Volume Two Part Four Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 2, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319791-3 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in :colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 111 (slash) (thunk) pg. 112 (jiri) Kero-"Sakura!" (ba) Sakura-"Rika chan is!!" Kero-"That's the Sword card!" Pg. 113 (ga) (swoop) Sakura-"Rika chan doesn't know how to fence, why is this happening!?" Kero-"A person doesn't have to be an expert to use the sword card." Kero-"The sword card uses their awareness." Pg. 114 Sakura-"That's...!" (slash) (ta) Sakura-"Key that hides the forces of darkness! I command you under contract! Show truth's image to me." Sakura-"Release!" (pou) pg. 115 Sakura-"Flower!" (fua) (hissss) Kero-"Sakura, run away!" Sakura-"Jump!!" (jump) pg. 116 (jump jump jump) (ta ta ta ta) Kero-"That sword's just gettin' warmed up!" Kero-"Sword's power is waiting on it's master's heart!!" Kero-"Before it runs out of power it can master mountain peaks..." (leap) pg. 117 Kero-"...it can even cut through rock." Sakura-"But!" Sakura-"I can't attack Rika chan!" Kero-"You can't run!" Sakura-"But, but! (slam) Sakura-[ack!] Pg. 118 (tumble tumble tumble) Sakura-[oww] (ta) (GA) pg. 119 (clang) (glance) Nadeshiko Kinomoto Pg. 120 Sakura-"That kid is Li Syaoran kun!" Syaoran-"Weakling." Sakura-[aah] Pg. 121 Sakura-"NO!" Syaoran-"What are you doing...!" (grab) Kero-"Sakura!" (gasp) pg. 122 (jump) (Slash) (rustle) Syaoran-"Wait a second, what are you putting me here for!" Sakura-"I won't let you hurt Rika chan!" Pg. 123 Kero-"That girl, for a sec" Kero-"you've gotta get the sword away from her." (gasp) Sakura-"Stay with him." Kero-"What'cha gonna do?" (rustle rustle rustle) (land) pg. 124 Sakura- (zu) Sakura-"Illusion!" (Paaaaa) (yura) pg. 125 Rika-"...Sen..sei..." Sakura-"huh?" Kero-"Sakura! Now!!" (rush) (slap) pg. 126 (faint) Sakura-"Return to your true form!" Sakura-"Clow Card!!" Pg. 127 (woosh) Sakura-"Rika chan!" (land) Kero-"It's okay, she just lost some energy." Syaoran-"Apparently you don't need much skill to collect the Clow Cards." (ba) pg. 128 Syaoran--? Syaoran-"What's this?" Sakura-"Kero chan." Syaoran-"Then this is the great protector Cererberus!?" Syaoran-"The golden eyed, strongest protector spirit..." Syaoran-"is this stuffed animal..." (glare) pg. 129 (bite) Syaoran--.........! Sakura-"Kero chan!" (bite bite bite bite bite bite) (step step step step step) (gasp) Sakura-"Someone's coming!" Sakura-"Kero chan, go to the room!" Kero-[and another one] (bite) Kero-[A Stuffed animal, how rude!] (flap flap flap) Pg. 130 Yukito-"Good evening." Yukito-"Is Touya around?" Yukito-"What happened?" (touch) pg. 131 Yukito-"Are you okay?" (blush) (zoom) Sakura-[What was that about?] (pa) pg. 132 (step step) Reading Room (step step step) Sakura-[thank goodness I found you.] Rika-"Sakura chan, I'm sorry about yesterday." Rika-[But why was I at Sakura chan's house?] (uh, uh, uh) Sakura-"Here." Rika-"It's for me?" (nod nod) pg. 133 Rika-"This is..." Sakura-"Um." Sakura-"I want you to have it." Rika-"But it's not my birthday yet..." Sakura-[uhhh] :Rika chan bought the brooch and now it's returned to being a card: Sakura-[Aaagh I can't explain!] :Because she bought it for the person she loves: pg. 134 Rika-"Thank you." :Now I'm broke, just please don't let her ask anything..: :Rika chan is a beautiful and kind woman, really wonderful: (jin) (smile smile) :I know she's seeing someone older: Sakura-"Rika chan, I'll see you later." (open) Terada-[morning] Sakura-[good morning Terada sensei] (peko) (pata pata pata pata) pg. 135 (gohon) Terada-"I promised you." Terada-"The girl at the shop said that I bought an engagement ring." Terada-"A wedding ring for a special person." Rika-"Yes." Pg. 136 Touya-[WHAT?] "That creep was near our house!?" Yukito-"But he returned right away." Touya-[I should have strangled him the first time] Yukito-"So if you catch that kid will you drive him away?" (flutter flutter) Yukito-"Soon it'll be the time we promised." Yukito-"What kind of business does she have with me? Sakura chan." Pg. 137 Touya-"She probably wants to walk with us." Touya-[Whatever the message, it's worth dinner duty] Touya-"Yuki, you've got leaves on you again." (brush) pg. 137 (woosh) (poof) Touya-[ACK!] (BAN) Touya-"You little...!" (ba) Sakura-"I'm sorry I made you wait!" (step step step) Sakura-"uh" (glare glare glare glare) pg. 138 Yukito-"Sakura chan, what was your business with me?" Sakura-[Oh right!] Sakura-"Um, this is..." Sakura-"Today is your birthday isn't it." [January 25th] Syaoran-"What!?" Yukito-"Wow. Thank you, can I open it?" Sakura-[y-yes.] (search search search search) pg. 139 Yukito-"Wow, it's so cute, a rice bowl and chopstick stand." Touya-[What the?] (looking looking) (run run) Touya-[ah, wait] (woosh) Yukito--? Pg. 140 (blush) Syaoran-"ha...happy birthday." Yukito-"For me?" (nod nod nod) Yukito-"Thanks" (zoom) Touya-[What'd he give you?] Yukito-[Chocolate, want some?] Tomoyo-"hmm. Everything's unfolding fast." (ji) pg. 141 Sakura-[Tomoyo chan...] Tomoyo-[I call it 'Sakura gives her present.'] (ji) Tomoyo-"That transfer student also" Tomoyo-"Really likes Tsukishiro san." Sakura-"Whaaaaaat!?" Tomoyo-"In capturing the cards and in love, a rival appears." (ji) The End ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~