-pg171- Berserk -pg172- Berserk Retribution: Lost Children Pretty Insects -pg173- Shutters Oi, look! That's the guy from... Why is he here ? Evil Elves Play with us... Come play... -pg174- Gatts Elves, hunh ? -pg175- Kid Daddy... Mommy... Gatts Oi, kid. Wanna help revenge yer parents ? Or... Go with them ? Then... Make yerself useful... -pg176- Pakk Jill, wait up! Hey! Can't you just wait in the windmill out of harm's way ? Sheesh... Stop bein' so reckless! -pg177- Jill Th-that's... Man What's he doing ? Woman O... Oh God... -pg178- Pakk He's at it again! -pg183- Gatts Don't move. Evil elves Finished already ? Over so soon ? Aw, don't stop now! -pg184- Evil elves It's too boring! Boring Boring Boriiiing! Gatts An obnoxious kind of bug. Thought so. -pg188- Pakk This way... Gatts You were good bait, Boy. -pg189- Gatts Look. The insects... Burn well. -pg190- Pakk Jill, look! Retribution: Lost Children -- Pretty Insects -- The End