Alice 19th (The search for lost wordsAlice 19th (The search for lost words...) Chapter 13 by Watase Yuu Released in Shocomi (Shoujo Comics) 2, 2002. Issued on 20th December 2001. Translation by Himiko-chan ( For non-commercial purposes only. Reproduction anywhere, anytime is forbidden unless written permission is attained from me, Michelle, email is DO NOT STEAL! I’m translating with knowledge of only basic Japanese grammar and vocabulary, there are mistakes, ‘cos I‘m not sure of some parts. Comments, corrections, suggestions and constructive criticism are all welcome. Legend [actions. descriptions.] thoughts (usually Alice’s inner thoughts) (side notes, page numbers) //sound effects// Cast Seno Alice – Heroine, Lotis Master in training. (Kyou calls her ‘seno’, her last name, out of courtesy) Wakamiya Kyou – Hero, Alice’s crush, an archer and also a Lotis Master in training. (also know as ‘senpai’, it means “school senior”, that’s how Japanese address each other) Seno Mayura – Alice’s sister. Gets kidnapped by a dark force, a damsel in distress? Nyozeka – Rabbit-girl like creature. A Lotis scout who bestows power on those chosen to be Lotis Masters. Furei – Another Lotis Master, skilful and cool, more experienced than Alice and Kyou. A foreigner. *Furei’s name is written in KATAKANA so I’m not sure how to spell it. Special Words Lotis (Rotisu) – It’s written in kanji it means “spiritual words” Lotis Master (Rotisu Masutaa) – Also written in kanji, it means “user of spiritual words”. Mara – Demons, dark beings that exist in the inner hearts of people who have evil thoughts. Maram – Words of Darkness. (Page 1) [Colour splash of Alice.] (Page 2) [Alice on the phone.] Mayura [phone]: It’s me Alice… it’s been a long time. Alice: Sis…?! [Kyou, Furei and Nyozeka are all shocked!] Alice: … Where are you… calling from? Where are you..?!! Is Dad also… with you?! (Page 3) Mayura: … Yes. But Dad says that he will not be returning… he said here (the darkness) is a nice place. Though I failed once before, I will call Mom to join us soon… Alice: wha.. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! SIS, YOU’RE SOUNDING REALLY WEIRD!! Mayura: I am not weird; it is you who is a bad person. //toot// [The connection dies.] Alice [putting down the receiver]: …must (Page 4) Alice: I must go… immediately into “The Inner Heart”. Kyou: …But Seno, whose heart are we suppose to enter? If the person in question is not in the real world there’s no way for us to enter right—? Nyozeka: Not really. There is an opening! Nyozeka: The hearts of Mayura, your father and center of this house are all connected. The “Inner Heart” is originally an alternate world created by connecting the hearts of fellow people. Furei: That’s why Mayura can travel around the dark parts of people’s hearts. Especially since Mayura is his daughter, it makes all the more easier for her to pull him into the darkness. Alice: Whatever it is, you mention about “an opening”? (Page 5) Alice [sudden realization]: So that is… [Alice runs to Mayura’s room.] [Flashback. Mum: When I was in Mayura’s room, I had a feeling like I saw her.] [Alice prepares herself and attempts to open the door.] (Page 6) [Kyou, Furei and Nyozeka catch up.] Furei: Alice!! Be careful…!! [Upon opening the door, a strong force knocks Alice back. Preventing her from entering the room!!] Alice: !! //THUD// (Page 7) [Alice lands on Kyou ^^.] Kyou [stoic]: Ha. Arrow: Direct hit. Alice: KYA!! Senpai!!! Are you all right?!! Kyou [@_@]: The stars… Furei [pulling at the door knob]: Damn it, it won’t open!! Furei: BUIMUKU (Release)!! //THUD// [Furei gets thrown back too.] Nyozeka: This door is protected by VINA (Rejection)… It’s very powerful Maram. We have no choice!! We have to search for another opening!! Furei [@_@]: The stars… are they the 7 star signs of Suzaku? ^^ (Page 8) [The gang start searching the house.] Alice: Not here. Kyou: Wrong place. Furei: Pass! [Later.] Furei [sitting on the toilet bowl ^^]: There isn’t an