Gundam Wing, Blind Target: Part 1 [A lonely Heero is sitting in front of a computer terminal, typing away.] Heero: Data purge completed. Energy cut. Core system deadlocked. [We see him looking upwards to his Gundam, which is looming over him in the darkness.] Heero: Wing Zero. From now on, you are no longer needed in this era. Sleep well. Nobody will disturb you.] [cut to outside view of a colony] [Text: Amidst the silence of the tomb, a dark baneful shadow once more creeps up unnoticed.] (Translator: Yeah, I know it's enigmatic, I didn't write that stuff, ne? :-) [cut to the inside of the colony, where Relena, sitting inside her office, is shuffling some papers. She regards the birthday note (that she's retaped back up) and the teddy bear Heero gave her in ep. 49.] [Text: AC 196] [There is a knock on the door.] Relena: Yes, come in. [Chris Marly enters] Chris: Vice foreign minister Darlian, the preparations for the interview are in order. Relena: Thank you, Chris. Well, let's go. [They walk down the hall] Chris: I hope you have not been inconvenienced in any way. For the duration of your stay, I am to serve as your private secretary. I have been told spare no expense with the details. Relena: Thanks to you, it has been a pleasure, Chris. Chris: It is a privilege to hear that from you. [They arrive at a large door] Chris: Well, this is it. [As soon as Chris opens, an onslaught of flash-lights beats down on them] Reporters: Foreign vice-minister Darlian! What is your intention in your latest visits to the colonies? How far has the structuring of the Earth Unified Nations progressed? Chris: I'd like to ask you to pose your questions one at a time. [cut to Duo and Quatre, who are drinking tea and watching the broadcast in the comfort of Quatre's hotel room.] Duo: Must be pretty tough on her. Quatre: Quite likely. We've just made our first move towards becoming a nation within the Earth Sphere. She must be pretty busy, always on the move like that. Duo: Duo: Look who's talking. You goin', too? To the colony summit? Quatre: Yes. The colony representatives are currently gathering to negotiate the problems involved with the entry into the union. Duo: [making a face] Bein' head of the Winner House is tough, too, eh? Quatre: And you, Duo? Does this fit into your work schedule? Duo: [nonchalantly] Ah, just a little delivery work. Can't help it if the cargo is a little late... Quatre: [laughing] Duo, you... [wistfully] I wonder how the others are these days... Duo: [winking] True, we haven't been in touch for a while. Hey, that doesn't mean they're not well, eh? Quatre: [smiling] You're right. [cut to Wufei's dojo, where a group of students is practising martial arts. They all have their hair tugged back in short ponytails, just like Wufei's.] Students: Hya! Ha! Teacher: Put more spirit into it! Students: Hya! [Another student comes running] Student 2: Master! Wufei-dono is nowhere to be found again. Teacher: In that case, leave him be. He has earned his rest. [cut to Wufei, who is standing alone on top of a grassy hill, wind blowing all around him. He concentrates, and starts to practise.] Wufei: HA! [He stops abruptly] Wufei: Don't hide. How about showing yourselves? [Four men appear out of the woods, all in suits] Man 1: Are you Chang Wufei? Wufei: It appears that I need not even ask why you're here. You did not make a secret out of your bloodlust when you approached me.] Man 1: We asked you once already. Be nice and come with us.] Wufei: [smirking] And if I refuse? [The men stand in position and surround him] Man 1: We will make you. Wufei: You just won't take me seriously, will you? Fine with me. If that is how you want it. I'll accept! man 2: What? [Wufei plunges forward, and hits one of them in the stomach] [Cut to Trowa and Cathrine at the circus, feeding the animals] Cathrine: Well, I'll leave the rest to you Trowa. [Trowa is crouching in front of the lion's cage, petting the animal.] Trowa:[to Cathrine] Hm. [to the lion:] There. Eat plenty. [The lion's head perks up as a man approaches from behind] Ralph: That's the first time I've ever seen a genuine lion. My, they're big fellas. Trowa: You're.... Ralph Kurt. Ralph: Wow, you still remember me? Back then you acted like you weren't concerned with anyone else. [Trowa is not amused, and his eyebrows contract into a deadly frown.] (Translator: My, this must really go deep in order for poker face Trowa to use facial expressions just like that! ;-) And I swear, Ralph Kurt looks like an adult version of Heero!) Ralph: So, you call yourself Trowa Barton now. Just like that name back then... How ironic. I wonder what your comrades would say if they knew. Trowa: Why have you come here? Ralph: Is that anything to say to an old war buddy who came to inquire after you? I required some effort to find you. And such an unexpected place it is... Ralph: You used to be one of our best. Trowa: There is no more need for soldiers in this time. Ralph: That may not be the case. Trowa: Your point being...? Ralph: [smiling secretively] You will understand very soon. [cut to Duo, who is answering the urgent beeping of the comm unit] Duo: Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. [pushes button] Yes, this is Duo Maxwell. Heero: Duo. Duo: Heero? Hey! Well, this is a surprise. What on earth've you been up to? Heero:[ignoring the smalltalk] Is Quatre on this colony? Duo: Huh? Yeah, he's off to the colony meeting. We just said good-bye. [concerned] something the matter? Heero: Quatre is being targeted. Duo: What? What are you saying?! [cut to Quatre with his assistants, approaching the conference building] Assistant 1: Quatre-sama. Please, hurry. Quatre: Yes, I'm coming. [Quatre suddenly gets a flash, and turns around] Assistant 2: Quatre-sama? Q [disappointed] I had a feeling like somebody was calling... [Quatre enters the bulding] [cut to the bomb, counting down from 0016] [cut to Duo dashing through the crowds on the street] Duo: Please let me be in time! [Police are controlling the lines] Officer: Hey! Where do you think you're going! There's no trespassing from here! [He holds Duo back] Duo: Shut up! Lemme through! [The building suddenly explodes and goes up in flames. People are panicking and running away.] Duo: [fighting his way through the masses] Shit! Lemme through! [Last shot of Duo, screaming at the gaping hole in the side of the skyscraper] Duo: Quatre!! ---to be continued--- Translation by Sasha and Julie. Translator's notes: The manga is adapted from the radio drama, which is also available on two seperate CDs. The story is set between the end of the series and the Endless Waltz OVA. The plot, is somewhat tightened in the manga. The artist is the same person who drew the Episode Zero novel illustrations - VERY nice and sleek, and very close to the series' art style. This woman is gifted!