BLOODY ANGELS MANGA by Daisuke Suzuki Revision 2 by William Chow file #2 Shimatsuho 4 "Scared of Ghost" It's summer!! It's beach time (which takes couple of hours of drive to be in safe-to-swim-beach from Tokyo)!! Well, not yet for the passengers on Honda, City GG... Hiziri is running out of patience. "AAARRGGHHH!! How long does it take to get to youth hostel!! YOU DULL TURTLE!!!" Hyou is hardened up, driving... Yuhki is on passenger seat. "Come on, Hiziri. The youth hostel wouldn't run away even if we don't hurry." "Hyou got the class 5 driver's license in the summer intensive course camp. So, we decided to accompany Hyou as coaches (three traffic officers should make good coaches. ) and hit for beach... The sponsor of the car is Ishito-san. He's looking at his cousin's driving worriedly." Ishito: Please don't crash.. I pray you not to crash. I still have 27 more installments left.. (yeap, good reason to pray) Yuhki tries to relax the driver, but Hyou can't even listen to her... "You don't have to hurry. You can get used to driving slowly." "? umhuh" The driver of one of the cars held up with Hyou's driving shouts, but Yuhki fights back. "HEEY!! Quit crawling, Beginner mark!!" "SHUT UP!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEGINNER DRIVER DRIVING SLOWLY!!" Hiziri: Come on.. Let's change the driver.. You shouldn't cause fo much trouble for others, too.. Yuhki: Be quiet!! Hiziri: Damn. I bought a new swimsuit..I wonder if I'll have time to swim.. Ishito: !! Hyou Let me drive. Hyou: But I'm finally getting used to.. Ishito: NO BUT'S!!! (starts strangling Hyou) As traffic officer, I can't bear to see traffic held up like this!! Hyou: Wai..wai. So, Hyou pulls City off the road, and changes with Ishito.. The car sprints away in warp factor nine, and stops abruptly in front of the youth hostel named Jambaraya, which Hokuto, Moriyama Nakajima and Maina stayed couple of years ago (Read "Jinrui Nekoka" if you don't understand). Ishito comments cooly. "Well, that's how you are supposed to drive." "STOP LYING!!" Once they hit the beach, Ishito and Hyou are awestruck with Hiziri and Yuhki's swimsuits... Ishito: Hyou... Hyou: Ban-nie.. Ishito: It's good be alive, isn't it?!!! Hyou: Yeah!! They hug each other... Ishito: We don't have time to screw around like this. He elbows Hyou. Hyou finally realizes what's happening with their women.. Men are swarming around Hiziri and Yuhki... They're all trying to get a date with the two, but Hyou and Ishito merges behind the two women, expressing their reservation on Yuhki and Hiziri.. The swarm starts scatter.. Hiziri: Damn.. If we got these watch dogs we can't get any free meals.. Yuhki: Really. Ishito: What're you talking about?! Hyou: Don't you know the intention of those kind of men?! Hiziri: Oh, they're all gentlemen, aren't they? Yuhki: Really, after the dinner when we show the badge, all of sudden. Ishito: . D,.. do you always parasite on men with that method? Hiziri: Excuse me.. It's just once in a while. Ishito: (to Hyou) They're demons, aren't they? As the evening draws nearer, the foursome walk back to Jambaraya, through an alley of souvenir shops. An officer on patrol on bicycle recognizes Ishito. Officer: Ishito-san? Aren't you Ishito-san? Ishito: ?..! Kobayashi aren't you? Kobayashi:It is Ishito-san after all. Long time no see. Ishito: This's Kobayashi, my old classmate. Hiziri&Yuhki: Nice to meet you. Kobayashi:Same here. Are you on holiday, Ishito-san? Ishito: Why do you have to add "-san" even to classmate.. Kobayashi: Sorry. It's a habit.. Ishito: We're staying at Jambaraya, so drop by after work. Kobayashi:Yes, then excuse me. That night, at the dinner table, Hyou is trying to get his hand on beer bottle, but Yuhki beats him up. He has to put up with a pop... Kobayashi:Hello. Ishito: There you are. Come in. Yuhki: (pouring beer for Kobayashi) There you go. Kobayashi:Oh, thank you. Meanwhile, Hyou is pouring beer into his glass. Yuhki: You still don't understand? This time Yuhki hits him with a bottle. Ishito: How are things around here? Kobayashi:Pretty