Alichino vol 1Disclaimer and Background Info The book Alichino volume 1, Eyes Comics ISBN4-8342-6101-8, retailed at 619 yen The original Copyright (Japanese) Kouyu Shurei, 1998. First printing November 30, 1998. The translation was written to allow others to read Alichino if they can’t understand Japanese(and because if I don’t sit down and translate I’ll never read it myself;) The Artwork is beautiful, that I just have to learn what it’s about. Some of my translation may tend to be either a bit to literal or liberal. Please remember that this translation is not for public or commercial, only personal use. *A lot of effort went into this so, Please do not redistribute, alter or post this translation anywhere without my permission* Alichino volume 1- Chapter 1 © Kouyu Shurei Translated by Meredith Dillman ( , e-mail: last edited 11/29/2001 [ ] indicates lines not spoken, such as character’s thoughts or narration * handwritten speech % indicates flashback lines { } indicates footnotes and comments and other text such as signs notes: page 9 Chapter one: Alichino page 10 Narration: -[Tender and at the same time cruel, there is timidity as well as rage,] -[Someone said that that person and others like it, are that sort of living things.] -[However I can’t remember who was saying so... ] page 11 sfx: -shu-----tsu -pekiri Girl: -Aren’t you, - a beautiful person. page 12 -Is that pretty face original? -Or is it, -merely a decoration? page 13 Tsugiri: -. . . Girl: -. . . Because it’s much too pretty, -I thought you were an Alichino. page 14 Tsugiri: -[I’m just a. . . common person!] Girl: -[Alichino] -[A mysterious being who can grant any kind of wish. I’ve been searching for a long time now.] page 15 -Are you here, Enju? page 16 Enju: -Welcome back Tsugiri, what’s wrong? -Your face looks so sullen. Tsugiri: -Is my face usually any different? Enju: -Yes, I can tell easily. For the moment, would you like some tea? -And you too, help yourself. page 17 Tsugiri: -Enju? Enju: -Yes? Tsugiri: -This morning I met a girl who was looking for an Alichino. Enju: -Again...? -You might say, a long time ago -That there have been ”Alichino hunts”. -Naturally in the world, people themselves look for Alichino to grant their desires. -If only their wishes are granted, they would not face hardships. Tsugiri -[What the people who search for Alichino say resemble each other.] page 18 Tsugiri -[Possessing varied appearance, which can be likened to miraculous beauty,] -[Chance opportunity passes by but cannot harm their appearance] -[which is entirely that of an angel.] Tsugiri -[They’re fools.] Girl: -Liar! page 19 -I though so. You do know about the Alichino! -Some time ago you said that you didn’t know. So what did mean by that? page 20 Enju: -Tsugiri, is this the person you Earlier? -Miss, -My regards, do you wish to tell us of your story? Girl: -I -only want to help my older brother! page 21 -My brother’s appearance was odd, He said he found an Alichino and then he left... -For many days that he didn’t return, I thought that he was dead at the time when I found him. -I don’t understand his condition or it’s origin. -But, I am certain that it’s not normal. Enju: -Ware you able to go to a medical clinic? Girl: -That’s not it, -I did all I knew to the best of my ability. -But every kind of doctor was useless! page 22 -But, -it’s ridiculous -It’s become as if his soul his soul has gone. Enju: -What relation do you think your brother’s condition is to the Alichino? page 23 Girl: -I don’t know, but to me it’s the only key. Enju: -Even if, assuming it turns out to be no relation at all? Girl: -Alichino convey the ways of beautifully pure -living things who are capable of granting wishes. -[Maybe I will be able to help my brother.] -Telling you my story has given me a little comfort. -If possible please tell me what you know if find out anything. page 24 Tsugiri: -You were searching for the Alichino -for the sake of helping your brother. -, , , , , , , , That right, what else is there to be said? -But, is it really for your brother’s sake? page 25 -Is is not for yourself? Girl: -You are irritating me. -Are these words to say to a worried person? -A time ago, you said you didn’t know. Don’t be a hindrance -Because I will find an Alichino. page 26 Tsugiri: -Things like Alichino are not capable of existing. -The circumstance are not good. -If you have the liesure to search shouldn’t you be you am not beside you brother? Enu: -*Talking that way again...