Volume 2 Part 1 Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 2, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-319791-3 C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1997 This "script was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Summaries on Nakayoshi's page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. And lots of thanks to RinoaHtly8 for pointing out my mistakes! Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] pg. 7 :Today is the Tomoeda Elementary School Athletics Day: "Sakura chan!" "Faster!" (Waaa) :Most kids hate the Athletics Day, but I love it: (Pan) pg. 8 Rika-"Sakura chan, you're so fast!" Sakura-"Thanks Rika chan." Sakura-"Yukito san!!" (clap clap clap) Touya-[This is heavy] Yukito-"You really are fast huh?" Touya-" Jeez." "But that's the only thing she's good at" (pinch) Touya-- ......... pg. 9 Sakura-Ah! "Is that the boxed lunch?" [it's big] Yukito-"Touya and I made it together." [Sakura loves onigiri] Touya-"Dad is still at a meeting at college, but he'll come when it's over." :Dad, Fujitaka san, teaches archeology at college: :But he isn't exempt from having to go to classes and meetings.: :He's really busy: Sakura-"He can't not do his work." pg. 10 Yukito-"This afternoon there's the 'Parent's 100 meter race'" "Until then we can meet with your dad" Program-Tomoeda Elementary School Athletics Day Program Sakura-"Yes" (Ding-dong) "Cheerleading club people please assemble in front of the gate." Sakura-"That's Tomoyo's voice." "Repeating, Cheerleading club people..." Yukito-"Sakura chan do you have to go?" Sakura-"Yes." Yukito-"I'll take your picture" [Touya's camera] pg. 11 (yank) Sakura-"After that take Yukito's picture!" Sakura-[Absolutely, Absolutely, Absolutely] "That Kinomoto is sure fast for a 4th grader" "No one else could have won" Tomoyo-"Sakura chan is not only fast, but is really cute!" (Wa) Sakura-"Tomoyo chan!" pg. 12 (pata pata pata pata pata pata) Tomoyo-"Ah! Sakura chan." [That's Kinomoto?] Tomoyo-"So this time it's this outfit?" [The cheerleading club's] (nod) Sakura-"Yup." Tomoyo-"It's great!" Tomoyo-[But it's strange, no frills or ribbons] Sakura-"Tomoyo chan, your mother isn't here yet?" Tomoyo-"She's in a business meeting, but when it's over she'll come." :Tomoyo's mom is the president of a big toy company.: :She's really busy. Tomoyo doesn't see her everyday.: pg. 13 :This'll be the first time I meet Tomoyo's mom.: :That's why it's fun: :But I haven't heard Tomoyo's father's story: :He didn't die but I don't know what happened: :There are various problems: Sakura-"Soon you'll watch, right" (kyu) [She really is cute] Tomoyo-"Yeah, there are countless preperations." [I'll capture Sakura chan's heroic image on video] (thunk) pg.14 Yukito-"Sakura chan" (click) Yukito-"She's really skilled." Touya-"Ah, this is the hard part" Touya-"Ever since she joined she's been practicing throwing the baton." "But when she practices by herself it always lands on her head." (waaaa) (flip) pg. 15 (toss) (thunk) Yukito-Ah Touya-"See?" Kero-chan pg. 16 Tomoyo-"This is really good." [Forgive the intrusion on your family] Sakura-"Of course! Here's some tamagoya, it's delicious!" Tomoyo-"Oh" [Thank you] (hira) Tomoyo-"...A flower petal" Sakura-"I wonder why they're falling." Pg. 17 (niko niko) (paku paku) (niko niko) (paku) (paku paku paku) (niko niko) (paku) (niko niko) (pour pour pour) (niko niko) (paku paku) (niko niko) (paku) (paku paku paku) (niko niko) (paku) (niko niko) Touya-[hey] Sakura-[hoe] Yukito-"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm stupidly eating..." Sakura-Uh uh Sakura-"It's okay if you eat!" (Aha ha ha ha) Yukito-"It was because the boxed lunch was heavy." pg. 18 Fujitaka-"I'm sorry I'm late!" (gasp gasp) (dashi) Sakura-"Dad!!" Fujitaka-"Aah, I missed the cheerleading club" (pant pant) Tomoyo-"That's why I videotaped it." Yukito-"And that's why I took pictures." pg. 19 Fujitaka-"I'm sorry Sakura san" (pat) (hug) Sakura-"Yup!" Sakura-"I'm happy that you made it!!" Fujitaka-"Here. I made them yesterday." [I kept them cool in the college refrigerator.] Hurray! pg. 20 Sakura-"Where