opening here either! Kyou [sweatdrop]: I’m very glad that there isn’t one here! ^^ Furei: Next! Alice’s room! Kyou [facefault]: But we already checked there just now! [Meanwhile, Alice is in the living room.] What should I do… Where can the opening be?! How can I enter into “The Inner Heart”? (Page 9) Sis… I still cannot believe it… Sis being controlled by a Mara… [Alice sits down on the sofa.] Pulling Kyou into the darkness… Mom going to hospital.. Dad being missing… It’s all done by Sis--?! Alice [thoughts]: … since when… did our family start breaking up? A few years ago, we were all sitting together on this sofa talking about lots of things. I must bring those cheery times back again… I beg you Lotis, take me into the “Inner Heart”… Hurry!! Alice: … Na. Sadaru. Lotis. Ra-n…! (Page 10) [Suddenly the seat Alice is on begins to shine!] Alice: !! [Alice starts sinking through the opening in the sofa!] Alice: Hu..HUH?! What is this? Nyozeka: Alice!! Kyou: Seno! You’ve found the opening!! Alice [sinking really fast, only her hand is left]: Sen… (Page 11) [Kyou makes a grab for Alice’s hand.] [A journey. When Alice opens her eyes, she finds herself on the sofa seat again, as if nothing had happen!] Alice: ?! (Page 12) [Alice pulls her hand out of the sofa. And pulls out Kyou, Furei and Nyozeka as well ^^!] Nyozeka: This place is… Furei: “The Inner Heart”…? … But it doesn’t look any different from just now— we’re just in the living room… [Nyozeka floats off.] Nyozeka: First of all, let’s check outside… [Alice opens the door.] (Page 13 + 14) Alice: HUH?! [Alice and the others find themselves standing outside the house but the surrounding area is little more an empty void. A few crude, jagged platforms rise from the bottom of the empty void; on these platforms were random objects. Including the house, there are some buildings, an office desk, a park bench and some bushes, a car, and some other things.] {Personally, I find this scene very difficult to describe, it’s easier to picture it if you see the manga.} (Page 15) Alice [her face turning green]: ……. Kyou [his face turning green too]: If we fall off, we going to be the next “Human Jam” for sale. Furei: No matter how cheap it is, eating you will be over my dead body. Kyou: What a time to joke, we’re having a real problem here! Nyozeka: What are we going to do? I have a feeling this is the heart of your “Father”. Alice: Dad?! Then… where can he be in this empty void… Alice: D… Alice [calling out]: DA—D!! (Page 16) Alice: DAD, WHERE ARE YOU --!! Furei : You, you you Kyou [whacking Furei ^^]: Instead of playing Echo, isn’t there a Lotis word that can form roads? Furei: Hmm Well- There is SAMA (Path)! [But SAMA’s power couldn’t extend far enough to reach the next nearest platform.] Furei: Waah… This is VERY Bad… Kyou: Well… HURRY Nyozeka [to Alice]: It seems that down here the power of words wielded by people other than you (his daughter) Alice, are greatly weaker than they usually are… Alice! Do you know something that can make contact with your father?! (Page 17) Alice: ah. Oh yes! I have my cellphone! Furei: That’s right, we can contact all around with it! Alice: Let try Dad’s handphone… //Rr Rr// //Click!// Alice: Dad… Phone: SORRY TO DISAPPOINT YOU!! BUT DAD CANNOT BE FOUND--- [The gang facefault!] (Page 18) Phone: You are the seeker again—Kya hahahahaha A small … girl?? //too too// [The connection dies.] Who is that?! Kyou: … Seno! Whatever it is, can you try all the numbers you know that can reach your father! Alice: Just now.. the phone was answered… But…the person speaking… I do not have access to his mailbox, so I only know how to call him. [Suddenly there is a foul smell!] Alice [covering her nose]: Urgh! Kyou [covering his nose]: ..Fog?! Furei: This is not good, we are going to have to hurry! (Page 19) [A strange creature with a head (?) and 5 long legs (?) is seen perched on the top of the roof. On his head is a small cross and 4 nozzles, the nozzles are releasing a foul smelling gas.] Nyozeka: That’s a “Disease Demon”! No wonder… Furei: This is what caused Alice’s Mom to end up in hospital! Alice get away from here! Let me handle this! Alice: … but Kyou: Just try dialing all the numbers you know. Try his office… Phone: Kya ha ha hahahaha Miss Miss Miss!! [Alice and Kyou facefault.] Kyou: … Next! Let’s try a password, like your “birthday”. Phone: Too… too Alice: … How about my house number… Phone: Wrong number! Kyou: Even that didn’t work… let see!! How about “0 10 3” !! {0-3-10 can be pronounced as oh-to-san (otousan), which means, “Father” in Japanese.