Volume Three Part Three Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 3, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319844-8 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 95 (vroom) Sakura-"Ah, my stop is next." Pg. 96 Sakura Flashback Mode Sakura-"huh? Your house?" Tomoyo-"There's a little trouble…" Tomoyo-"Tomorrow's Sunday, do you think you could come over to my house?" Sakura-"hoe?" End Flashback Mode Sakura--:I wonder what it could be?: (rustle rustle rustle) Kero-"That hurt." (gasp) (BA) Pg. 97 Sakura-"No! Kero chan!" Kero-"The air inside the bag…" Sakura-"Stay in there a little longer, okay." (stuff stuff) Kero-[mmph] (staring) (gasp) Sakura-[a ha ha ha ha ha ha] Pg. 98 Sakura-"Hoeeee!" Kero-"It's h-huge!" Sakura-"This is really Tomoyo's?" Daidouji Sakura-"Guess so." (ding dong) "Who is it?" Sakura-"It's Ki-Kinomoto." Sakura-[I don't know that person's voice.] (nervous) Pg. 99 "Welcome" (creak creak creak) Sakura-"Hoeeeee!" (sasa) Sakura-[It opens by iteslf] Tomoyo-"Sakura chan!" Sakura-"Hello." Tomoyo-[Let's go to my room.] Tomoyo-"Welcome. Here, come on it." Kero-"Yo!" (gaba) Tomoyo-"Hello Kero chan." Pg. 100 Maid-"Miss." Maid-"Where would you like your tea?" Sakura-[M…miss] Tomoyo-"In my room. Three servings." Maid-[three?] Sakura-"Woww" Pg. 101 Sakura-"What's this?" (Pa) Tomoyo-"A TV." Tomoyo-[This one is always the brave Sakura] (spellbound) (facefall) Kero-[Ah, this thing is cool!] (spellbound) (knock knock) Tomoyo-"Come in." (open) Pg. 102 Tomoyo-"Mother." [ran from the enterance] (gasp pant) (gasp pant) Sonomi-"Welcome!" Sonomi-[I'm home] (ururu) Tomoyo-[welcome back] Sakura-"Sorry for the trouble." Sonomi-"When I heard you came to visit, I returned from work right away." Sonomi-"Let's have the tea outside." (excited excited) Sonomi-"I brought some delicious cake." Sakura-{Kero chan…} [hiding] Pg. 103 (shut) Kero--………… Kero-"CAKE!!!!" (flap flap flap flap) Kero--!? Kero-"This presence…" Pg. 104 Sonomi-[This cake is really delicious.] Sonomi-"Do you like cake?" Sakura-"Yes." Sonomi-"Nadeshiko always liked sweet things too." [like this] Sakura-"Dad said that too." Sakura-"Mom ate cake like this all the time by herself." Sonomi-[That insect.] [Dad] Sakura-[But she never got fat.] Tomoyo-[That's amazing.] Pg. 105 Yukito-"Pretty good." Yukito-[Washing the car.] Touya-"Yuki." Yukito-[Must be 'cause you worked at the gas station.] Fujitaka-"Ah, Tuskishiro kun." [In the middle of doing the lawn] Yukito-"Hello." Yukito-"Since I knew you'd be in the middle of cleaning this morning, I thought I'd bring this by." Fujitaka-"Thank you." Yukito-"Where's Sakura chan? (looking looking) Pg. 106 Touya-"With her friend." Yukito-"Tomoyo chan?" (nod) Yukito-"But at the athletics day when we met her mom…" Fujitaka-"It's okay." Fujitaka-"Sonomi san won't hurt Sakura san or anything." Pg. 107 Sonomi-"Sigh." (mezmerized) Sonomi-"You really do look like Nadeshiko." Sonomi Flashback Mode Nadeshiko-"Sonomi chan." Pg. 108 Nadeshiko-"Sonomi chan." Nadeshiko-"Sonomi chan." Nadeshiko-"Um, Sonomi chan." Nadeshiko-"I'm getting married." Nadeshiko-"To Kinomoto Sensei." Pg. 