Volume Ten Part One Official Disclaimer: Card Captor Sakura Volume 10, Kodansha comics ISBN4-06-334259-X C9979, 400 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha comics, 1999 This "script? was written as an aid for those who want to read the Japanese manga for Card Captor Sakura. It is not for sale, or for commercial use. It is intended for personal use. Thank you. Unofficial disclaimer: My Japanese isn't so great. So neither are the translations. I've done my best, with the help from the Catch You Catch Me page. If you discover anything blatantly wrong, please e-mail me. Just remember that these are presented in the spirit of fun and friendship. Most of the sound effects will be left with the original Japanese sound because they just sound right, better than any English, thunks or thuds. If there are any similarities to other CCS translations out there, they are because?we?re translating the same thing silly! I?d hope they?d be pretty close! But I do not steal from anyone else?s translations. Spoken lines will be in "quotations" Narration will be in : colons: Sound effects will be in (parenthesis) Handwritten lines will be in [brackets] Pg. 51 Yamazaki--"What's wrong Li-kun?" (hyoko) Syaoran--"Take this!" (ba) (da) Pg. 52 Tomoyo--"Li-kun?" (da da) Syaoran--"A magical presence appeared!" Syaoran--"Something might have happened to her!" Tomoyo--"To Sakura-chan!?" Tomoyo--"Li-kun!" Pg. 53 (bang bang) Yue--"?This place is full of power, I can sense clearly." (pou) Yue--"No mistaking, this is Clow's presence." Sakura--"But Clow-san is?!" Pg. 54 (yaka) "Star Road!" "Let's go see." Sakura--"Someone's coming!" (paaaaa) Sakura--"Release!" Pg. 55 Sakura--"Provide an illusion and lead them into a labyrinth!" Sakura--"Maze!" Sakura--"Illusion!" (paaaa) (basa) "Awesome!" "It looks like a planetarium!" Pg. 56 (go go go go go go) Sakura--"The power got stronger again!" Yue--"?Yeah." (squeeze) Sakura--"From where!?" Sakura--"This way!" (da) Yue--"Wait!" Pg. 57 (ta ta ta) (go go go go go go go) (pant) (basa) Pg. 59 Sakura--"?Eriol?kun." (paaaa) Pg. 60 (fuwa) Eriol--"?You found me, unfortunately." Eriol--"You transformed two cards at once." Eriol--"?Your power really has gotten stronger." Pg. 61 (riiip) (ba) Syaoran--"Sakura!" Syaoran--"Where's Sakura!?" (basa) Yue--"This way." Pg. 62 (da da) Yue--"?The Maze Card has been damaged." (sui) Syaoran--"The Cards?!" (flutter) Pg. 63 "It looks different from before:" [Huh?!] Yue--"?The Mistress's power has been stopped." Syaoran--"Sakura!!" Pg. 64 :?Where?: :Am I?: :Kero-chan?: :Yue-san?: Yue--"What's the meaning of this?" Clow--"I told you the meaning, Yue." :Clow-san?!?: Pg. 65 Clow--"Today I die." :What!?: Kero--"?It's not a very funny joke." Clow--"I'm sorry, it's not a joke Cerberus." Yue--"Why!?" Clow--"It's my life span." Cerberus--"You are Clow Read, the most powerful sorcerer in the world, who can bend nature to your will." Cerberus--"You made us and we know you best." Pg. 66 Cerberus--"You've lived for hundreds of years without your power weakening." Clow--"?That may be, but every living thing must come to it's end." Clow--"?Therefore" Clow--"I have made preparations." Cerberus--"What preparations?" Clow--"After I am gone you will grow to love someone else." Yue--"I don't need another master?" Pg. 67 Clow--"Then it would be good if you decide." Clow--"Whether or not that person is suitable." Yue--"?There IS no one suitable." Clow--"Yue has decided, so he is partial." Clow--"So please decide on a candidate, Cerberus." Cerberus--"?Are you serious?" Cerberus--"?How could I do that?" Pg. 68 Clow--"?Surely they will appear." Clow--"Someone you will admit as a new master." Yue--"I don't need a new master?" Yue--"I will sleep in the book forever?" Yue--"Never?awaken again." Clow--"Yue, Cerberus, and the Clow Cards." Clow--"I poured all of my power and my heart into creating you all." Clow--"Therefore, after I die, I want you to stay with your new master and be happy." Pg. 69 (fuwaaaa) (paaaaaa) (suu) Pg. 70 Cerberus--"You probably understand Yue's personality best." Cerberus--"He won't acknowledge a new master." Clow--"That's why I want you to choose a new master you will acknowledge." Cerberus--"?hell." Cerberus--"I just don't get it" (suri) Cerberus--"Your personality is bad, you give in to every whim, you're power is too strong, you're just otherworldly, and you're a really strange