quiet.. The only big case is that one. Ishito: "That one"? Kobayashi:Don't you know? Ishito: If I know it or not, I don't know if you only keep saying "that". Meanwhile Hyou and Yuhki are still fighting over a beer bottle. Kobayashi:There's a ghost. Ishito and Hiziri's face gets rather pale. Yuhki is lights up. Hyou doesn't know what's going on. Kobayashi:Do you want to hear about it? Ishito: Well er. He and Hiziri are inching away from Kobayashi, but.. Yuhki: YEEES!!! I want to hear!! I want to hear!! I want to hear!! Tell me!! She hops over to Kobayashi.. Ishito: Such a happy girl... Hiziri: She's a living kinsho (a type of zombie that appears in Hong Kong movies. hops around instead of walk around.) Kobayashi:Then let me start...Two people who aren't exactly good at these kind of things stand up. Yuhki: Where are you going? Hiziri: Just to sober up.. Ishito: Me, too. Yuhki: Oh, come on, this's very interesting story, sit down! Hiziri&Ishito: Well.. er.. Yuhki: You don't have to get hasty. I'll let you spend a time with him, alone later on. Hiziri: IT'S NOT THAT!! Yuhki: Then what? Hiziri can't tell what's bugging her to Yuhki, so she looks at Kobayashi, sharply.. Hiziri: Al.. Alright, I'll hear it.. Yuhki: Yippy!! Hiziri grabs Kobayashi by his chest. "SO, I'll hear it!! Spit it out!!" "What are you doing, Hiziri?" Yuhki strikes Hiziri with the bottle. Then, she kills the light. "For this kind of story, the mood is important, right?" Hiziri is in cold sweat, and probably Ishito, too.. Kobayashi begins his story.. Kobayashi:It was three years ago The beach streets around here were haunts of bike gangs. The police set up road blocks everyday to crack down on gangs, but they changed routes everyday, and so forth... cat-and-mouse game continued for a while.. Hiziri and Ishito cut in. Hiziri: Such a slow story.. Ishito: If it's our jurisdiction, it's not gonna be like that. Hiziri&Ishito: Beat up any bike gangs that comes in our way!!(I really hate to think what kind of children these two would make..) Yuhki: Stop joking!! Kobayashi:We had that kind of man, too. He was a member of white bike squad from prefectural police that came over to help us out. Because he was single-minded and dedicated, I heard that he often created problems and went on and off the suspension. After he came, the arrest rate did go up. Hiziri: See? Ishito: You need that kind of guys. Kobayashi:Also, the number of shimatsusho and complaints went up Ishito: .. We..well setting aside the joke, I really want meet that guy. Where is he? Kobayashi:He is not around anymore..There was a piano wire across a beach side road, and the man hit the wire. It was rumored that it was done by the gangs who had a vengeance on him because of tight crackdown, or by residents who couldn't sleep, targeted against the gangs.. The strange thing is that despite of intense search by the officers, his head was never found. Since then, a ghost started to haunt this area. It is said that the moon-less night like the last night he went out to patrol, a headless phantom wonder around the beach side road. The appearance look as though if he's looking for his lost head, or searching for the man responsible for his gruesome death. The murderer hasn't been found, yet. Hyou: OUCHOOOO!! oh excuse me... The other three are gasping and sweating, with a shock... Later that night, after everybody went asleep. Hiziri has to go to a washroom. "Damn it.. I shouldn't have drunk those beers.. I hate youth hostels.. Why don't they have washrooms in every room?" Yuhki sneaks up on her and grabs her from behind. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The scream rings throughout Jambaraya.. Next morning, Hiziri is laughing stock of Yuhki. She's laughing herself inside out. Yuhki: A..I didn't know.. that you didn't like ghost..(giggle & gasp..) Hiziri: SHUT UP! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!! Shit.. that was careles. Last night, after that one hellova scream she was crying, making Yuhki panic. Yuhki: You've got pretty cute side, don't you? Hiziri: Will you! (turns to stare at Yuhki) !!! Yuhki is wearing a mask of a monster... Hiziri, carrying a oar, starts chasing Yuhki... Later in the afternoon, the foursome leave the beach. Hyou is driving again. Hiziri: Damn it.. Because you (Yuhki) were slow, the sun went down.. Yuhki: It's OK. We'll reach home before tomorrow. If we're lucky, we might be able to see the ghost. Hiziri: No thanks!! Hyou, Drive faster!! (smack!!) Yuhki: Come on. Don't push beginner too hard!! Besides, why should the ghost appear, so conveniently. Hiziri is pale, looking front. So, Yuhki turns around to see what's ahead. "?" The headless patrolman is coming from the other lane. Hiziri, and Ishito are panicking. Yuhki is delighted. All three of them shout at once, "There it is!!" Hyou hasn't noticed, because he's too busy driving.. Yuhki pulls the hand break. The City GG stops abruptly, turning around. Yuhki: Chase him, Hyou!! Hyou: ? Yuhki: HURRY!! Hyou: OK OK OK Hiziri: (yeek!!) Stop it, Yuhki!!! Ishito: You gonna be possessed!! Yuhki: Shut up!!.. !! Hyou!! put the light to high!! Hyou: Okeydokey. The light shows the rider of white bike wearing a black helmet. Yuhki: See? it was trick, after all!! Hiziri: What?! That bastard!! Yuhki: GO!! HYOU!! GET HIM!!! Hyou: But.. I just got my license.. While the passengers of the City GG are arguing, the rider loses his balance, and falls. Yuhki and Hiziri dash out of the car, and push the rider down. They beat him up, and takes off the helmet. "sorry.." The rider turns out to be Kobayashi.. Ishito: Kobayashi?! Kobayashi:Sorry to cause so much trouble for you.. Ishito: What's this all about? Kobayashi:Well.. it's something that came out of lie. Ishito: Lie? Kobayashi:As you can see, this road is pretty straight road. so there're lots of drivers, coming back from the beach, doze off, and have accidents. So, I spread that ghost story if that could help wake up some drivers. It turns out the story was a hit. Even TV station used the story, this ghost story/false rumor settled here. Hiziri: But why does the police have to re-enforce that false rumor!! Kobayashi:Well.. the number did actually go down. I mean the number of sleeping accidents... everybody: Yahooo! Kobayashi:So, what the hell, why bring back the number, under the order of Chief. Hiziri: (whispering to Yuhki) Such a sunny brained chief.. So in essence, I just look like a fool.. Next morning, apparently everybody did get back in time, and Yuhki, Hiziri, and Ishito report to duty, again. They drop by at Captain's office. Hiziri: Morning! Captain: Oh, you're back. Did you enjoy your holidays? Yuhki: Off course we did. Captain: Alright. Then, work hard from today, again. everybody: (saluting) Yes!! Ishito: Then, excuse us.. Captain: Ishito.. Did you visit Constable Kobayashi's grave? The three turns around and stare at Captain.. "HUH?" Captain: You're such a cold man. Weren't you his classmate at the academy? Ishito: Yes he was, but.. Kobayashi is.. Captain: Come on... This year was Kobayashi-kun's first obon (Aug 13 to 15 when deceased ones are supposed to return from the netherworld, for that time of period..) after he died while on duty... Were you playing around without giving him an incense? He should be crying in the grave. Ishito, Yuhki, and Hiziri turn white. Captain's phone rings.. "Oh, good morning. this's Kobayashi. About that Ishito-san's sunglasses I phone you last night. I mailed it first thing in the morning..." What Captain doesn't know is that his little practical joke over-worked. Hiziri passed out. Yuhki is holding her. "Hiziri!! Hiziri!! Wake up!!" Ishito is paralyzed with panic. " legs..." Shimatsusho 5 "Run-away Girl with Troubles" Yuhki is wandering around Seisho train station, in plain clothes.. Middle aged lady stops her... Lady: Excuse me. Excuse me, you!! What are you doing here? Yuhki: Huh? Lady: The 2nd semester started already, right? What's your school? Yuhki: Sc..!! I'm not!! I'm..Lady: The old trick of anniversary of founding won't work. I already researched. Yuhki: EXCUSE ME!! Lady: Your name, school, and