* Girl -I -Now clearly, I will not mistake you for an Alichino. -You are a only a beautiful container. page 27 sfx-Batan! {Slam!} Enju: -Tsugiri page 28 Tsugiri: -What. . . ? Enju: -You still should still rested, shouldn’t you? Tsugiri: -Enju, for sure -That person still hasn’t returned. -. . . . . . . .So, Enju, do you think it’s all right if we do nothing like this? Enju: -Why so sudden. . . ? Tsugiri: -It’s not sudden. -I was considering it for a while now. page 29 Enju: -Tsugiri, I though that someday the day would come when you would propose something like that. But now is not the time for that action. Tsugiri: -So, are you saying that until then I should try not to see things? Like when that girl came today. Enju: That’s right. The case of her brother sad, but there is no way that girl can be helped. Tsugiri: -Are you saying that living things will die anyways? page 30 Myoubi: -That is why that girl's efforts are futile in the face of inevitable death. -Don’t you wonder if it's foolish? Tsugiri: -That’s what you would say. Myoubi: -You say these things but, originally you were not interested in that girl. -The liveliness is delicious. . . -I wonder if it's an opportunity to hunt. Tsugiri: -Stop it! page 31 Myoubi: -Oh, what a scary face! -It was meant to be a joke. sfx: Basa-- {wing flapping} -But I like your face best when it's like that. . . sfx: Bash! {she got smacked} Tsugiri: -Is that so? -We are both treated badly by those of your kind. page 32 -Those who like you, are Alichino. Myoubi: -[I know it. It’s been that way since the time you were found.] -[Now it is said that I am a hypocrite.] page 33 Myoubi: -[Because of what you were saying I may not hunt.] -[Though it is my one enjoyment. . .] Girl: -Brother. . .? Myoubi: -[What are you going to do Tsugiri?] page 34 -Look. . .! -Even now that one person is dead. ------------------------ page 35 Chapter 2: Death page 36 Myoubi: -[You ought to be inclined to hear their voices.] -[Only to walk] -[with feet stepping forward,] -[If then why?] -[what’s more,] page 37 -[It’s finished.] -Answer! -I cannot not sympathise with the victim. Do you still pity? -I sneer at such an idiotic person. -It’s all right. page 38 Tsugiri: -. . .Your annoyance is double the size of your mouth. Myoubi: -You insignificant child. -Are you going to sleep? sfx: za------! za za za za. . . page 39 za. . . . . .za------------. . . Myoubi: -. . . Enju: -What happened? Myoubi: -. . .it’s amusing. -There is an Alichino quite nearby that girl. Tsugiri: -She found an Alichino!? page 40 Myoubi: -No, The Alichino found her. As I said before, her heart cried out to gather the Alichino. -Surely this time is our best chance to assist her heart’s desire. Tsugiri: -You. . .! Myoubi: -It ‘s not me! -It’s a pity. -Thrust before that girl’s eyes is different Alichino. -Certainly I can hunt that appearance. Myoubi/Enju? -Tsugiri. . . page 41 Tsugiri: -Is there -still time? Enju: -! Myoubi: -You won’t know if you don’t try. sfx: su-- Enju: -Please wait. Tsugiri: -I’m going even if you stop me. page 42 sfx: su-- Enju: -Here, the night is cold. -Tsugiri, only one thing, please, -Don’t do anything rash. Tusgiri: -I know. Myoubi: -That boy innocent, Enju. -The same as ever. -You take care too. . . Enju: -I’ll be all right. page 43 -That’s why I’ll be here. sfx: za-- Tsugiri: -You think this situation is