Alice 19th (The search for lost wordsAlice 19th (The search for lost words...) Chapter 12 by Watase Yuu Released in Shocomi (Shoujo Comics) 1, 2002. Issued on 5th December 2001. Translation by Himiko-chan ( For non-commercial purposes only. Reproduction anywhere, anytime is forbidden unless written permission is attained from me, Michelle, email is DO NOT STEAL! I’m translating with knowledge of only basic Japanese grammar and vocabulary, there are mistakes, ‘cos I‘m not sure of some parts. Comments, corrections, suggestions and constructive criticism are all welcome. Legend [actions. descriptions.] thoughts (usually Alice’s inner thoughts) (side notes, page numbers) //sound effects// Cast Seno Alice – Heroine, Lotis Master in training. (Kyou calls her ‘seno’, her last name, out of courtesy) Wakamiya Kyou – Hero, Alice’s crush, an archer and also a Lotis Master in training. (also know as ‘senpai’, it means “school senior”, that’s how Japanese address each other) Seno Mayura – Alice’s sister. Gets kidnapped by a dark force, a damsel in distress? Nyozeka – Rabbit-girl like creature. A Lotis scout who bestows power on those chosen to be Lotis Masters. Furei – Another Lotis Master, skilful and cool, more experienced than Alice and Kyou. A foreigner. *Furei’s name is written in KATAKANA so I’m not sure how to spell it. Special Words Lotis (Rotisu) – It’s written in kanji it means “spiritual words” Lotis Master (Rotisu Masutaa) – Also written in kanji, it means “user of spiritual words”. Mara – Demons, dark beings that exist in the inner hearts of people who have evil thoughts. Maram – Words of Darkness. (Page 1) [Colour splash page of Kyou ^^.] (Page 2) [At Kyou’s place.] Uncle: Huh? The two of you are going to stay over at Seno’s place? Furei: Yea we’re going to be her bodyguards or something like that! Kyou: Seno is have some big problems right now and her mom is in the hospital… [Taking his bicycle.] Kyou: It’s ok. I will still go to school and come over to help out at the shop. Uncle: …… Auntie (waving): Have a nice trip! (Page 3) [Watching as Kyou and Furei cycle away.] Uncle: … Kyou has changed. He is starting to develop deeper feelings for people… Furei: Egad-- I was never expected this! Kyou: What? Furei: You saying “I want to be my your side” just for my cute Alice. Tho’ I understand that you are improving your relationships thing, what you said then is not something you usually do— Kyou: … Furei: Are you serious when you said “I’m breaking up with Mayura”? Kyou: ……Mm. (Page 4) Furei: Then, younger sister Alice is going to replace her? Kyou: No! Kyou: Seno is… a little sister no matter how you look at it. And anyway she already has somebody she likes… Furei [stopping in front of some girls to chit-chat ^^;]: Hey are you girls free~ which senior high school are you all from? Kyou [cycling over Furei ^^;;]: Hey listen! Furei: ouch ouch ouch!! Kyou: You always have to go and state the obvious! Furei [mad]: Hey if I go bald I’m gonna tear your hair offa your head!! Kyou: At least I do not flirt! I’ve been thinking since just now about whether you truly love Seno or not?! Furei: I am a Feminist!! But some super-ultra-thickheaded guy just cannot remember it no matter how many times I tell him! Kyou: That’s not true!! [pissed] Furei: It’s SO TRUE!! (Page 5) [Meanwhile, Alice is standing outside her gate.] Nyozeka [rabbit]: Come’on cheer up Alice! Kyou and Furei will come over soon because they’re worried for you!! Alice: But… [Flashback to a visit at the hospital.] [Alice is at her mother’s bedside.] Alice: I’m glad… Mom has regained consciousness. Mother: …… Is that Mayura…… Alice: huh? Mother: When I was in Mayura’s room…... I had a feeling like I saw her… Alice: !! Mother: Surely… I saw an illusion… after that… it suddenly… became very dark… [End of Flashback.] (Page 6) Alice: Mom said something like she saw Sis… but why is it… when I went into the room there was nothing there… Nyozeka: …… [Suddenly Kyou and Furei cycle past! Alice just stares in shock!] Furei [busy squabbling]: The point is you ALWAYS have this kinda attitude to things!! Kyou [busy squabbling too]: That’s because you stubborn and ALWAYS up to your hanky-panky!! [Then they realized that they just missed Alice ^^] //BRAKE// [Alice sweatdrops.] Kyou [pinching Furei]: See it’s all your fault that we missed the house!! Furei [pinching Kyou]: And why is it my fault Mr. Thickhead?! Alice [thoughts, sweatdropping]: … why do I get this feeling that it’s not going to be good! //door opens// (Page 7) Alice: So this place will be the room for the 2 of you to