Volume Three Part One Offical Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 3, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319844-8 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 7 Sakura-:I'm Sakura Kinomoto, a 4th grader in elementary school.: Sakura-:Math is a weak point, but I like gym because I'm an energetic girl.: Sakura-[I got the salt, butter, milk, and bread] Sakura-[Okay! I bought everything.] Pg. 8 Sakura-:Uh, there is one unusual thing.: Sakura-"Wow, the peach blossoms." Sakura-"It's spring already!" Sakura-:I use something like Magic: Kero-[Just a minute!" (pushing in) Sakura-:Right now I'm collecting the magic power of the Clow Cards.: Sakura--:A rival (at least that's what my friend Tomoyo calls him) Syaoran Li has appeared and every day there's trouble.: Pg. 9 Sakura-"I'm home!" Sakura-"I did the shopping!" Sakura-[Because it's Sunday It was easy to go to the shopping center and the bread store.] Yukito-"Welcome back." Sakura-"Yukito San!!" Sakura-"Wh-why is Yukito san..." Sakura-[hello] Yukito-"Touya can't stand up right now." Yukito-[You're rabbit hat is cute.] Yukito-"He's in the garden." Sakura- Pg. 10 Touya-"Thanks." Sakura-"What're you doing?" Touya-"Yuki's giving me a hair cut." Sakura-"What!?" Touya-[For the sake of spending money.] Yukito-"Just playing around." Yukito-[Almost done.] Sakura-Enough, enough! To receive a haircut from Yukito san!! Pg. 11 Sakura--:But Yukito san can really do anything.: Sakura-:He's good at sports and really smart: (sigh) Yukito-"Okay, all done." (shake shake) (para para) Touya-"Thank you." Yukito-"Do you want a haircut too Sakura chan?" Sakura-"What!?" Touya-[I'll go make tea] Yukito-"Oh, you'd probably rather go to a beauty parlor." Yukito-[Because you're a girl] Sakura-"Th-That's not it!" Sakura-"U-um-um, if it's no trouble." Pg. 12 Yukito-[Here?] (nod nod nod nod) Yukito-"Okay, sit here." (flap) Yukito-"Is it okay if I cut in the back?" Sakura-"y...yes." (snip snip) pg. 13 (sigh) Sakura-"I'm so happy I could die!" Chiharu Mihara Pg. 14 Touya-"When he's done you have to clean this all up." Touya-[Before the sun goes down] Sakura-"Whatever." Sakura-[Anything's fine] Yukito-[I'll help too.] (ka) Pg. 16 Chiharu-"Oh how cute." Yamazaki-"The Emperor Penguin can grow to the size of an adult." Chiharu-"...You're lying again Yamazaki kun." Yamazaki-"It's true." (a ha ha ha ha) Yamazaki-[The Emperor is the biggest Penguin, I saw one that was 3 meters tall.] Starting to believe. Chiharu-"Sakura chan!" Pg. 17 (Dosa Dosa Dosa) (Bang) (woosh) Chiharu-"Sakura chan?" Pg. 18 Sakura-"Morning!!!" Tomoyo-"Good morning." Rika-[morning] Naoko-[morning] Tomoyo-"You're in a good mood." Sakura-"And yesterday I was full of happiness." Chiharu-"Um, Sakura chan." Chiharu-"Yesterday were you at the stuffed animal store in the shopping area?" Sakura- Sakura-"No I went to the grocery and the bread store." Sakura-[And after that I was cleaning.] Chiharu-"Is that so," Chiharu-"I knew I had the wrong person." Sakura-"How come?" Chiharu-"Nothing, I just saw someone who looked a lot like you." Sakura-(hmmm) Tomoyo-[by the way] Tomoyo-"You got a haircut didn't you." (blush) Sakura-"Y-yeah." Naoko-"What is it? You're face is red." Sakura-"Yukito san..." Sakura-"...Cut it." Pg. 20 Syaoran-"WHAT!?" (slam) Tomoyo-"Don't loose out to him." Sakura-[y yeah] [fight] (grab) Yamazaki-[well, well] Yamazaki-"Now, now, today is Badmiton! How about settling it then?" Yamazaki-[I don't know what's going on, so] Syaoran-"Let me go!!" Syaoran-"What do you mean, settling things!" Pg. 21 Yamazaki-"You don't know? In Ancient Rome they used Badmiton to fight and decide things." Yamazaki-"It was loser was the bad guy." Sakura-[R..really?" Chiharu-[It's a lie, a lie] Chiharu-But it's possible Sakura-Believes a little Syaoran-Believes Naoko-Can see a great competition Rika-Thinks it's a joke Tomoyo-"Whatever, it'll be interesting Pg. 22 Terada-"Now you know all the basics." [Yes] Terada-"Well, today we'll start the matches." Terada-"The first will be..." (bishi) Terada-"Li, you're energetic, then your partner will be..." (bishi) Sakura-"eh?" Pg. 23 Chiharu-[ack! Li kun believes what you said] (a ha ha ha) Rika-[Sakura chan do your best!] Syaoran-"Why did he come over to your