ammusing? Myoubi: -Ah, so you see? page 44 Alichino: -....... -...Why------ -are you so sad... -What is your wish...? page 45 Girl: -Who...? sfx: Za, za za Alichino: -Your -wish, I... page 46 -Is the reason I came here. Girl: -It’s...too late -because my brother -has died...! page 47 -In that case give him new breath. -I can give you your desire... -Only I can. Girl:? -And ss compensation you will snatch her soul away? page 48 Girl: -...snatch away? Tsugiri: -That is your bad reputation. Alichino: -(For me) to recieve what is equal to the desire... -That is also this girl’s wish. -Don’t interfere Tsugiri: -NO. page 49 -Equal to life is... -Life? -[What was that feeling...?] Alichino: -You... -[Impossible.] Tsugiri: -Remove your filthy arm! page 50 Myoubi: -Because he’s the same kind as me *heart*. And it isn’t limited/restricted (I don’t know what “it” is...) Alichino: -You bitch! Myoubi: -So, will you take her spirit? page 51 -To that degree, is the difference in power evident to you? Alichino: -So, well, -How much of that amount of spirit is obtained from the other. Tsugiri: -[Even if he does...] Alichino: -[What an amusing thing] -[I’ve found...] sfx: Za------ page 52 Tsugiri: -Because you were sauing he was gone. -[Inside everyone.] Tsugiri: -Your wish was the sort for an Alichino. Tsugiri: -[Is their own kind of circumstance to make an Alichino notice.] Girl: -Thank you for helping me. -But, what did you mean? page 53 -Don’t do unnecessary things! -You idiot!! Tsugiri: -Unecessary? If I left it as you liked what would have happened? Girl: -Whatever I would become was fine. Myoubi: -You -were afraid of being alone, right? Girl: -ONLY for the sake of the person who is gone would I sacrifice myself. -For that person’s sake would I become bound by contract. page 54 -Don’t speak of winning something you don’t know, and don’t understand. -To be left behind while living is thouroughly more painful than to die. Being alone is horrible. It’s a horrible feeling! Tsugiri: -So then , wouldn’t that make your brother have the same feeling? -Don’t you think that he would be thinking that on the contrary he would want his little sister to still be living? Girl: -I know that! -I know... -[My brother wouldn’t have wished for that] -...really, but my brother... page 55 -His face looked so very peaceful in death...! -[I should have known---....] -The power that can obligate one to call out to the Alichino isn’t there. -Because we aren’t to blame. Our weakspirits are to blame for recieving our temptation. page 56 Tsugiri: -So then, if there is no compensation at all there is no reason for humans to become the victims. Even then, humans too would be gaining happiness. -%His face looked so very peaceful in death...!% -[Taking That girls’ brother wasn’t a mistake] -[Alichino seemed like “angels” that way.] Myoubi: -What did her brother wish for? -Do you wait to know? I may tell you. In exchange... Tsugiri: -That’s ok. page 57 Myoubi: -That’s not cute you know. Tsugiri: -Like I’ve just said, you’d take my soul. Myoubi: -Oh,, I am pleased with your appearance. -Don’t you think you should be gratified by that honor? -Because humans that please me are surely scarce. page 58 ?: -Will you answer? ---------------------------- page 60 Chapter 3: Mortal Sacrifice page 60 Myoubi: -[Soon mysterious festival shall begin.] -I wonder what kind of soul shall be sacrificed this time. Enju: -Then again, -Each person has a sacrifice to pay, right.? page 61 -All in all, it seems destined to happen over and and over. Myoubi: -Really? -I like the uselessness of humans. -Now, I wonder what of our protected soul. -[Already the taken aswer was not made, it is said to be decaying.] page 61 Tsugiri: -...unn... -[again] -[the same dream......?] -[It looks like there should be an answer.] -[I still can't rememeber well.] sfx: za-------.... -[Since I met with that Alichino...] page 62 -[A Bewitching thing who grants a