} ^^ (Page 20) Phone: Stupid Stupid Kya hahahahahaha Kyou: I should’ve known… Nyozeka: … Well I think it’s time to stop playing! [Meanwhile Furei is fighting the Disease Demon.] Furei: Ji-va (Cure)!! What can I do… I can’t think of any more numbers… Alice [tired]: … nothing seems to work…! (Page 21) Kyou: Seno Alice: But! There’s no reason for me not to know!! But then Dad never seems to care about me— Kyou: Is it really like that? I know that I do not understand… but I think at least… you two are father and daughter right? Kyou: But… I’m not in the position to say such things because even I hate my own father. But… he is still family… yet I don’t want… Alice: Senpai?! (Page 22) [The symbol of Symbol of “Ka-Ra” glows.] Kyou: !! [A protective barrier appears around Alice.] Ah…!! Kyou: I am still not a master at this… so I’m very poor at it… this barrier can only protect one person… but it’s the best I can do… Alice: Senpai! Kyou [becoming weak from gas inhalation]: Do not give up… Seno The number… The number that can connect to Dad… (Page 23) What is it… WHAT IS IT--? [Flashback. Phone: You are the seeker again!] Ah… I remember… a long time ago… [A flashback to the past. To a time when Alice, Mayura were still small girls.] Mayura and Alice: Papa!! Let’s play Hide-and-seek!! Dad: Ok! This time Dad’s going to be the seeker again! I am going to count to 10- Alice and Mayura: Ok! (Page 24) Dad [counting against the tree]: Start! ONE [Alice and Mayura run off in opposite directions.] Dad: … FOUR [Young Alice runs some distance away. She turns her back momentarily; then she misses her footing and slides down a hill!] (Page 25) I still do not know where I landed… but I was okay. The surroundings became so dark! Alice: Papa~ Mama~~ Sis~~!! Back then I thought, “I was surely going to die”… Even the “Seeker” didn’t come and find me… Alice: Papa… [A distant voice is heard!] Alice: ah! Distant voice: Alice!! (Page 26) Alice: PAPA!! PAPA--!!! Dad [holding a torch]: Alice!! Dad: Thank goodness you’re all right!! Papa is coming to get you!! You just wait a while!! [Inset of Dad hugging a crying young Alice.] Dad, whom I was waiting for, was covered with mud and bruises… Dad: I’ve finally found you…! From there he saved me from certain death and he carried that small me… [End of Flashback.] Alice: … Father… (Page 27) Perhaps, he’s doing the same thing for Sis… He’s looking for her on his own---? Dad… how did he feel… when he was looking for me? [Flashback. Phone: You’re the seeker again!] [Suddenly Alice gets an idea.] Alice [pressing her keypad]: …one… tw-o… three… (Page 28) Alice: four… five… six, seven… eight, nine….. TEN..!!! [Alice presses out the full number!] (Page 29 + 30) [Then suddenly she vanishes!] Furei and Kyou: ALL RIGHT!!! [Alice finds herself transported to a large open field filled with wild plants.] (Page 31) This place… is where we played Hide-and-Seek in the past..? Alice: DAD!!! I’M HERE!!! IT’S ME, ALICE!!! Alice: I remember… my dad saying this, back then when he was searching for me after I went missing. He said, “After counting to 10, I will surely find you”… that line kept repeating itself over and over in my heart---!!! [Then Alice sees a distant figure!] (Page 32) Alice: Da…Dad?! [Alice’s father is sitting on the grass with 2 small girls.] HUH?! …That’s me and Sis back when we were kids---?! End of chapter 13. Translation by Himiko-chan (