妖しのセレス (Ayashi no Ceres) Volume 6 Translation (Part 1) Formatting conventions: text = character's thoughts [text] = narration //text// = sound effects, when necessary {text} = translation notes Page 6 [It is night time at the Aogiri household. Yuuhi, Chidori, Aya, Q-chan, and Suzumi are captivated by the event on the TV] Reporter on TV: "You have the hagoromo at your house? What do you mean?" Reporter on TV: "Kei, you're Shuro's relative. Is he really telling the truth?" Kei on TV: "This guy just likes to fantasize a lot!" Chidori: "Just now... Shuro says his family's the descendant of Tennyo..." Yuuhi: "Those two... aren't they from that popular idol group--" Page 7 Announcer on TV: "This is GeSang presenting 'feel'!" [On the TV screen, the two members of GeSang sing and dance under the spotlight.] Chidori: "Yeah! They're relatives, both born in Okinawa..." Yuuhi: "Okinawa! They have many Tennyo legends there! Hey, isn't one of the legends about--" Page 8 Suzumi: "...the story about the Tennyo who stayed behind and didn't go back to the sky." Aya: Stayed behind... just like Ceres... Audience on TV: //Kiyaaaaaaaa!// {screaming fans} Yuuhi: "Aya! You see, this is a lead!" Aya: "Eh?" Yuuhi: "The hagoromo! Even if Ceres' hagoromo is gone, there may be others left behind by the other Tennyo!" Yuuhi: "You can't give up just because Aki changed... No matter what, you must do something... that's more like you." Page 9 Chidori: "Exactly! This is for Aki's sake!" Aya: "For... Aki?" [Flashback of the changed Aki] Aya: The Aki who transformed to his past life-- Yuuhi: "Yes... you must trust your brother. He will change back one day!" Aya [recalling lines from Aki's letter]: [I may not be very dependable, but I'm still your brother. Our bond won't be broken so easily. To me and to the Mikage family, you're our only hope.] Page 10 Aya [still recalling Aki's letter]: [I hope you will try to stay alive to protect the things that are important to you. No matter what happens... I believe you will be able to overcome all the problems.] Aya: "Can I? Can I... really do it?" Yuuhi & Chidori [simultaneously shouting]: "Of course!" Chidori: "We wouldn't be here otherwise!" Page 11 Aya [chuckles]: "Yeah... I forgot..." [Yuuhi reaches out and embraces Aya] Aya: ! Yuuhi: "Go ahead and cry... cry as much as you need... then--" Page 12 Yuuhi: "Return to your normal self..." [Aya cries softly as the scene fades. The next morning, Aya is sitting by the yard, reading Aki's letter again.] //Birds chirping// Aya [thinking about a line from the letter]: [If I become evil, please kill me.] Page 13 [Noise in the background] Aya: I wonder how was Aki feeling when he wrote this letter? [Aya's cellular phone rings] //DOKI// {sound of heartbeat} Aya [answers phone]: "Hello?" Tooya [sitting on a bed in a hotel room]: "Aya? Great, you haven't gone to bed yet." Aya [tightens her grip on the receiver]: "...Tooya..." Tooya: "Sorry I couldn't contact you earlier... are you alright?" Page 14 Aya: "I'm fine... because I'm not alone." Tooya: "...I see--" Aya: "Tooya, where are you?" Tooya: "In the hotel in front of the hospital." Aya: "The hospital? Did your wound get worse!?" Tooya: "I'm OK... It seems that Aki was sent to the hospital." Tooya: "It's good that I found him so soon... Don't worry, he's not in serious condition." Aya: ... Page 15 Tooya: "I'll be staying here to keep an eye on things for awhile." Tooya: "Don't worry about me. Do whatever you had planned to do. Keep on being the Aya who won my heart!" Aya [with a smile on her lips]: I'm not alone... "No problem, I can do it!" Aya: I can't give up on Aki... I can't forget what the real Aki said. The hagoromo'- Yes! As long as I find the hagoromo... Page 16 [Aya and Yuuhi are almost fully blocked from sight by a large crowd of teen girls.] Aya: "But... there are so many people here!" Q-chan: "Shuro Tsukasa (18 years old) and Kei Tsukasa (19 years old) became famous when they started out as 'GeSang' last year. Their first song got a lot of positive attention since it was used as the main theme in a popular soap opera. Not only can they sing, but they are also good looking and can dance, so they're very popular. Besides, Shuro can also write lyrics..." Chidori: "Kyuu-chan, you're awesome!" Chidori: "The tickets for their on-tour concert sold out in one day! Can we really talk to someone so great? Hurray!