grade..Instead of school ID, Yuhki sticks her badge right in front of this lady who is probably from PTA, or education board... Lady: Funny looking school ID. Yuhki: Can't you read these letters?! Lady: O..oh, police officer.. A..I'm sorry I thought you're student, well er.. I mean you look young, so.. Yuhki: It's alright. I'm used to it... There's a burst of laughter. Yuhki turns around and sees Hiziri laughing to tears. Yuhki: Hiziri!!! If you were watching me, why didn't you help me?! Hiziri: (still laughing) Well.. I thought it would be fun if you were actually taken into custody. Yuhki: That's why I said no.. Hiziri: Let's work."September is the juvenile crime prevention month. This's the month that with still the feeling of vacation remaining, young people run away, or skip school. Originally, it's the job of the juvenile section to take these youth into custody, and correct them, but this month they are especially short of hands, so they asked us to help them. Chronic lack of hand is the same with the traffic section, but our kind hearted Captain immediately (so happily) ordered us to help, as soon as he received the request. So we happily/reluctantly started the patrol. But baby faced Yuhki got caught by a juvenile officer as soon as we began..." So, Hiziri's narration ends. "For who are you putting the narration!!!!" Their next destination, is an arcade. First, Yuhki goes in, and questions some boys who are obviously skipping school. Yuhki: Excuse me, you. Aren't you students? What about school? Boy : Shut up.. Yuhki: Which school do you go to? Boy : None of your business. Yuhki: I think you better go to school.. Boy : Leave us alone. So, Yuhki comes out of the arcade and tags to Hiziri. She goes in, swinging out the manual baton. The door closes.. Moments later... "MOVE IT!! MOVE IT!! IF YOU GOT TIME TO SCREW AROUND HERE, GO TO SCHOOL!!! YOU IDIOTS!!!" The kids scramble out of the arcade.. As they walk around the city... Yuhki: Hey. Hiziri: What? Yuhki: Is it just my feeling, that there's so many evil looking people are around? True, the pedestrians around are living samples of how far can people's face get ugly... Hiziri: hm.. Better talk to 1st section, when we get back. A voice comes from small alley behind the two. "NO!!" "Sh. Be quiet!" "No! Let go of me!!" There's a young guy holding a girl's arm. Hiziri grabs guy's neck, and gives him a shoulder throw. The girl runs away. The guy tries to go after her. The Guy: STOP!! Hiziri: You're the one who has to stop. The guy: What are you?! Hiziri: Police officer. Got any complains?! The guy: Let me go!! Hiziri: See if you can!! The guy stares at Hiziri for a while, then smiles. "I have no choice.. I didn't want to use this method, but.." He grabs Hiziri's chest. She's taken by surprise, and starts screaming, while the guy runs past her. He runs out and looks around the main street. "Shit.. I lost her.." "BOING!!" Hiziri gave the guy the mightiest blow she could give. The guy passes out. She is still gasping, and crying.. The manual baton is indented.. After that the guy ends up in the questioning room Seisho Police. His business card reads "S & W Private Investigator Ltd. Agent Mon Shiena. 4-12-7 Setogiwa (= "on the edge") Building, Kanagwa District Yokohama. Tel (045)-491-XXXX" (Actually he's one of the main characters of Naoki Mizutani's irregular series "Cinnamon", coming from this guy's name, read surname, first...) Yuhki is doing a first-aid on Cinnamon's head.. Cinnamon: Just like I told you!! I was looking for her on request of her father, because she run away from home!! Hiziri: Why should I believe you (o.b) pervert!! If that's so, you should have the girl's face! Cinnamon: I never forget the faces of girls once I see them!! Hiziri: Will you!! Just then Captain Sabasu of 1st section comes in. Sabasu: Long time no see Cinnamon. Hiziri: Captain Sabasu.. Cinnamon: You're still alive, octopus head? (Octopus's head is round and hairless, right?) Sabasu: Still got nasty tongue, don't you? Hiziri: You know him? Sabasu: Since he was this small.. I wanted