house?" Sakura-"He's a friend of Oniichan's" (grrr) (gulp) pg. 24 (one two, one two) (pishi pishi) (za za za) (za za za za za za) Yukito-"Ah" Yukito-[Hey!] (piku) Yukito-"Do your best you two!" Pg. 25 Sakura-"Yukito san!" (blush) (grrr) (Pashi) (Bam) pg. 26 Chiharu-"Fast!" Rika-"I didn't even see it." Naoko-"It was like magic" (clap clap) Sakura--:Yukito san is watching!: Sakura--:I absolutely won't lose!: (bam) pg. 27 (Bish) (grrr) Yamazaki-"Wow, good game huh." Tomoyo-"After all, rivals have a kind of dynamic power." Pg. 28 Tomoyo-"What a climactic competition." Sakura-"But there wasn't a conclusion." Sakura-[my arm hurts] Tomoyo-[It's because you continued] Tomoyo-[Even though gym class was over.] Tomoyo-"But next time can I cut your hair?" Sakura-"Sure, please do." Sakura-"But why?" (smile) pg. 29 Tomoyo-"Because I like you." Sakura-(e he he) (Shriek) pg. 31 (smile) Sakura-"What!?" (shaa) (bata bata bata) "Sakura chan!" Tomoyo-"What happened!?" Tomoyo-[what] (gasp gasp) pg. 32 Naoko-"Why!? Sakura chan!" Sakura-"ho-hoe?" Sakura-[what are you saying...] Chiharu-"Why did you knock over everything at the stationary store!?" Chiharu-[The clerk wasn't there but I was surprised!] Sakura-"I didn't do it!" Tomoyo-"Sakura chan's been here with me all this time." Tomoyo-[Here's proof] [Food] [Ice cream] Naoko-"But it was Sakura chan." Chiharu-"She was wearing the uniform and rollerblades." Pg. 33 Sakura-That kid!!! Pg 34 Kero-"An identical Sakura!?" Sakura-"Doing bizarre things in shops." Sakura-[people are going to think I'm a bad kid!] Kero-"Okay! Let's do a fortune telling!" Pg. 35 Kero-"Watery Windy Fly Flower Jump Wood Shadow Illusion Sword Thunder." Pg 36 Kero-"Now we've got 10 cards." Kero-"Enough for a simple reading." Kero-"Ask the cards." (parara) Sakura-"We'll figure what they say." Kero-"So shuffle them." (tension) (shuffle shuffle) pg 37 Kero-"Okay, now divide 4 with your left hand." Kero-"." Sakura-"What order?" Kero-"Eh, any order ya like." Kero-"Okay." Kero-"Now arrange them." Kero-[yeah, just set'em in front of you.] Kero-"Close your eyes." Kero-"Chant after me." Pg. 38 Kero-"Cards made by Clow, answer my question." Sakura-"Cards made by Clow, answer my question." (pou) Sakura-"Show me the truth of the situation before me." (fuaaaa) Kero-"Now turn over this card." Pg. 39 Sakura-"Windy." Kero-"I knew it." Sakura-"What did you know?" Kero-"This is the card that used you." Kero-[the card that remained] Sakura-"What!?" Kero-"Windy is the card of communication and information." Kero-"Remember the time that the Sword card used yer friend Rika to get to your house?" Sakura-"y-yes." Kero-"Sword is different from other cards because it went right to your neighborhood after it awakened to get to you." Pg. 40 Kero-"You were the obvious target." Sakura-"Then how come it didn't get me to buy it?" Sakura-[it would have been faster] Kero-"If it manipulated yer friend you wouldn't be able ta fight back.' Sakura-"ah..." Kero-"Because word of yer personality was leaked." Sakura-"Well, what about Shadow!? It didn't target me!" Sakura-[I didn't know the girls that the shelf hit] Kero-"But your brother worked there." Pg. 41 Sakura-"How did it know that Oniichan was there!?" Kero-"Shadow's intention will be shown by the next card." (flip) Sakura-"Sword." Kero-"It wanted to test you." Pg. 42 Kero-"Shadow's turn was to test you." Kero-" Kero-"It was too bad it was at that shop." Kero-"Shadow is really a nice card." Kero-[ Sakura-"then..." Sakura-"All the cards I capture know about me?" Kero-"But not all of the cards have awakened." Kero-[And all of the cards have different personalities. Some of them don't care about you.] Pg. 43 Sakura-"...Then was that kid another Clow Card?" Kero-"Chances are good." Kero-"Turn all these over." Kero-"Shadow Watery Illusion." Pg. 44 Kero-"These three cards are associated with" Kero-"The identical Sakura." Pg. 45 Touya-"Sakura." Touya-"You're out late, did you have a club meeting?" Pg. 46 Touya-"Sakura?" Pg. 47 Kero-"I don't get it!!" Kero-"For now just turn over the last card." Kero-"That one'll tell us the present danger." Sakura-"Flower." :Peach Blossoms: {Touya's name means 'peach arrow'} Sakura-"Oniichan's in trouble!?" To be continued. ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~