--" Aya: "Chidori, we're here to investigate the hagoromo, not to admire the idols!" Page 17 Chidori: "...is that so? Then how come you dressed so nicely today?" Aya: "I... it's just a little--" Yuuhi: "Geez, women are all the same!" Aya: "What's the signature paper you're holding for?" Yuuhi: "I can use it if I meet Matsutaka or Tomochan." Aya: "Oh yeah, the band on your forehead was ripped..." Yuuhi: "I think the man who was with Aki took it... Still, even without the Tennyo symbol's power, I can still protect you." Page 18 Aya: "Yuuhi..." Aya: "Come on, Tennyo's power is stronger." Yuuhi: "Why, you...!!" Aya: "Just kidding..." [Yuuhi senses Aya is standing very close to him] Aya: "I feel safe already just by having you near me. Thank you for yesterday... letting me lay on your chest. I feel so much better now." Page 19 Yuuhi [blushing and stuttering]: "S... sure..." Yuuhi: There was another time and there was more to it... Yuuhi [reaches his left hand to take Aya's right hand]: ... Aya [suddenly looks ahead]: "Ah!" [Yuuhi pulls his hand back in fright] ?Aya?: Here they come! [Shuro and Kei emerge from ahead where the massive crowd has them surrounded.] Page 20 [Aya tries to push through the crowd of GeSANG fans. Chidori follows behind with a camera.] Aya: "Excuse me, please let me pass!" Fan #1: "Don't give up, go!" Fan #2: "Shuro!!" Fan #3: "Kei!" Aya: "Let me pass..." Fan #4: "Yaaaaaa- he's looking at me!" [Shuro and Kei get into the taxi. Aya, Chidori, Yuuhi, and Q-chan are left behind... on the ground.] Yuuhi: "What the hell! They're crazy! Damn." Q-chan: "Fans are like that..." Aya: ... Page 21 [The taxi drives away, with fans chasing behind.] ?Chidori?: "Ah! They're running away- what should we do?" Q-san: "Run after them!" ?Yuuhi?: "How can we follow them??" //Yuuhi's cellar phone rings// [Yuuhi picks up the phone] Suzumi: "Yuuhi? It's me. That two group band..."Peyang"?" Yuuhi: "It's GeSANG!" Suzumi: "Yeah, whatever, well, anyway, I talked to one of the officials from G Business Office about wanting to meet the group." Yuuhi: "Huh?" Page 22 Suzumi: "She's an acquaintance of mine..." Yuuhi: "Why didn't you tell us earlier? Dork!" Suzumi: "You rushed out before I had the chance! Jackass!!" [Yuuhi turns SD and drops the phone to cover his head while Aya looks on.] Yuuhi: "Waaaaa!" Aya: "You lose again." [At the TV station...] Aya [thinking with determination]: All right, this time for sure! [Aya, Q-chan, and Yuuhi walk down the hall with a guide while Chidori is jumping around and looking around with happiness.] Chidori: "Kiyaaaaa-- It's my first time in a TV station!" [Aya sweatdrops.] Q-chan: "What if the casting director has the eyes for me and I am selected?" Yuuhi: "What, to play in a comedy?" [The guide stops.] Page 23 Aya: "What...?" Kei: "Don't you dare say it again!!" [Kei pushes Shuro out of a room. Shuro bumps into the wall on his back.] Aya and Yuuhi : Shuro!? Page 24 [At the Mikage research center. Two figures are walking down a narrow passage.] Riyuriku: "I'm sorry to be asking you to come here at such short notice, Chief." Kagami: "It's all right...what is it that want me to see?" Riyuriku: "It's the Tennyo mummy..." [Kagami stops in his tracks. Alexander stands before him in front of an opened chamber door.] Kagami: "Oh? Are the test results out already?" Page 25 [Alexander bows to Kagami as Riyuriku punches in the password on the security pad beside the door.] Kagami: "Alec..." Riyuriku: "...the symbol sewed on Yuuhi Aogori's headband and the symbol that appears with the scars on Aki Mikage's body--" Riyuriku: "From this Tennyo mummy, we find this... Please take a look under the electronic-microscope." Page 26 [The viewing screen on the microscope reveals many "cells" that bear an exact resemblance to the Tennyo symbol, except that these symbols are "contaminated" at some parts.] Kagami: "This...this is!!" Riyuriku: "It's within the cells from the mummy... It may be some sort of unknown virus or bacteria. Maybe a different matter altogether... We are still unclear about that." Alexander: "It's the same as the matter we extracted from Ceres' blood." Kagami: "...the drugs we gave the C-Genome were made from this. These matters can trigger the Tennyo power from the C-genoma..." [Kagami takes his glasses off.] Kagami: "I get it!" Page 15 Kagami: "So this is the source of Tennyo's superpower!" Kagami: "...and this 'shape'...if the 'shape' itself contains the power...!!" Riyuriku: "The power from the shape itself? You mean something like the pyramid power or the Gobousei?" {I have no idea how to explain this...basically, it's something that has five...light sources? Nevermind.