 (ding dong dang dong) (rustle rustle rustle) Tomoyo-"So it was kind of dangerous." Sakura-"yeah, I overslept, and then the road was under construction." (nyu) Chiharu-[did you know?] Chiharu-"It's over at the King Penguin Park." Rika-"There's a detour there." Sakura-"Yeah, I saw a Shinto shrine." Naoko-"The Tsukimine shrine?" Sakura-"You know about it Naoko chan?" Sakura-[It's not near your house.] Pg. 151 Naoko-"I love that sort of thing." Naoko-[Shrines, temples, UFO's, scary stories…] Sakura-[Na…Naoko chan?] Naoko-"That one has a reputation for protections." Sakura-[protections?] Tomoyo-[sounds like a good thing.] Naoko-"It grants wishes for things like" Naoko-"Exams and Love and…" Naoko-[other things] Sakura/Syaoran-"LOVE!?" Pg. 152 (GI) Sakura-[Li kun, when'd you get here.] (nyu) Yamazaki-"Those kinds of protections are convenient." Sakura-[Wa!] Yamazaki-"In Ancient China all of the protections charms were first put into a bag." (kiri) Sakura-"Wow." Naoko-[Is it really true this time?] Chiharu-[I don't know yet.] Yamazaki-"In ancient times the protection charms were really big, as big as 10 meters." Yamazaki-"But you couldn't walk around with them, so they made bags for them." [soon it'll be suspicious] Sakura-"But, wouldn't something as big as that break?" Pg. 153 Yamazaki-"Right, that's why the bags were also really big, and everyone dragged them around when they walked." [Intrusion] Syaoran-"This story's not right!" [Amazingly not deceived.] Yamazaki-"That's right. Li kun has connections to China, so that won't work." Chiharu-[I knew it was a lie.] Naoko-[yup] Sakura-[believed] Sakura-[Hoe?] Yamazaki-"Now it's a study hall hour of math." Yamazaki-[I'll contact the class chairperson about it.] Sakura/Chiharu-[Hurray!] Pg. 154 Sakura-"but, why?" Yamazaki-"Tsutusmi Sensei, the math teacher's on vacation." Sakura-"hoee." [Aww, study hall.] [you said it] Sakura-"I wonder why?" Tomoyo-"I'm worried." (Ding dong dang dong) Pg. 155 Sakura-"I can buy a protection at that Shrine." Sakura-[Yukito san] (zoom) (bang) Pg. 156 Mizuki-"O toh toh" Sakura-"I'm sorry!" Mizuki-"You are…" Sakura-"Hoe?" Pg. 157 Mizuki-"Not hurt?" Sakura-"N…No!" Sakura--: An amazingly beautiful person: Pg. 158 Sakura-"I'm really sorry!' (bow) Mizuki-"…What is it that you want?" Sakura-[huh?] Mizuki-"Too bad.' Mizuki-"Today I can't obtain it." Pg. 159 Mizuki-"Later." Pg. 160 Kero-"So then you went to the Shrine to buy a protection charm." Sakura-"Yeah, but it's closed." [in the middle of homework] Sakura-"And then that person" Sakura-"said 'later.'" Kero-"She said she'd see you later like she knew you?" Kero-"What kind of presence does she have?" Pg. 161 Sakura-"Really! Really! Really! Really! Beautiful!!" (knock knock) Sakura-"come in." (pita) [pretending to be a stuffed animal] Touya-"Here." Touya-[Dad made it.] Sakura-"Thanks." (glare) Pg. 162 (shut) (sigh) Kero-"I think your brother's on to me." Kero-"Your brother's fairly sensitive too." Kero-[But he is kind of like you so…] Sakura-[here] (munch) Sakura-"Oniichan has the ability to see lots of things." Kero-"That must be it." Kero-"This zerii is