wish of the same rank, even if compensation is paid.] -[Those whose outward appearance is beautiful and aromatic, have a nature whose ugliness is carried to extremes.] -[While constanly humans risk cimes in order to stop temptation.] -[When is the time when] -[ a spirit -not made inside -person, is -by an Alichino -not -being -violated.] page 63 -Enju? Who...? Enju: -Good morning Tsugiri. Tsugiri: -Why are you here... Girl: -I only came to tell the strange rumor I heard. -Recently, in this area, so many people are mourning dead people who have left page 64 -So then, I have heard that the number of people who have witnessed an Alichino and the people who were able to make an agreement with them have suddenly increased. Tsugiri: -Many that by their own will? -If that's the case, to what purpose... sfx: -BATSU!! -batsu! Enju: -What happened...!? page 65 Myoubi: -It was from my own carelessness Tsugiri: -Your wing is... -...Enju! -You carried yourself with... Quickly! Myoubi:? -DONT TOUCH ME! sfx: doki (heart beating) Tsugiri: -What's was that? I... page 66 -[ a bad feeling] -[That's the first time I saw her injured.] -[Something's strange] Enju:? -That person would do nothing... page 67 Myoubi: -I don't like that child to be able to have immediate contact with me. -You understand, right? -It’s horrible to have oneself touched, by one of not so pure spirit. -Treatment is not necessary. I'll recover soon. Enju: -Remove only the bloody clothes. -Otherwise your beautiful feathers will be spolied. Myoubi: -...right -but, page 68 -This body’s necessity is gone. sfx: za, za, za -Have you become aware of it? -Hve you come to undestand Tsugiri’s existance? page 69 Enju: -That time -I sincerely should have forced the idea/feeling. Myoubi: -Was that really so I wonder? Enju: *Now, I’m doctoring* -When the next degree is finished and is not limited, how much, but you... Myoubi: -Yes, since that horrible (time), usually that boy is desired by Alichino. -...Are you really worried about that? page 70 -However, in that boy, is his other accomplishment. -Until when is that also important end mixed and put into place? -Until the color fades and goes bad? -[Anyhow, it’s becoming that the way it is should be understood. It’s been said, that it cannot be avoided. A little, I......since time of his lodging inside his mother’s womb. Enju: -You are strong aren’t you. Myoubi: -I am? page 71 -It’s only that my existance feels cramped now. -I am Enju: -You’re not very good at appearing happy. page 72 -Hey, wait! -You're not walking alone, Enju will... -...Hey, -Why do you have such a hatred for Alichino? page 73 -Isn’t that owl also an Alichino? Tsugiri: -It’s either a “good” Alichino or only sly. Girl: -So then, -you live with an Alichino? Tsugiri: -[Until now completely -Enju and that person, -the three of us...] -[Since when...?] -[My body feels weak.] Girl: -...I don’t undestand, but that is correct about you. Tsugiri: -[Why -Is is that person (Myoubi) -living with -me? page 75 -[Why -I am here-------- sfx: Zaaaa... Girl: -What’s wrong? Tsugiri: -[Just now...] Girl: -You’ve gone pale... Tsugiri: -Stay away!! Girl: -What is this!! A person worries... page 76 Tsugiri: -Uwaaaa!! Girl: -......Tsugiri...!! sfx: ...Zaa.... page 77 Alichino: -...That - blood shines beautifully on your white skin. sfx: ....jijiii Tsugiri: -Still, -incorrigable Alichino: -Didn’t I plan to come to meet you and not that girl. -For the sake of possessing you... Alichino/Tusgiri?: -...What do you mean? page 78 sfx: ku--- Alichino: -Naze nara -because you are page 79 -our (kanji is Alichino) sacrifice. sfx: Za--------------- --------------------------- page 81 Chapter 4: Kusabi no chikara Chapter four is titled Kusabi no Chikara. This phrase is very important for the rest of the book, but I am not going to translate it because it sound horribly idiotic in English. [Kusabi= wedge/link pin, Chikara= power] See what I mean? No