guy but? Cerberus--"?To me, you were a good master." Pg. 71 Clow--"?Thank you." (paaa) (suu) Clow--"?And now" Clow--"My final magic spell." Pg. 72 (pou) (paaaa) Pg. 73 :Two?!?: Pg. 74 Syaoran--"Sakura!" Syaoran--"Are you alright!?" Yue--"?What happened?" Sakura--"?I had?a dream?" Pg. 75 Eriol--"?Just a gentle contact with my magic." Eriol--"To see Clow Read's dream of the past?" Eriol--"Just a little" Eriol--"?bit further." Pg. 76 Kero--"?A dream of the day Clow died." Sakura--"?Clow was sitting in a chair." Sakura--"You and Yue-san were there." Kero--"What kind of house?" Sakura--"?There was a fireplace." Sakura--"And in front of it, one chair?" Kero--"That's a dream of the past." Kero--"In the past there was a house like the one you saw in the dream." Kero--"I really lived in the house you saw." Pg. 77 Kero--"Clow died in that room with the fireplace." Sakura--"?And before Clow-san left he returned you and Yue-san to the book." Kero--"What!?" Kero--"No." Kero--"Yue and I would have noticed if Clow did that." Sakura--"What?" Sakura--"So my dream was mistaken?" Kero--"No?" Kero--"I think Clow tampered with our memories." Pg. 78 Kero--"I should ask Yue too." Kero--"Did the snow bunny come?" Sakura--"Yes." Sakura--"But?" Sakura--"He's with my brother." Sakura--"He's going to wait with him until Oniichan wakes up." Pg. 79 Yukito--"To-ya?" Touya--"?Yuki." (ho) Touya--"?Now." Touya--"You won't?disappear." Pg. 80 Yukito--"?So I wasn't human." Yukito--"My grandfather and grandmother don't live in that house?" Yukito--"I'm not a transfer student?" Yukito--"My memories sometimes disappear." Yukito--"I am another person." Yukito--"All of my memories until now?were just a lie." Touya--"?But after you met me, they're all real." Pg. 81 Touya--"You're had a lot of experiences." Touya--"For me you're the same as ever, being near me and making me smile?that's good." Yukito--"?Thank you?" Pg. 82 Tomoyo--"Please hurry and get plenty of rest today." Sakura--"Sure." Sakura--"I'll return home as soon as I finish shopping for dinner." Sakura--[Thanks for going shopping with me, see you tomorrow.] Syaoran--[See you tomorrow.] Tomoyo--[See you tomorrow.] Sakura--"Thank you for today, Syaoran-kun." Sakura--[Especially for carrying everything." Syaoran--"?I'll walk you home." Sakura--"Huh? But wouldn't that be out of your way?" Sakura--[You're house is this way.] Syaoran--"It's okay." Pg. 83 Sakura--"Then why don't we stop by the park for a bit?" Syaoran--"O?Okay." Pg. 84 Sakura--"Today" Sakura--"I told Yukito-san." Sakura--"'I love you'" Syaoran--"?is?that so." Sakura--"But?Yukito-san." Sakura--"said, 'I'm not the one you love most.'" Pg. 85 Syaoran--"What?" Sakura--"he asked?aren't my feelings of love for him" Sakura--"and my feelings for my father, weren't they similar?? Sakura--"?I thought about it" Sakura--"And they?really are." Pg. 86 Sakura--"But you know" Sakura--"It wasn't the same kind of love?" Sakura--"It really is?" Sakura--"Different from the way I love my dad?" Sakura--"?But" Sakura--"Yukito-san has someone he loves best." Sakura--"And I love that person too." Sakura--"And I'm sure that they love Yukito-san best?" Sakura--"?So" Sakura--"The fact that Yukito-san doesn't love me best" Sakura--"is okay." Pg. 87 Sakura--"He has someone to love best?" Sakura--"If he's happy it's okay." Sakura--"Tomoyo-chan said it before." Sakura--"'It's more important that the one I love is happy than if they return my feelings.'" Sakura--"'They're happiness is my happiness.'" Sakura--"If Yukito-san is happy, then I will be happiest." Pg. 88 Sakura--"But?" Sakura--"I really can't understand it, but?" Sakura--"Just a little bit?" Sakura--"My tears are falling?" Sakura--"But if I cry and make a sad face?" Sakura--"Yukito-san will be troubled?" Syaoran--"?Just be patient." Sakura--"Oh my" Sakura--"I wonder why the tears are falling." Sakura--"I really did understand what Yukito-san said." Sakura--"I think that I want Yukito-san to be really happy." Pg. 89 Syaoran--"I understand." Syaoran--"?I'm sure." Syaoran--"I understand" Sakura--"?Thank you." Pg. 90 Sakura--"?Yukito-san said" Sakura--"?That someday I would find the person I loved most." Sakura--"And that person would love me most too." Pg. 91 Sakura--"I want?to find them." Syaoran--"?It's okay." Syaoran--"?I'm sure you'll find them." Sakura--"?Yes." 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