Volume Ten Part Three Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 10, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-334259-X C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1999 This "script? was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Catch You Catch Me page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because?we?re translating the same thing silly! I?d hope they?d be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else?s translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 93 (rub) (snore) (rustle) Pg. 94 (rustle rustle) Sakura--[hmmmm] (smile) Sakura--"Yup." Sakura--"I'm okay now." Sakura--"It's the normal me." Pg. 95 Syaoran--{?It's okay."} Syaoran--{?You'll definitely find them.} Sakura-"?Thank you." Pg. 96 Fujitaka--"Good morning." Fujitaka--"You're up early today." (pata pata) Sakura--"Right! I just woke up." Sakura--[I got the newspaper.] Fujitaka--"Thank you." Fujitaka--"?Good." Fujitaka--"You're energetic again." Pg. 97 Fujitaka--"You've been a little down." Sakura--"Was I weird!?" Fujitaka--"No." Fujitaka--"But I know" Fujitaka--"Because I'm your father." Pg. 98 Sakura--"Thanks for being worried." Sakura--"I'm really okay now." Fujitaka--"Then why don't I make your favorite breakfast?" Sakura--"Really!?" Sakura--"Then, PANCAKES!!" Sakura--[with loads of maple syrup] Sakura--[Hurray!] (yank) Sakura--"Hoe?" Pg. 99 (basa) Sakura--"Hoe!!" (bota bota) Touya--"?morning." Fujitaka--"Good morning." Sakura--"Oniichan!" (Bam) Sakura--"Huh?" Sakura--[You usually don't just stand there and let me kick you] Fujitaka--"You still look tired, are you okay?" Touya--"nnnnnnng" Pg. 100 Touya--"?I don't feel particularly bad." (utsura) Touya--"Just a little woozy." :Ever since Oniichan gave his power to Yue he's been sleepy all the time.: Touya--[Can I help?] (bo) Fujitaka--[That's okay, please go sit down] :Kero-chan says it must be an aftereffect of giving away all of his power.: :Like after you give blood.: Pg. 101 :But when you give blood your body makes more.: :Oniichan's power won't return anymore?: :But even still, he gave his power?completely away: :To keep Yue-san and Yukito-san from dissapearing: Pg. 102 Sakura--"Looks delicious!" Sakura--"Dad, you're a great cook!" Sakura--"Dad, you're the best Dad ever." (happy) Fujitaka--[thank you very much.] Sakura--"Ah, but" Sakura--"You look a lot like Eriol-kun." Sakura--[He's not a dad but] Fujitaka--"Is he that English transfer student you were talking about?" Sakura--"Yeah!" Sakura--"He wears glasses and always has a nice smile." Sakura--"He's good at cooking and sewing and everything!" Pg. 103 Touya--"He'd be?" Touya--"About this tall with straight hair?" [This tall] Sakura--"Yeah, about that tall." Sakura--"Do you know Eriol-kun?" Touya--"?I met a kid like that." Pg. 104 Fujitaka--"I'd like to meet him too." Fujitaka--"This Eriol." Sakura--"Then I'll bring him to visit sometime!" Fujitaka--"Well, eat your food before it gets cold." Sakura--"Okay!" Pg. 105 (shaaa) Sakura--"Being on the road early in the morning feels good." Sakura--"Ah" Sakura--"Yukito-san's really not here." Clow Read Pg. 106 :I won't meet Yukito-san again anymore: :I won't see him going to school, and I won't go visit him at his home.: :But it's not like I'll never see him.: :?If I see him now I'll be very happy.: :But my heart won't be going pitter-pat.: :I'll still go 'hanyaan' but: :It will be a gentler feeling: Sakura--"That's what I think...thanks to Syaoran-kun." Pg. 107 (shaaa) Sakura--"What can I do to thank Syoaran-kun" Sakura--[What would be good] Sakura--[Ah] Sakura--[A festival!] Sakura--"It's at the Tsukimine Shrine!" Sakura--[It's this Sunday.] {Tsukimiya Shrine Festival Day Time June Sunday 5:00~} Sakura--"That's it!" Pg. 108 (pata pata pata) (GARA) Sakura--"Syaoran-kun!! Do you want to go to the festival!?" Syaoran--"Huh?" Sakura--"The festival! It's this Sunday! At the Tsukimine Shrine!" (zuzui) {Cleaning Syaoran Li Takashi Yamazaki} Sakura--[Oh!] Sakura--"Maybe you have chores!? Busy Sunday!?" (uru) Syaoran--"N-nothing in particular." Pg. 109 Sakura--[Hurray!] Sakura--"Then come to my house at six on Sunday." Syaoran--"G-got it." Sakura--"It's a promise!" Sakura--"I'll go get water for these!" (sutatata) (pa) Pg. 110 Eriol--"Good." Eriol--"Sakura-san has returned to her usual smiling self." Eriol--"?Thank you." Syaoran--"What for?" Eriol--"Sakura-san has become cheerful again because of you." Pg. 111 Syaoran--"I didn't do anything." Syaoran--"Anyways?Why would you thank me?" Sakura--"Oh!" Sakura--"Eriol-kun, morning!" Sakura--[You're early.] Eriol--"Good morning." Eriol--[I had something to do at the library.] Sakura--[I woke up early.] Pg. 112 {Tuesday} Tomoyo--[Are you okay?] Sakura--[Yup, just fine.] {Wednesday} Syaoran--[Aren't you getting more cuts?] Sakura--[It's not like that.] {Thursday} Syaoran--[I knew it, there are more!] Sakura--[Is?that