great" Sakura-[wa!] Kero-(munch, munch) Sakura-"Hey, that's my share!" Pg. 163 Terada-"The math teacher Tsutsumi Sensei is on a long vacation." [what?!] Terada-"So today we have a new teacher to teach you all math." Terada-"Come in." (step) Pg. 164 Mizuki-"I'm Kaho Mizuki." : It's the person I ran into yesterday: [WOW] [beautiful] [pretty lady] Pg. 165 Tomoyo-"She's a beautiful teacher huh." Sakura-? Syaoran-"That teacher…" Pg. 166 Sakura-"What abut Mizuki sensei?" Syaoran-"Don't you sense anything?" Syaoran-"The sign of power." Pg. 167 Syaoran-"A strong power…" Syaoran-"We'd better be careful." Mizuki-"Sounds like trouble." [gasp] Pg. 168 Sakura-"Mizuki sensei!" Syaoran-"I didn't even sense her." Sakura-"I didn't either." Mizuki-"You're Li Syaoran kun, right?" Mizuki-"I'm your guys' new Math teacher." Mizuki-"You'd better be careful and study, or you'll be in trouble." Mizuki-"Right, Daidouji Tomoyo san?" Pg. 169 Mizuki-"And you're Kinomoto Sakura san." Sakura-"Y-Yes!" Mizuki-"Have you decided what it is that you want?" (doki doki) Sakura-"No, no, I didn't." Mizuki-"Is that so? Well, that's fine for today." Pg. 170 Sakura-"What!?" :She really is a pretty person.: : And she puts me in a really happy mood.: Pg. 171 Mizuki-[yup] Mizuki-"You don't look very much like them." Sakura-"Hoe?" Touya-"Sakuraa!" Touya-"You've got a flute test today, and you left it in the hallway." Sakura-"What!?" Sakura-[Now that you mention it it wasn't in my bag.] Sakura-[Thanks.] Pg. 172 Touya-"Ka…ho…" Pg. 173 Mizuki-"It's been a long time, Touya." Pg. 174 Naoko-"Yamazaki kun is good, huh." Naoko-[He's doing well on this test.] Chiharu-"It's because he's very clever." Chiharu-[he's good at telling lies.] Tomoyo-"Your brother and Mizuki sensei know each other?" Sakura-"I never knew." Sakura-"But it was the first time I've seen him so surprised." Tomoyo-"He was surprised?" Tomoyo-[his face didn't change.] Sakura-"He was really surprised." Tomoyo-[I should have known since they're siblings.] (turn) Sakura-"Hey, Li kun." Pg. 175 [DESPERATE] Syaoran-[do mi fa…do] (dara dara) Tomoyo-[that's why I'm going to sing.] Rika Sasaki Pg. 176 (sigh) (su) Yukito-[here, my treat.] Touya-[thank you] (sigh) Pg. 177 Yukito-"That Mizuki sensei was a beautiful woman." (rustle) (gulp) Yukito-"Did you hear me?" (munch, munch) (snach) Touya-"…You talk to much." (crunch) Yukito-"Right" Pg. 178 Tomoyo-"So this is it." Sakura-"Mizuki sensei said it was okay, but I want to make sure." Sakura-[I want to get that protection charm quickly.] (step) Pg. 179 Tomoyo-"What is it?" Sakura-"I sense…something strange…" Tomoyo-"huh? Huh?" (turn, turn) Sakura-[you don't feel it?] Tomoyo-[no] Sakura-"I felt something." Tomoyo-"Here's where the protection charms are." Sakura-"R-right." Pg. 180 Sakura-"Thank goodness it's open, yesterday it was closed." Tomoyo-"Is that so?" (ta ta ta ta ta ta ta) (gulp) Sakura-"Li kun!" Tomoyo-"Li kun, are you here to buy a protection charm too?" Tomoyo-[because it's opened since yesterday?] Li-[u-uh] Pg 181 Sakura/Li--!? (hashi) (yuraa) Pg. 183 Sakura-"What!?" Continued in Volume 4 ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~