to adopt him, but he ran away. (He's been doing this kind of this all the time, hasn't he?) Cinnamon: Ha! Do I look like fit to be son of inspector. Sabasu: You're looking for somebody, I heard. Cinnamon: Yeah.. Sabasu: Could it be that you're looking for Shizuka Tamba? Cinnamon: you've got ears of hell.. Sabasu: Alright. Find her quickly. Take Takamidou along. Hiziri: WHAT?! You gotta be kidding. I'm not going with this pervert!! Cinnamon can't fight back the allegation... Sabasu: Sushi sure would taste great after a job done.. Hiziri: (dragging Cinnamon) See you later.. So, she and Cinnamon borrow Sabasu's Bentz, and are cruising around the town. Hiziri: Your name is Shiena-san, was it? Cinnamon: Just call me Cinnamon. Hiziri: OK, then Cinnamon. Captain seems to know but who is that girl? Cinnamon: The girl herself is an ordinary girl who's attending high school, except that her father is the head of Tamba-gumi which has 10 thousand members..(Yes, Tamba-gumi is gang syndicate) Hiziri: You mean Tamba-gumi that's on the verge of all out war with Kanda-gumi..?? Cinnamon: You're cop alright. You know well.. Hiziri: I see if anything happens to the girl, in this kind of really dangerous situation to begin with... Cinnamon: That's right. Hiziri: But why did she run away? Cinnamon: On the letter she left behind, she wrote "I wanted to be ordinary girl." Hiziri: I sort of understand her feeling. Cinnamon: Maybe not. Hiziri: Huh? Cinnamon: If she has a brain of ordinary girl, she should know how dangerous it is to run away right now. In short, she's just a selfish girl who only think of herself. And that selfish girl is walking around. "Hmm, feeling of freedom. I always had be with bodyguard wherever I wanted to go. Let's see where should I go? Maybe I should head to somewhere I haven't gone before..." Behind her, two thugs are following her. Meanwhile, the Bentz is still cruising around the town, without any lead. Cinnamon: For looking for one person, this is pretty big town. How do we find her? Hiziri: That's why we have this car. She pick up the radio. Hiziri: Yahoo. Yuhki! Yuhki is in patrol radio room. Yuhki: Yees? Hiziri: Any information? Yuhki: Yeah. about 15 minutes ago, a pato car on patrol saw what seems to be her walking Honcho South Rd. Hiziri: OK. Then I'll go there. See ya. Yuhki: Bye bye! Hiziri: (to Cinnamon) That's about it. Cinnamon: .He's holding his head. Hiziri: What's wrong? Can't you say anything with this beautiful relay work of network? Cinnamon: I was just too startled with your sunny headed conversation!! Oh hell. First we have to find Shizuka!! If Kanda-gumi catches her, she's gonna be packed in cement before she can be ordinary girl!! Hiziri: Roger!! The Bentz speeds away. Meanwhile, Shizuka Tamba is looking at one of the thug that was following her... "You must be the daughter of Tamba-gumi. Come with us." "Well... er." She back away, but the other one is blocking her way. "NOO!!!" The Bentz stops by the alley that Shizuka is being dragged away. "There she is!!" Cinnamon jumps out of the car, to the thugs of Kanda-gumi. "STOP!!" "take her away.." The gorilla-like thug tries to face him, but Cinnamon easily beats him with the help of a wrench. "Use of weapon.. Such a dirty guy..." (It's a dirty trick, but it does a good job...) Meanwhile, the other thug throws Shizuka into his car. Cinnamon catches up with him... The yakuza tries to start his car, but though the engine is running, the car isn't going anywhere. "?.." He turns around. "!!!" To his horror, Cinnamon is lifting up the car, so that the driving wheel wouldn't touch the ground.. (good thing the car wasn't front wheel drive..) The thug comes out of the car with a gun, but before he could shoot.. "BOING!!!!" Hiziri: oops... She smashed Bentz's right front into the driver's side of Kanda-gumi's car. Cinnamon puts down the car, and looks at the girl who started all. Cinnamon: Are you alright, Shizuka-chan? Come on, let's go home. Shizuka: NO! Cinnamon: The school already started, right? Shizuka: I'll quit that kind of place!! Everybody