so?] {Friday} Syaoran--[You're not doing something dangerous are you!?] Sakura--[A ha ha ha ha ha] Pg. 113 {Saturday} Syaoran--"It's not nothing!" Syaoran--"What are these cuts!" Sakura--"It's really nothing." Syaoran--"?So it's something you can't tell me." Sakura--"Syaoran-kun?" Tomoyo--"Sakura-chan promised to go shopping with me today." (pa) Sakura--"I'm really okay! I'll wait for you tomorrow at six!" Syaoran--[Uh?] Pg. 114 Sakura--"Thanks" Tomoyo--[no problem] Tomoyo--"Will it be finished in time?" Sakura--"I didn't sleep last night, so maybe." Tomoyo--"Do you want me to help?" Sakura--[thanks] Sakura--"But I want to try and do it myself." Sakura--"He likes someone else now, but" Sakura--"He told me he used to like Yukito-san too." Pg. 115 Sakura--"When I told him about Yukito-san I cried a lot." Sakura--"My tears and painful feelings flowed out." Sakura--"Syaoran-kun listened." Sakura--"And it made me feel better." Sakura--"So I want to say thank you by making this." Sakura--"I'll do my best." Tomoyo--"I'm sure it will tell him." Pg. 116 Sakura--"?Thank you Tomoyo-chan." Sakura--"You're always thinking of me and helping me." Sakura--"?I'm truly grateful." Sakura--"If you're ever sad or in trouble" Sakura--"I'll do anything I can." (so) Tomoyo--"?As long as you're smiling I couldn't be sad." Pg. 117 Tomoyo--"My happiness is your happiness." Pg. 118 {Sunday} (ding dong) (doki doki doki doki doki) (click) Sakura--"Welcome!" Sakura--[Six o'clock on the dot!] Pg. 119 Sakura--[This is my dad's room.] Sakura--[And this is my dad.] Fujitaka--"Hello, I'm Fujitaka Kinomoto." (Bow) Syaoran--"?Hello, I'm Syaoran Li." Sakura--[I'll leave it to you.] Fujitaka--[Okay.] Fujitaka--"So, shall we get changed?" Fujitaka--"Here." Pg. 120 Fujitaka--"Sakura-san made this yukata." {Translators note: A yukata is a kind of light summer kimono with a simple obi, or belt} Syaoran--"What!?" Fujitaka--"She wanted to give this to someone no matter what." Fujitaka--"So she had me teach her to make a yukata in four days." Fujitaka--"Sakura-san isn't good at sewing, but she gave it her all to make this." :So that's why: :Her fingers were hurt: Pg. 121 :What?? Fujitaka--"Shall we get dressed?" :He looks like Hiiragizawa?: (doki doki doki doki doki doki) Fujitaka--[Do you need help?] Syaoran--[Yes.] (tense) Pg. 122 Kero--"Fine fine, a festival!" Sakura--"I'll bring you back a present!" (humph humph) Fujitaka--"Sakura-san, we're ready." Sakura--"Okay!" Sakura--"Well, I'm off." Kero--"Oh, take care." Kero--"?Well, it's good that she's feeling better." Pg. 123 Sakura--"Wow!" Sakura--"Great! It suits you!" Sakura--"So lets go to the festival!" Fujitaka--[Here, wear these geta.] (Another translators note: geta are Japanese sandals/wooden clogs) Syaoran--[Okay!] Sakura--"We're off!" Fujitaka--[See you!] Syaoran--[Thank you.] (bow) Pg. 124 (kara koro kara koro) Syaoran--"?Th?Thanks" Syaoran--"For the?yukata." Sakura--"I wanted to say thank you." Pg. 125 Sakura--"Thank you?for that time." Pg. 126 Sakura--"Tomoyo is waiting to meet us at the Tsukimine shrine." (kara koro kara koro) Sakura--"And after that Oniichan and Yukito-san will be there." Sakura--"I'm okay now." Pg. 127 Sakura--"?Now I really" Sakura--"Just love Yukito-san like family." Pg. 128 Yukito--"Is this okay?" Touya--"You worry all the time." (boooo) Yukito--"But?I was happy." Yukito--"That Sakura-chan invited me to the festival." Yukito--"When Sakura-chan told me her feelings." Yukito--"I knew that her feelings for me and her father weren't completely the same." Pg. 129 Yukito--"But if I didn't say it she couldn't put her feelings in order?" Yukito--"Because of her love for me, it was delaying her finding the one she loves most?" Pg. 130 Yukito--"?I know Sakura-chan was sad." Yukito--"But I thought it would be the best thing to say?" Yukito--"Sakura-chan only showed me her smile" Yukito--"But?I'm sure she wasn't happy to see me?" (pon) Touya--"?She'll think about your answer." Pg. 131 Touya--"She's happy now, so quit the sob story." Touya--"That's why she invited you." Yukito--"?Yeah." Pg. 132 [hurray hurray] (zaku zaku) Sakura--"Tomoyo-chan!" Tomoyo--[Aah!] Tomoyo--"I get to film Sakura-chan in a yukata, I'm so happy." (spellbound) Tomoyo--"Li-kun, you look good in a yukata too." (ji) (blush) Tomoyo--"That's my Sakura-chan" Tomoyo--"You finished it wonderfully." Pg. 133 Sakura--[Ah] Sakura--"It's Oniichan and Yukito-san." Sakura--[Over here!] (don don piyara) (gaya gaya) (don don) (gaya gaya) [hurray hurray] (bi hiyarara) Pg. 134 Nakuru--"A ha aha" Nakuru--"I wanted to go to a Japanese festival at least once." Spinel--"You're wearing a woman's yukata again, huh." Spinel--[All the trouble Eriol had to go through to make that?] (poke) Nakuru--[Well it looks good on me.] Pg. 135 Eriol--"?There's something I want to give you today?" Eriol--"?It can't be helped." 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