Volume Ten Part Four Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 10, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-334259-X C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1999 This "script? was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Catch You Catch Me page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because?we?re translating the same thing silly! I?d hope they?d be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else?s translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 137 Sakura--"Good evening Yukito-san." Yukito--"?Good evening." Pg. 138 Sakura--"It's full of stands." Sakura--[Apricot candy and cotton candy] Sakura--"Oniichan, your treat!" Sakura--"For Yukito-san! Tomoyo-chan! Syaoran-kun, and me!" (boo) Touya--"?Why me?" Sakura--"For making Yukito-san worry while you slept!" (fuun) (muuu) Touya--"?But why for the brat." (bachi bachi) Sakura--"Because he's under my protection." Pg. 139 Sakura--[And Tomoyo-chan's always looking out for me.] Touya--[What kind of logic is that] (su) Sakura--"Let's go!" Pg. 140 Sakura--[First apricot candy! Then cotton candy and some chocolate bananas.] Touya--[I haven't agreed yet.] Tomoyo--"Now Sakura-chan really thinks of Tsukishiro-kun" Tomoyo--"as a part of her family." [hurray hurray] (gaya gaya) Syaoran--"How do you know that?" Tomoyo--"Sakura-chan is in a state of 'hanyaan'." Tomoyo--"But it's a different 'hanyaan' from before." Syaoran--[hanyaan??] Tomoyo--"It's not a heart pounding 'hanyaan,' it's a gentler sort of 'hanyaan.'" Pg. 141 Syaoran--"?You really" Syaoran--"know a lot" Syaoran--"About her." Tomoyo--"That's because it's Sakura-chan." Pg. 142 Tomoyo--"But it's good." (zaku zaku) Tomoyo--"That she's happy." Syaoran--"?Yeah." Tomoyo--"?You still haven't told her, have you." Tomoyo--"About your feelings." (karan koron karan koron) Syaoran--"?If I tell her." Syaoran--"It will trouble her." Pg. 143 Syaoran--"She's always loved him?" Syaoran--"But he likes someone else." Syaoran--"And so she didn't cry, so she wouldn't trouble him." Syaoran--"Until she talked to me." Syaoran--"She?understands that feeling." Syaoran--"When the one you love doesn't love you." Pg. 144 Syaoran--"If I tell her my feelings." Syaoran--"She'll think that I'm sad and be troubled." Syaoran--"So?I won't tell her." Tomoyo--"Li-kun." Pg. 145 Sakura--"What's up?" Sakura--[The apricot candy stall's over here.] Sakura--"Let's go! Tomoyo-chan." Tomoyo--"Okay?" Sakura--"Syaoran-kun, you too!" Syaoran--"?Okay." Pg. 146 Touya--"I'm tellin' you." Touya--"Why I have to treat that brat is beyond me." Sakura--[Delicious, huh] Tomoyo--[very] Touya--"Honestly." Yukito--"Why do you hate him so much?" Yukito--[To-ya.] (bushi bushi) Touya--"I can't like him." Yukito--"Why?" {Flashback mode} Yukito--[Is it because of that time at school?] (sumomomomo) Yukito--[But he and Sakura-chan are friends now?] Pg. 147 Touya--"It's not about the past." Touya--"I can't like him because" Touya--"He wants" Touya--"to take away something that's precious to me." Pg. 148 (nyuu) Sakura--"Oniichan!" Touya--[Ack!] (doki doki) Touya--"You surprised me." Sakura--[Hoe?] Touya--"What?" Sakura--[yes!] Sakura--"We're thirsty, so we want juice!" Touya--"Uhh." Sakura--"For Yukito-san! Tomoyo-chan! Li-kun! And me!" (don) Yukito--[Why me??] Pg. 149 Sakura--"I want to drink it over there while walking, but I don't want to spill it." Sakura--"So we'll wait by the pond." Touya--"?And I'm supposed to pay." (kipa) (gugugugugu) Sakura--"Right!" Touya--[Listen] Yukito--"It's impossible to get all of that by himself." (wata wata) Sakura--"Well, then I'll go!" Sakura--[You and everyone go wait by the lake!] Yukito--"It's okay." Pg. 150 Yukito--[What do you want?] Sakura--[Umm, orange for me, strawberry for Tomoyo-chan and lemon for Syaoran-kun." Yukito--"Then we'll meet you at the pond." Sakura--"Okay!" Touya--"To go and get something for that brat." Touya--"?What is it?" Pg. 151 Yukito--"?Before, when Sakura-chan popped up." Yukito--"You didn't notice." Yukito--"You used to notice every time someone was around, until now?" Yukito--"?Because you gave me your power.' Pg. 152 Yukito--"And you're always tired?" Touya--"?Yuki." Touya--"Let's say you had a boxed lunch." Touya--"And just when you