in my class treats me like touching a bomb, I never had any friends. That's all because I'm the "daughter of the head"!! I can't stand anymore!! I wanna be like ordinary girl and go shopping, or play with friends!!! Cinnamon pulls her out of the car and spanks her.. Cinnamon: Ordinary girls get punished like this if they run away from home. Shizuka-chan, your dad sure is the big boss of yakuza, and for other people's view, he might the worst kind of people that's like a trash.. Shizuka: (n.t) You don't have to say that far. Cinnamon: But when your dad came to the office, he wasn't the head of 10 thousand members, but ordinary dad who couldn't sleep because he was so worried about his run away daughter... Let's go home, OK? Shizuka is crying..Back in the station... Sabasu: Oh, so he's gone. Hiziri: Yes.. Oh, and he told me to say hi to octopus he.. I mean, Captain Sabasu.. Sabasu: OK. As I promised let's go to sushi restaurant. Yuhki, come along. Yuhki: Yippy!! Hiziri: A... actually, my stomach isn't feeling great, so I'll have sushi on another occasion.. Bye! She leaves hastily...Sabasu can't figure out what's bugging her, until he sees his car. "Oh, I see. " The front right side of the Bentz is smashed up.. Shimatsusho 6 "Flowers for the Angels" It's violent era..Armed robbers are raiding a super market. Somehow, Kamionyu happens to be at the site. One of the robbers is shooting at Kamionyu. Kamionyu: Excuse me, but why does the super market robber in Japan has CZ-75? Robber 1: It's not the matter of logic!! Kamionyu: You opened fire so sudden that you made a hole in my badge. I better pray for his restful sleep.. Robber: STOP JOKING! I'm robbing this place seriously!! Be serious!! Kamionyu: You mean.. He takes out his gun (S&W 44 Magnum!! as you know), and shoots a couple to the general direction of the robber. The bullets hits the table with pops, and makes a giant hole in the center of the table, and breaks several of the pop bottles. The robber's face is covered with pop. Kamionyu: You mean like this? Robber 1: Ch..cheater!! why does a Japanese cop has 44 Magnum?! Kamionyu: It's not the matter of logics. Why don't you get arrested? The other robber sneaks up on Kamionyu, and hits the inspector's head with a snapnose. Kamionyu passes out.. Robber 2: IDIOT!! What're you screwing around?! Get moving!! Robber 1: Br.. brother. The robbers pick up the bag filled with money, and leaves the super market. Robber 1: By the way, where have you been?! Robber 2: My stomach wasn't doing great, so had to go to washroom. On the street, numerous squad cars are scrambling around. Some of them pass by a street where Hiziri and Yuhki are doing their routine work. Hiziri: Getting pretty noisy. Yuhki: Something happened? Hiziri: (getting thrilled) Should we go? Yuhki: Stop saying idiotic things!! You'll have to return what I owe you for paying that car repair bill, by the winter bonus. My wish is that you wouldn't get involved in anything that would affect the assessment. Hiziri is plugging her ears... Yuhki: If you get what I mean, start working!! If you loaf around, tonight's dinner will be full-course of konnyaku. Now, Hiziri is crying. (apparently Hiziri doesn't like konnyaku) Just then, the two robbers who evaded the police pursuit appear in front of the two officers. Hiziri can't grasp the situation. One of the robber points a gun to her. "HIZIRI!!!" Yuhki jumps to Hiziri and pushes her away, as a gun shot echoes. Hiziri falls into a bush beside the sidewalk. The robbers run away. Hiziri gets up.. "Shit!! Let's go, Yuhki!!." Yuhki is lying on the sidewalk... "Yuh... ki..?" There's a blood stain on Yuhki's shoulder... Hiziri's manual baton falls to the ground.. Now the blood is forming a pool underneath Yuhki's body... "YUHKI!!!!" Hiziri starts dashing to her motionless partner.. In the hospital, Hiziri, Captain, and Sabasu are waiting patiently in front of an operation room... The light of the operation room goes off, and doctor comes out. Hiziri: DOCTOR!! Captain: How is she?! Doctor: There's nothing to be worried. The