matter which way you say it (Wedge of Power or the Power of the Wedge) it makes no sense. I might end up using Power of the Kusabi sometimes. page 82 Myoubi: -The wound doesn’t close...... -[Enju said so but, I wasn’t mistaken. My ability to recover is in decline.] -[Perhaps, wholy another abilty.] -[...This matter has began.] page 83 -[Still, with my Master the origin of the desired time to kill isn’t there.] Girl: -[] -[someone help...] Myoubi: -It’s that girl’s thoughts... Girl: -[...Tsugiri!!] Myoubi: -It’s not a joke! This time... -[Why wasn’t I able to get the feeling of my enemy’s underling?] -[Even if my Master is here....!] Tsugiri: -Sacrifice...? page 84 Alichino: -That’s right. The fate of the Kusabi no Chikara which you hold. sfx: -A soul that comes to be born only for the sake of dying... sfx: zaza... -chiri Tsugiri: -[......within myself...] -[Something that clearly warns of danger.] sfx: zaza... Tsugiri: -[however, on the other hand, why is it able to pull me...] Alichino: -The Kusabi’s soul’s purity is a high reason for Alichino...Your ability to raise the rank of the best will be a treat. page 85 -Your soul seems worthless and weak... -How sweet the smell of your spirit... -...soon to be separated from here. -Hehe... -Just near you, the power comes and overflows. page 86 -Tell me what you mean! -[this scene...before me also] -[did the same happened beore...?!] ?: -Isn’t it your chosen privelege...? sfx: Zakash!! Myoubi: -Take the sword Tsugiri! page 87 -And with it -completely kill... Tsugiri: -[Her body is...] Myoubi: -But I can do nothing to help you. Alichino: -It is futile -What can you do now! page 88 sfx: GA KI N Giso.... page 89 Alichino: -It would be mature to give in -...ku -Good...? page 90 Alichino: -The Kusabi’s surroundings are ordinary to be quite clad in death. (?) -Again, even if human’s begin dying for your sake ...? Tsugiri: -...What are you talking about...!? Alichino: -So then, that time also you streached out hands and couldn’t reach someone. -Again.... -The same as that time FLASHBACK-------------- Tsugiri: -...The smell of...blood is...... page 91 Alichinos: - Often the purposeful child... -We’ll eat your soul! Humans: -There! kill him! -Stubborn curse! -Shit! To raise that thing-! Tsugiri: -[Why has everyone died...] -[Will I die too ...?] -Why can’t come and go!? (not sure on that one) page 92 -[It’s always -call ing -me-------.... -......!!] END FLASHBACK-------- -....Ah...:? Myoubi: -No, he’s beguiling you!! Tsugiri -[...what...was that? That memory just now...] Myoubi: -You have to undestand that most of all Tsugiri...!! sfx: Zash! page 93 sfx: Za Za -Originally, just enough to stop the root of your breath ... -You lived because -there is someone who desires you, page 94 -Is anxious and will be vastly grateful. Myoubi: -Get your hands -off Tsugiri!! Alichino: --...Ha, where do I aim... page 95 -sfx: Dosh -What....! sfx: Zu... Ryouko: -Yo. page 96 sfx: ZUBASH! Ryouko: -I’m saying you didn't return to life with my notice. Alichino:! age 97 sfx: Dosha Ryouko: -You -Don't discount me a moment. -*Ah? he's cut?* Tsugiri! Tsugiri: -Who are you... Myoubi: -Ryouko! page 98 Ryouko: -You seem well -Myoubi Myoubi: -You’re late! -Did you really walk!? nice Tsugiri: -[The wound changed...] -You page 99 -first, this body -of mine. -And, he -is my Master Ryouko. Ryouko: -It’s been a long time. sfx: nod nod page 100 -I almost didn’t recognize you. Tsugiri: -[The Master of an Alichino?] -[And he knows me...] sfx: gui Ryouko: -Wait, we’ll talk later -Anway, to finish it off. page 101 Tsugiri: -Is it still dying... Ryouko: -No. -[Still, it’s not the situation for completely dying. This is merely the death of the body.] -[Their spirits live without limit, but many times they resurect.] -The body will rot now only when you touch it. Tsugiri: -...Why am I-? page 102 sfx: sara sara sara Ryouko: -Only the power which the “Kusabi“ pocesses -can