were about to eat it, there I was looking like I'd die of hunger. What would you do with that boxed lunch?" Yukito--"I'd give it all to you, To-ya." Touya--"That's how I feel." Pg. 153 (stretch) Touya--"?If you keep up like this I'll get mad." Yukito--"?Okay." Pg. 154 Tomoyo--[Is this really okay?] Sakura--[Sure! Today it's Oniichan's treat.] Sakura--[Ah!] Sakura--"Here it is." Tomoyo--[There aren't any fish.] Sakura--[The koi and others are in a pond over here.] Sakura--"You can tell moon fortunes." Sakura--"This pond was made to tell fortunes from the reflection of the moon, so there aren't any living things in it." Pg. 155 Tomoyo--"That's detailed." Sakura--[Mizuki-sensei told me before that when there was a festival at the shrine and it was full of people this was a good place to rest.] Tomoyo--"You know about fortune telling?" Sakura--"Yeah." Sakura--"She told me that too." Tomoyo--"Can you tell any fortunes?" Sakura--"I probably can't read the reflection." Sakura--[here goes nothing.] Sakura--"If there's something I haven't noticed." Sakura--"Please tell me." (yura) Pg. 156 :What!?: (saaaaaaaa) (gasp) :Clow-san's presence!?: (goto) Pg. 157 Sakura--"What!?" Pg. 158 Tomoyo--"Is that a bronze statue!?" (to) Sakura--"What's going on!?" (gagagaga) (paaaaa) Sakura--"Release!" (dododododo) (ba) Pg. 159 (paaa) Sakura--"Wood!!" (mishi mishi gishi) Pg. 160 (Bash) Sakura--"Ahh!!" Pg. 161 (ga) (buchi buchi) (fu) "Kyaa!" "A power out!?" "It's dark!" Pg. 162 Touya--"The power supply comes from the pond!" Yukito--"The pond where Sakura-chan and the other's are?!?" (wa wa) Touya--"Here!" (ba) [Huh? Huh?] Yukito--"These too!" [What?!] (Da) (bozen) [kyaaa kyaaa] [Those two guys were so cool!] [kyaa] Pg. 163 (baki baki) (zuzuun) Syaoran--"Raitei Shouriai!" (ka) (pari pari) (kiin) Pg. 164 Syaoran--"Not even a scratch!" Syaoran--"I can't hit it!" (da) Sakura--"That's it!" Sakura--"If you're helping me we can do anything!" Pg. 165 Syaoran--"?Okay." (dododododo) Syaoran--"Let's go!" (ba) (squeeze) Sakura--"Right!" Pg. 166 (hyuu) (ba) Syaoran--"Fuuka Shouriai!!" (byuuuuuu) (banyan) Syaoran--"Now!" Pg. 167 (kash) (ooooooo) Sakura--"Thunder!!" Pg. 168 (KaKaaaa) (bari bari bari) (zu zu) (hissssss) (glug glug glug) Pg. 169 (da) (hissss) (hissss) (tatatata) Sakura--"?It's not moving." Syaoran--"Right." Pg. 170 Sakura--"Thank goodness." (whew) Sakura--"Thanks to you." Sakura--"Thank you." (da) Sakura--[Ah-Tomoyo-chan.] (blush) Sakura--[You're not hurt are you?] Tomoyo--[No.] Touya--"Are you okay!?" Sakura--"Yes, it was nothing." Pg. 171 Touya--[Then?why did the tree fall over?] Sakura--[Uh] Sakura--[O?Oniichan, what happened to the juice?] Touya--[Uh] Touya--"Well it looks like all the lights are still out." (wa wa) Yukito--"They'll have to call off the festival." Sakura--"Oh no?after they went to all the trouble?" Sakura--"Aha!" Pg. 172 Sakura--"Just a sec!" Touya--[Hey!] Touya--"Wait a sec!" (da) (zoom) Touya--[she's fast.] (gasa gasa gasa gasa0 Sakura--[No one will see here.] (paaa) Sakura--"Release" (paaa) Pg. 173 (pou) Sakura--"Glow." (fukun) Pg. 174 "Wow" "What's this?" "Beautiful" "They're not fireflies." Yukito--"?It's beautiful." Touya--"?Sakura must have done it." Touya--[This is nonsense.] Pg. 175 Tomoyo--"It's Sakura-chan." Syaoran--"The Glow Card." Tomoyo--"?Li-kun." Tomoyo--"?Li-kun, you're really a kind person." Tomoyo--"I understand that you don't want Sakura-chan to be sad." Pg. 176 Tomoyo--"But" Tomoyo--"But Sakura-chan will always be sad if she doesn't have someone to hold her." Tomoyo--"If you tell her your feelings." Tomoyo--"I'm sure she would receive them." Tomoyo--"I think you'll get a Sakura-chan like response." Pg. 177 Sakura--"The Tsukimine Shrine is where I sealed you, Glow." Sakura--"I was so happy that time." Sakura--"So seeing your light makes me happy." Pg. 178 Nakuru--"Eriol, are we done for today?" Nakuru--"Can I go visit Touya-kun?" Spinel--"Why go down there?" Spinel--"You" (uzu uzu) (a ha ha) Nakuru--"Haven't I decided to play with him?" Eriol--"Go ahead." Nakuru--"Yeah!" Nakuru--[I can show Touya-kun my yukata.] Pg. 179 Eriol--"?Just a bit further Sakura-san." Continued in Volume 11 ~ Home ~ General Information ~ Translations ~ Fanfiction ~ Music ~ ~ Clever Stuff ~ The Miko's Corner ~ Links ~