-pg131- Bugs You can't go... To harm the children... We won't let you go... Gatts No kidding? I'm not goin' anywhere! Even if you all want me to. It's gonna just be one constant stream... Of smashed lice. -pg132- Gatts Don't beg for mercy... I'm not gonna stop till I've trampled the lot of you! I'm coming through! Retribution: Lost Children Guardians (2) -pg138- Pakk ARGHH! Gatts is stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stu! Blech...sickening! There's no way any man could let this slide! (Of course, I'm only an elf...) Hey, don'tcha think that human down there's got a screwed up personality? That asshole won't even consider anyone else's point of view! He won't even admit that elves are any better than insects! (The nerve!) How the hell I put up with it all this time I'll never know. He doesn't understand how important I am to him. What the hell did those God things do to Gatts, anyway? Note (His memory capacity is limited.) Pakk And does any of this have anything in particular to do with this crow? He's got that personality, so I'll just have to deal... (GOD FORBID) Oh, this is just great. What the...? -pg139- Pakk A person is human his entire life... .... What could cause him to be... Sort of stained with anger like this? Ahhhh, stop it, stop it. Jeez, I've nothing to keep me with the guy. I can be on my own. He's got nothing... ........ You could've just said something! -pg140- Pakk Mm? -pg141- Pakk Is this... This must be... Misty Valley....!? Uh, uh, uh, oh crap... Run away! -pg142- Pakk O-on the other hand... Jill's in that mist somewhere... Yohhhkay... (Awright!) This is a job for... Me! I'll tear her away from them! I can defeat them somehow! Cause I got SOUL! (To the rescue!) Note (He's completely wrong about all of this, of course.) Pakk Wait for me, Jill, I'm coming! Cherry Blossom Lift Off! (I can take em single-handedly!) -pg144- Skinny I don't believe it... But one man really did just crush us all... -pg145- Fat Is he really human? Gatts Ya done talkin' yet? -pg148- Skinny F... Fast! -pg150- Retribution: Lost Children - Guardians (2) - The End