in the house did you keep them?" Tomoyo-[Delicious] Fujitaka-"The Refrigerator" Fujitaka-[I'm going to throw out the garbage.] Touya-[Ah me too.] Yukito-Me too.] :I'll give some to Kero chan: Kero-"Do your best!" Yea! Sonomi-"Tomoyo" pg. 21 Tomoyo-"Mom!" :Wow. What a pretty person: Tomoyo-"Sakura, I'd like to introduce you to my mom." (zu raaaa) pg. 22 Sakura--???? Sonomi-"Ah, I'm sorry." Sonomi-"I'm Daijouji Sonomi." Sonomi-"Thank you for always looking after Tomoyo" Sakura-"N-no, she's always taken care of me." (bow) Sonomi-"You really are a cute child" (doki doki) a heartbeat sound Tomoyo-(ho ho ho) pg. 23 Sonomi-"I knew a child that you resemble very much." pg. 24 Sonomi-"I hear so much about you from Tomoyo" Sonomi-"But I don't know your last name." Tomoyo-[Because Mom is really busy] [It's a difficult job] Sakura-"Um, it's Kino..." Fujitaka-"Tomoyo chan, did you welcome your mother?" Sakura-"Dad!" Sonomi-AAAAAAAA! pg. 25 Sonomi-"Kinomoto sensei!" (Shock) Fujitaka-"Sonomi kun..." Fujitaka-"Your last name is different, I didn't know." Fujitaka-"In college days you weren't Daidoji Sonomi." Fujitaka-"You were Amamiya Sonomi." pg. 26 Sonomi-"Sakura..." Sonomi-"I remember that name." Sonomi-"Nadeshiko said that a when she had a girl that that would be her name." Sonomi-"I absolutley!!" Sonomi-"Will not forgive you!" Fujitaka-"I know that Nadeshiko was only in High School." Fujitaka-"And it was stupid, I was a teacher." pg. 27 (UKI) Sonomi-"That's right!! For a novice teacher to marry one of his students! [She was only 16!] Sonomi-"My precious Nadeshiko!" [Still in her sailor uniform!] Fujitaka-Uhh Sonomi-"She was my precious since kindergarten!" Sonomi-"You're a fool and an insect." Sonomi-"that she would marry such an insect." pg. 28 Sonomi-"She died when she was only 27!" Sonomi-"Never, never never!" Fujitaka-"I made a promise to Nadeshiko not to cry." Sonomi-(gasp) Sonomi-"Anyway! I definitely will not forgive you!!" (Bish) pg. 29 Sakura-"So Dad and Tomoyo's mom used to know each other." Sakura-[Shocked] Touya-[Y-yeah] "Next is the 'Parents 100 meter race'" "Parents please assemble in front of the gate." (ta ta) Sakura-"Dad!" Fujitaka-"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Sakura-"Dad, are you going?" Touya-"Should I go?" Fujitaka-"It's okay." Fujitaka-"Sonomi said that I definatley had to go." pg. 30 Fujitaka-"Where do we meet?" Sakura-"Over here." Yukito-"Is it okay for her to hear? Or should we keep silent?" Touya-[Yeah] Touya-"Sonomi san...used to be Amamiya Sonomi san" Yukito-"huh? Amamiya...Wasn't that your mom's maiden name?" Touya-"They were cousins" Yukito-[I see] pg. 31 Touya-"Mom was a famous finanical combine's only daughter." Touya-"Dad was still a novice teacher." Touya-"There were hardships after they were marries because she was so young, only 16. After high school she got a job as a stylish model." Touya-"Especially after she became sick they opposed it." Touya-"At Mom's parent's home..." Touya-"Sonomi thought that Mom was really cute." Touya-"She was the number one opponent to their marriage." Touya-[Even now they won't forgive him] Yukito-"I see." pg. 32 Yukito-"In Nadeshiko's pictures, both at your house and in magazines and Newspapers," Yukito-"she always looked happy." Touya-"But" (flutter flutter) Touya-"Amazing flowers, huh." pg. 33 Tomoyo-"So my mom and your dad know each other." Sakura-"Yeah." {A lot she doesn't know} Sakura-[Ah] Tomoyo-"Mom!?" Sakura-"Tomoyo chan your mom came?" (wa wa) Tomoyo-"N-no" [Probably] Sonomi-"I definatley won't be defeated!" (kiran) (fu fu fu fu fu fu) pg. 34 Sakura-"Tomoyo chan, is your mom fast?" Tomoyo-"She was on the track team in high school." "Go!' (Bang!) (buchigiri) (biyun) [f-fast] pg. 35 (Su) Tomoyo-"Your dad is great!" Sakura-(hoe) Yukito-"Fast!" Touya-"Dad was number one on the track team." (gan) (makka) pg. 36 (flutter flutter) (zawa, zawa, zawa, zawa, zawa) Rika-"Where are all the flowers falling from?" Naoko-"I can't see in front of me!" pg. 37 (zaaaaaaaaaaa) Sakura-"Impossible" Sakura-"A Clow Card?!" To be continued. ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~