sleep in. Alice: But is it really ok, Senpai… Kyou: What are you saying Seno, you are having problems right now… has your Father contacted you? [Alice shakes her head.] Kyou: I see. Kyou: But don’t worry about it… your father will surely come back! Until then, Furei and I will… Nyozeka: Hmm… Furei seems to be missing! Kyou and Alice: WHAT?! (Page 8) Furei [standing outside Mayura’s room]: …… [He pauses for a moment, then opens the door.] (Page 9) //ZIP// [An arrow hits him in the head!] Furei: ow… Kyou [he fired the arrow]: You darn slippery rascal…!! Alice: Furei! That is my sister’s room!! Kyou: I’d bet you were going into Mayura’s room so that you could play with her underwear! [Inset of Furei playing with underwear ^^!!] Arrow: Just like this. Furei [snapping the arrow]: What do you take me for? A Lecher?! Alice: But aren’t you kinda perverted? Kyou: Ok! Don’t worry Seno! I shall be watching this BEAST very carefully from now on! Furei: Hey!! Nyozeka [looking at Mayura’s room]: …… [Later…] (Page 10) [It’s dinner time.] Alice [looking at a spread of dishes]: Waaah!! Furei made all this?! Furei [holding a small bottle]: I made lots of this when I was in Norway along with this Jam… Kyou: Even I cannot believe it. Alice: oh… So this is Norwegian food?! Furei: Nope, it’s Spanish food Alice & Kyou: What?! Alice: But it’s delicious— It’s just like having dinner with my family before… When my father would break out of his usual silence and start to talk When everyone would be smiling… --- Alice [looking very gloomy]: ……. Kyou [realizing this]: HA! (Page 11) Kyou: Seno look here!! See I made all the deserts!! Furei: I am going to eat— //punch// Kyou: Don’t you have your JAM to eat?!! They are trying to help fill up all these empty spaces now… I hope that… Mom, Sis and Dad will come home soon… [Later] Nyozeka: But now [Alice and Nyozeka are having a bath together ^^] Nyozeka: Furei… no even Kyou is extremely caring to come over to stay, don’t you think so? Alice: huh? (Page 12) [Flashback to the time in the library.] Kyou: I am going to break up with Mayura. It’s only a friendship to me, it’s not really love. So it’s alright for you to have such feelings. [End of Flashback.] Alice: …… Alice: Don’t tell me!! I have to be careful with my feelings?? So that’s why he said that… Nyozeka [plainly]: That is not true. Are you really so insensitive? Alice [coming out of the tub]: Aw… Nyozeka speaks of it like she’s such a pro~ Furei: Yo! (Page 13) //stroke stroke// Kyou: …… Kanji: Complete Concentration. [Kyou is trying to do some calligraphy with a brush. He starts to write… when suddenly] //WHAM// //BAM// //AHHHHHHHHHHHH// [Kyou breaks his brush! ^^] Kyou [running to aid, opening the door]: What is it Seno?! (Page 14) [Alice is screaming, covering herself with only a towel and Furei is lying dead on the floor ^^!] Alice: Kyaaaaaa!! Kyou: Wah!! [Later.] //struggle// [Furei is tied up and gagged and thrown into a dark room!] //Thud Thud// //Struggle// [Nyozeka, Alice and Kyou are standing outside.] Nyozeka: Hey quit it. Alice [blushing]: …… Kyou: … because of that reason, the enemy of women has been tied up, please rest well and have no worries. //blush// Alice: Err…. Did you… see anything…??` (Page 15) //blush// Kyou: …huh… n…no. [makes a move] excuse me.. I didn’t see anything!! Not one bit!! Good night!! Alice: ah //running footsteps// Nyozeka: … I think I understand… [Later in her bed.] //heart thump// …… what can I do… I cannot sleep… //heart thump// thinking about it he’s only one storey below me… //heart thump// (Page 16) Senpai… Has he fallen asleep… [Alice tries to sleep but to no avail.] I just can’t sleep! Alice [wearing a jacket]: I think I’ll go drink some cocoa… [Walking down the corridor, she sees the light on in Kyou’s room.] Alice: ! [Alice sneaks a peak!] Alice [thoughts]: … Senpai…? [Kyou has fallen asleep on the floor!] Alice [sweatdrop]: ?! (Page 17) [Scattered around the home are many sheets of paper.] Alice [thinking]: Huh~ What is all this paper?! [Picks up a sheet] Paper [written in kanji]: Calm down. Alice: ? ? Alice [thinking]: He shouldn’t be sleeping here, he’d catch a cold! Senpai? Senpai please wake… [But Kyou’s sleeping very soundly] [Alice smiles.] (Page 18) Alice [thinking]: He’s sleeping so soundly… I’d feel so bad if I were to wake him up. [picking up the paper] I think… I shall just clean up a bit… Kyou [raising one arm]: m… [Kyou suddenly grabs Alice’s shoulder and rolls over her!] Alice: Huh? (Page 19) // heart thump// AHHH!! [call from the heart] [Kyou is lying directly on top of her! ^^] //heart