109 End Sonomi Flashback (MU) Tomoyo-"What is it?" (pa pa) Sonomi-"…That's how I remember the scene." Sakura-? Sonomi-"Hey, Is it okay if I call you Sakura chan?" Sakura-"Sure." Sonomi-"You're in the cheerleading club, right." Sakura-"y-yeah." Sonomi-"You were really good at Athletics day." Sonomi-[Tomoyo chan told me.] Sakura-"That's not true." Pg. 110 Sonomi-"That's not like Nadeshiko at all." (giggle) Sonomi Flashback Mode Nadeshiko-"And then Poppa-" (kozzen) Sonomi-"Nadeshiko!?" Sonomi-"Nadeshiko!!" Pg. 111 Nadeshiko-"Looks like I stumbled." Continue Flashback Mode Sonomi-"It's dangerous! Come down!" Nadeshiko-"It's okay." Nadeshiko-"Just a second." (peep peep) Pg. 112 (peep peep) (peep peep) Nadeshiko-[awww] (peep peep) (slip) Sonomi-"Nadeshiko!!" (zazazazaza) (thunk) Pg. 113 Fujitaka-"Are you alright?" Nadeshiko-"…yes." Fujitaka-"I thought an angel fell from the sky." Author note: Awwwwww! Pg. 114 Sonomi-"DAAAAA" Sonomi-[That's right! That's how they met!!] End Sonomi Flashback Sonomi-"What did he mean Angel! Arg! It makes my teeth float!!" Sonomi-"Even if she was as cute as an Angel!!" Tomoyo-[you get used to it.] Sonomi-"…excuse me." (cough) Pg. 115 Sakura-"U-um, so you knew Dad." Sonomi-"That's right." Sakura-"Um, Um, What was Dad like in the old days?" Sakura-"Dad tells me lots of stories about Mom, but" Sakura-"He never tells me about himself." Sakura-[Dad doesn't have any relatives and I don't know any of Mom's relatives.] Sakura-"So, so…" Naoko Yanagisawa Pg. 116 Sonomi-"Your father." Sonomi-"was a disgusting person." Sakura-[What!?] Sonomi-"He was cool, nice, and a good cook." Sonomi-"He was the person who Nadeshiko loved so he was really really disgusting." Sonomi-"That's right. He didn't have any defects. What can you do with someone without defects?" Pg. 117 Sonomi-[Don't tell him I said that.] Fujitaka-"ACHOO!" Yukito-"Was that the wind?" Fujitaka-"No, but I'm okay now." Fujitaka-"Who would be gossiping?" Fujitaka-(aha ha ha) Pg. 118 Maid-"The Hannya Secretary room is on the phone." Sonomi-[oh] Tomoyo-"We'll go to my room." Sonomi-"I'm sorry." Sakura-"No, It was a feast." Sonomi-"We'll eat dinner together! Absolutley!!" (wave wave) Pg. 119 Sakura-"Tomoyo chan, your mom is great." Tomoyo-"Thank you. Mother is also happy." (click) (BAAAAN) Sakura-"Ack!" Kero-"You were eating cake." Kero-"While I had to watch from this room." (doro doro doro) Pg. 120 (pa) Tomoyo-"Sorry to make you wait for a minute." Kero-"Wai!" Sakura-[we're saved.] Tomoyo-[he would have held a grudge against us for food.] Kero-"By the way, I felt some kind of Clow Card in this room." Kero-"I felt lonely here by myself." Tomoyo-"That's it Kero chan!" Sakura-"hoe?" Pg. 121 Tomoyo-"The trouble is in the box." Tomoyo-"The truth is I can't open the box." Sakura-"There's no key?" Tomoyo-"I have the key, but…" Kero-"There is a Clow Card presence on the box." Sakura-"…really." Pg. 122 (su) (PAN) Sakura-"Wow!" Sakura-[It spit out the key!] Tomoyo-"It's been a long time since my mother checked this box's condition." Kero-"This is definitely a Clow Card." Tomoyo-"Inside are my mother's and my