} Kagami: "But, why would Aki have it on his body? He is Tennyo's descendant, but who else from our family besides him had shown--" [Image] Alexander: "I heard about... Aki..." [Kagami stops and turns to look at Alex.] Alexander: "I was very shocked..." Alexander: "He's an good, honest lad... even if he can't compare with Shiori..." Alexander: "Still... I like him very much." Page 28 [Kagami re-adjusts his glasses back on his nose.] Kagami: "...Sorry. I'm not an expert on THAT kind of hobby. Although I can accept it..." Alexander: "I'm serious!" Alexander: "Only sixteen years! His whole life... just because of the plan... to imprison a teen like that in order to perform the experiments..." Kagami: "...do you mean we forced him? Don't forget you are an accomplice yourself." [Alex is startled. He looks down.] Alexander: "Chief... Don't you have any sympathy for him?" [Kagami recalls how Aki had hurt Tooya and kissed Ceres' picture.] Kagami: "...yeah...Shiso's will unconsciously appeared in Aki's mind..." Page 29 Kagami : "...which led Aki to believe they were his own thoughts. He developed a strong guilt toward his twin sister and further despised himself." Kagami: "At the end, he even shut down his own heart... His pain must be overwhelming..." Kagami: "Still. At this point, we can't go back now." Kagami: "Tennyo's mummy--our ancestors left us the best legacy. With this we can mass produce the drugs!" Page 30 Kagami: "Carry out the plan immediately!" Kagami: "Distribute the drugs across Japan and capture all the C-genoma in one sweep!" Alexander: "Chief! You know what happened in Tochigi last time! If we do this, many of the C-Genome might die of the rejection from the drugs! We should follow our original plan--find the right person after a detailed investigation--" Kagami: "The drug is harmless to 'normal human beings.'" Page 31 Kagami: "We won't be able to accomplish much if we're afraid of sacrifices." Kagami: "Our next plan is now waiting to enter the next step-- 'World' and 'Hagoromo'. [Meanwhile, back at the TV station.] Kei: "Do you know what you just said!!" Aya/Chidori/Yuuhi: ? Akashi: "You two stop fighting!" Shuro: "...of course I know." Page 32 Shuro: "I said, I want to 'LEAVE' show business!" Aya & Chidori: "Eh!?" Akashi: "Shuro!! What the hell are you saying?!!" Kei [to Aya and the rest]: "Everyone... he's just joking, so don't take it seriously." Shuro [noticing Aya and smiling]: "Ho!" Page 33 [Shuro walks toward Aya.] Shuro: "Who are you? A fan? There's still some time left until we go on air, so I can autograph for you! Hehe..." Kei: "Hey...Shuro! I'm not done talking to you!!--" Shuro: "Oh, no you don't, Kei. No more fighting!" [Shuro grabs Aya's hand and pulls her along.] Aya: "Ah..." [Shuro pulls Aya into a run away from the rest of the group.] Yuuhi: "Aya!!" //Bang// Page 34 [Shuro closes the door to a room.] Shuro: "Hahaha... Did you see the look on Kei's face?" Aya: What...what was that all about? Shuro... Aya : Ah! This is my chance! Aya: "Shuro!!... you said on TV that Tennyo's your ancestor..." Aya: "You said you have 'Tennyo's hagoromo' at your house. Is that true?" Shuro: "Oh that... yeah... so?" Aya: "Me, too!! An ancestor of mine is also a Tennyo!! I'm looking for the hagoromo!!" Shuro: "Huh?" Aya: "Please! Please let me take a look at the hagoromo you have!" Page 35 Aya: "I know you have to go on concert tours and you're very busy, but... I'm begging you!! I really need the hagoromo!! " Shuro: "...sure! No problem..." [Aya is startled. Shuro raises Aya's face up to face him.] Shuro: "As long as you become 'mine', I'll give you the hagoromo!" Continued in Part 2...