thump// Alice: Se… Senpai… What can I to do… I cannot move!! Kyou: …… (Page 20) Kyou: …….. kill … …. Fa…ther… I …. Him… Alice: ?! [Then Kyou wakes up, to find Alice blushing underneath him! ^^] Kyou: HUH? (Page 21) Kyou: I’M I’M SO SORRY!!! Kyou: I really beg your forgiveness!! I was thinking of doing some calligraphy before I sleep… but then I ended up falling asleep!! Alice [blushing]: It’s.. It’s ok!! …. But why is it.. there is so much… Kyou: I wanted to calm down my heart… but my messed up heart reflected in my messy handwriting!! Alice: And why is your heart messed up? Kyou [looking at Alice, sweatdropping]: …… Alice [smiling back]: ? {Obviously she doesn’t have a clue ^^} Kyou: It’s… It’s nothing! I’m just thinking how good it is that your mother has regained consciousness!! Alice: Ah… yes… But they still do not know the reason why she fainted, and there are no plans to discharge her… (Page 22) Alice: …. My dad too… lied about going on a business trip… I wonder where did he go… Kyou: Aren’t you at all worried? Alice: …… Alice: I… have difficulties communicating with Dad… But I don’t understand it at all! Alice: …… I have this problem too whenever I try to talk to other people. It’s always other people who help me express how I feel. Kyou: …… [The clock shows that it’s 2 am.] Alice: When I was in Primary School… (Page 23) Alice: I was in a group of 4 friends. Though being part of the group, I was the only one who was different and ignored… They said, “Alice talks funny”… though I really hated her saying that… I just beared with it because I didn’t want to spoil the friendship. Then one day, I finally got the courage to tell them. Young Alice: Please stop saying that! Alice: After that, as the days passed, I was left out. Alice: I was always playing “the good girl” to them. Alice: Because I know I should speak the right words… why is it… I think this way… and the words I really want to say… end up being swallowed. (Page 24) Alice: On the flip side… Sis has no trouble saying what she wants to say. Alice: If only it was me who disappeared… then home wouldn’t be so empty… Kyou: That’s not true! Kyou: Mayura is Mayura and and you are you right?! Isn’t that good enough?! Kyou: It’s good that you keep doing the right things because then your heart becomes very compassionate … You are more caring than most other people. (Page 25) Kyou: And that is the source of your “Courage”. Therefore you have to become the best Lotis Master controlling the Lotis word of “Courage”! So… you must have more confidence in yourself!! Alice: Sen… Kyou: I too… I have always hated myself. I act like “A good person” but I don’t really foster any relationship with other people. But I am myself… I am not like my father. (Page 26) Kyou: In other words, we have to be strong. And then surely… we can change for the better! [Alice smiles] [She puts her palm in Kyou’s in agreement ^^] (Page 27) [Outside the room.] Furei: Damn So now they can understand each other better eh? The 2 of them. Nyozeka: That’s what I think so too. Nyozeka: The two of them are the only hope for this world, and you yourself is in a difficult position right… Furei [shocked] : Nyozeka, you know… [Suddenly the ground starts to shake!] (Page 28) [The tremors get stronger and stronger!] Alice: Kya! Kyou: An earthquake!? Furei: The 2 of you be careful!! Kyou: Nyozeka… Furei?! Furei: The power of the Mara is getting very strong… Alice: Huh? Furei: It’s the house! It’s this house!! The house itself has been swallowed by the darkness!! (Page 29) Furei: It’s the reason why your Mother fell ill. You mean you still don’t feel it? Mayura’s room is the source of all this darkness that has completely enveloped this house! Mara…?! Darkness…? Who’s…? Furei: It’s Mayura. (Page 30) Nyozeka: Since then, a Mara has been controlling Mayura’s body. I fear that, you father disappeared because… he might have been drawn into the darkness— [Flashbacks.] Mayura: Kyou should come over too… Mom: I had a feeling like I saw Mayura. Mayura: You thieving bitch! [End of Flashbacks!] Alice: No… way (Page 31) Alice: It cannot be… But why is Sis doing this to us---!! [Suddenly the phone rings!!] Alice: The tele…phone… Kyou: At this time of the night?! [Alice picks up the phone.] Voice: … Alice? Alice: Da… (Page 32) Alice: DAD?!! Voice: … Forgive me, I… may never come home again… [static] //static// [There’s a lot of static and the rest of the conversation is not clear…] Alice: Dad… DAD!?! Voice: …ce… [static] …. Alice … Can you hear me? Mayura: … It’s me SIS?! End of chapter 12. Translation by Himiko-chan (