precious things." Tomoyo-"The things in the box won't disappear or anything, but they are important." Pg. 123 Sakura-"Let's do it! I like Tomoyo chan and her Mom!!" Sakura-"It's decided that I'll collect all the Clow Cards!" Tomoyo-"Okay! This time let's use this costume!!" Tomoyo-[Today I finished this simple one.] Pg. 124 Kero-"Jeez, a Card that won't let a box open." Kero-"What kind of weird one is that." Tomoyo-"I researched it, but I still don't know…" Everyone-[okay] (ji) (knock knock) Pg. 125 Kero/Sakura-"Oh!" Tomoyo-"What is it?" (knock knock) Kero-"I got it!" Kero-"It's the Shield Card!" Pg. 126 Tomoyo-[I didn't see anything.] (ji) Kero-[you'd have to be a magic user to see it.] Kero-"The Shield Card is a Protection Card." Tomoyo-"But why this box?" Sakura-"Maybe it knew that Tomoyo chan is my friend." Kero-"No, it's not a relationship this time." Kero-"Shield protects special things. Protecting special things is it's nature." Kero-[Shield has a nice personality.] Pg. 127 Sakura-"So it's protecting the precious things in this box." Sakura-"But how do I return shield to a card?" (whirrr) Kero-"Easy." Kero-"It goes with a sword, and you've got one of those." Sakura-[Kero chan, I'm over here.] (ji) Sakura-"So all I need to do is attack it with the sword." Kero--"When you cut it with Sword, then it will return to it's true form." (gu) Pg. 128 Sakura-"Sword!" (paaaaaa) (shaaaaaan) Pg. 129 (zan) (vuuuun) Pg. 130 Sakura-"Return to your true form!" Sakura-"Clow Card!" (shuuuuu) Pg. 131 Kero-"You did it Sakura!" Sakura-[Kero chan, I'm over here.] Tomoyo-"Let's open it." (click) Sakura-"It opened!" Tomoyo-"Thank you!" Kero-"Well, of course it did, 'cause you had me." [Still doing video poses.] Pg. 132 Sakura-"Wow!" (knock knock) Tomoyo-"Come in." (sa sa) (click) Sonomi-"I'm sorry about before." Sonomi-"Oh!" Sonomi-"You opened it!?" Pg. 133 Sonomi-"But how? Sakura-[umm, umm, umm,] Tomoyo-"There must have been a spring caught in the keyhole." Sonomi-[ah, then the key must have accidentally caught it.] Sakura-"It's a beautiful bouquet." Sonomi-"it was your mother's wedding bouquet." Pg. 134 Sakura-"huh?" Sonomi-"Nadeshiko loved sakura (cherry) blossoms." Sonomi-"If she had a daughter she decided to name her Sakura." Sonomi-"You are that Sakura chan." Pg. 135 Sonomi-"That's right! Today I'm making dinner!" (suku) Sonomi-[What side dishes do you like?] Sonomi-[By the way, that outfit is cute.] (wave wave wave) Tomoyo-[my, my] Sonomi-"Tomoyo, come help." Tomoyo-[okay.] [hiding] (sigh) Kero-"Man, I'm hiding a lot today." Pg. 136 Kero-"So that's your special thing." Tomoyo-"yes." Tomoyo Flashback Mode Sakura-"Today we're in the same class, nice to meet you." Sakura-[sitting next to each other.] Continue Flashback Sakura-"Don't you have an eraser? Here." Pg. 137 Sakura-"It's a good thing I gave it to you." End Flashback Tomoyo-"This is…the first thing Sakura ever gave me." Kero-"Is it something rich?" Tomoyo-"No." Kero-"What's in it?" Tomoyo-"It's a secret." Sonomi-"Tomoyo!" Tomoyo-"Coming." Kero-[don't forget my share.] The End ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~