-pg85- Roshinu Here... The Misty Valley! This is it... The land of the Elves.... It's all mine! -pg86- Retribution: Lost Children Firefly -pg87- Pakk .....! Gatts...! Roshinu I will not let a human snatch away the destiny of the elves! I can't let that happen! I have to... Destroy you! -pg89- Roshinu AH HA HA ha... -pg93- Roshinu There weren't any... -pg94- Roshinu That's right... There weren't any... I waited... So long... For so many days... However long it was, I kept on waiting... -pg95- Roshinu I knew it. I really believed in them. In elves. -pg96- Mother Roshinu. Roshinu ! Mother Roshinu! Roshinu Mother? Mother Thank god you're safe! Roshinu How did you get here? Mother You're really... My little girl is really safe. -pg97- Mother Please... Stop! Father You've shamed the both of us. Thanks to you the whole town's pissed off at me! You've shamed me for the last time! -pg98- Father What? Do you want to say somethin'? Get the hell up, we're goin' back to town. Mother Please! Father And you're comin' with us! You think it's too late, you've been away too long? Where are your elves!? Where are the Misty Valley elves!? THEY DON'T EXIST!! At you're age you shouldn't believe such stories! -pg99- Father Even if they DID exist... What could they do to me!? Mother That's enough! Please stop... Father Shaddup! Roshinu No... Not here... Not in the Misty Valley.... -pg100- Roshinu I don't want this... I don't want any of this... I'll remove it... I have to... Destroy it forever! -pg101- Roshinu ....I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Father...Mother... Pakk There! Jill ......... -pg102- Jill Roshinu... ! Pakk This is too much... Roshinu J...ill... There weren't any... Not really... There weren't any elves... -pg103- Roshinu I...waited for them. Waited alone, for such a long time...but the elves didn't exist. I couldn't do anything else, once I'd started... The Misty Valley elves, and the Pirkaf story...they were just the imagination of a lonely child. They must have been... Jill Roshinu-nee-chan! Pakk That's not true. Roshinu You're... A Pirkaf... -pg104- Pakk A long time ago... There really was an elf village here. I don't know why there aren't any still here...but I'm sure a group of them lived here. I can feel it. Roshinu A group... Jill This is an elf. This little one. A real one. Roshinu A real one... I see. -pg105- Roshinu Elves... Do exist. Firefly - The End.