bullet has been extracted without any trouble. Hiziri: There will be... a scare, right? Doctor: Just a bit... By tomorrow she should regain consciousness. She's in room #303. everybody: Thank you very much. Later that night, Captain is in his office, fiddling around with a gun. Sabasu comes in.. Sabasu: You shouldn't play with something you aren't used to. Where's Takamidou? Captain: I left her with Utsumi. Sabasu: Don't let her go on loose, OK? (o.b)there's no way of knowing what's she'll do.. Captain: Yeah... Next morning, Yuhki wakes up and sees somebody sitting in bedside. She can't see who it is because of sunlight.. Yuhki: Hiziri? Hyou: Wrong. Yuhki: Oh no! Hyou: What's wrong? Yuhki: You've been here all along? Hyou: For the whole night. Yuhki: You didn't do anything did you? (o.b) while I was asleep... Hyou: Am I supposed to be weirdo?!! Ishito drops by... Ishito: Huh? Why is Hyou here? Hyou: What's wrong with me here? Last night Hiziri-san phoned me.. And I was so worried that I couldn't sleep a bit Ishito: Takamidou?!! (grabs Hyou by neck) Where the hell is Takamidou?!! Hyou: I don't know. She left when I came in, saying something about settling a score.. Ishito: AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!! He runs out in panic... In Seisho Police, 1st section, Kamionyu (who has two bandages, one from being hit by the robber, and the other by Sabasu) receives a lead for the robber. "FOUND THEM!! What appears to be the suspects are on the run, stealing a taxi!!" "ALRIGHT!! LET'S GO!!!" Everybody in 1st section dashes out to the parking lot.. Captain stops Sabasu.. Captain: Sabasu!! Sabasu: What? Captain: Takamidou disappeared!! Along with a mini pato!! Sabasu: WHAT??!! Once on the squad car Sabasu is really upset about how things turned up.. Sabasu: You idiot!! I told you not to let her loose!! Captain: I'll listen to any complaints afterwards!! Right now we have to catch the suspects before Takamidou does!! or else.. the suspects are in trouble!! Meanwhile, the robbers are in another kind of trouble. the robber 2 is shooting his snapnose, while the robber 1 is driving hard... Robber 1: Brother.. Robber 2: What?! Robber 1: I can understand that cops are after us, but.. why do we have to be chased by bike gangs too?!! It turns out that huge number of bike gangs are fans of Yuhki. They are rather upset about these two robbers who injured their "secret idol"... "For the pride of the gang, we won't let them get out of this town alive!!" But they notice that a very familiar squad car coming from other lane, so they cease the chase.. It's Hiziri Takamidou's Be-1.. Her face is very cold, and she's driving directly into the robbers' getaway taxi...She continues her path, while the taxi tries to change coarse at the very final moment, but Be-1 smashes into the taxi.. A swarm of squad car appears at the site...(Where did the bike gangs go?) Captain, Sabasu, and Kamionyu are too startled with the turn of event. Covered with blood, Hiziri kicks away the door, and slowly makes her way to the robbers' car... One of the robber crawls out of the taxi, but Hiziri is standing in front of him, in cold face... Captain tries to cut in before thing gets worse, but Sabasu stops him. Hiziri throws away her baton, and takes out the cuff. She puts the robber under arrest, without doing anything. Captain sighs.. Hiziri smiles at them. And later in hospital, another fight between Hiziri and Yuhki starts again... Yuhki: BAKA!! why do you always have to be that idiotic?! What was the point of me sacrificing myself to save you?!! Constable Yuhki Utsumi. Hospitalized one month for gun wound on right shoulder... Hiziri: So, I avenged for ya, didn't I? Why can't you thank me?!! Constable Hiziri Takamidou. Hospitalized two months, for fracture on right humerus, and several bruises. (why is it that the one who avenged has worse injuries, Hiziri-san?) They end up starting a pillow fight, while Sabasu, Hyou, and Ishito look on. Captain is trying to ignore what's going on. It's a violent era. Bloody Angels Volume 2 End of file