give death to the spirits of Alichino. page 103 Tsugiri: -[That unpleasant feeling still remains.] -[I am “Kusabi”...] -[Is what that Alichino said really entirely true?] -[That moment’s memory..?] page 104 -[words I don’t understand.] Ryouko: -Tsugiri. Tsugiri: -[That’s suspisious that he’s an Alichino’s Master.] Ryouko: -Why such a difficult face? Tsugiri: *yet nare nare* (nare nare is probably some sound effect word) Enju: -Don’t worry Tsugiri. -Ryouko is an old friend. page 105 Myoubi: -As I thought, the punch line is reached there nothing changing? -Since before, the Alichino’s density is increasing (with the exception of) -The “Kusabi” is a popular thing isn’t it? Tsugiri: -Enju... do you know about this “Kusabi”? -What is it? Enju: -I’ve known. -There isn’t a perfect answer for the Kusabi’s reason for being. -Merely one way of saying is, the Kusabi’s and Alichino’s existance are mutual. page 106 -Alichino become powerful by hunting human souls. -So then, that held within the Kusabi’s soul is the highest class of power that is attractive to them. It can be said that the spirit is the most mingled typically alluring soul. It is said though, that Alichino are immortal. I think they want to obtain is even at the risk of peril... -For that sake they usually kill the Kusabi when it is born. Myoubi: -And yet, it’s due to human hands, isn’t it. page 107 Tsugiri: -What do you mean? -Other humans die for the sake of the Kusabi... Enju: -Yes. In order for Alichino to gain the soul of the Kusabi they compete at “hunting (human overkilling)” and “absorbtion”... So to speak, to return to their means of eating. -And humans fear that. To avoid that they perform a ritual. Myoubi: -Since ancient times hasn’t it been a custom to offer a sacrifice in order to balance that which is lost and that which is gained and pay a sacrifice in times when evil/curses occurs? -You also leave for a sacrifice for the sake of not waking the Kusabi’s inactive situation. -After all, The Kusabi, -born of mere humans submits to the Alichino. page 108 Tsugiri: -[A kind of pull from inside...] -[Humans die for the sake of the Kusabi...] -So, why I am I living here now... -[People’s deaths will continue as long as I exist?] -[Only now...] page 109 Ryouko: -He’s not very courteous. Enju: -Tsugiri is a good boy. -It’s only his usual expression of dislike. Ryouko: -So Enju, I don’t worry since (he was) entrusted to you. -And the main factor is absolutely you! (to Myoubi) Myoubi: -Ah, exuse me. -I did think it was quite a problem. Ryouko: -A problem? page 110 -I’ve come to take Tsugiri from you and this place. I know that I and Myoubi and have only met Tsugiri met one time. Myoubi: -That time also I found him from the first. -[how many Alichino is secret, however the hidden indication is in cetainty.] -[His mother became frightened and thereore did something cruel...] -[Entirely, the hiding child, to properly avoid human eyes.] FLASHBACK--------------- Tsugiri’s mother: -%Your spirit is caught in this house.% page 111 Tsugiri: -%I’ll be fine!% -%Because Hiyura will always come to protect me!% END FLASHBACK--------------- Ryouko?: -[That’s right, becuase of that smiling face full of hope, I too thought it was all right.] -[Despite that, the condition was what...?] page 112 -What really happened? -What about that guy called Hiyura...... page 113 Myoubi: -What will you do if there’s no answer about youself? -What you say is called the futility of time. (?) Tsugiri: -It’s none of your bussiness. Myoubi: -Is that so? -Since when? My human form can also steal a beautiful heart. page 114 -But, that’s wrong. I only belong to Ryouko. *heart* -Of course Ryouko is mine too so don’t meddle/make a pass at me/him ( O_o) Tsugiri: -Anyhow, your outward appearence is pretend. Myoubi: -And, in your case the character of your face doesn’t cover your bad nature. Tsugiri: -*eh? What are you talking about?!* Myoubi: -It’s ok. -My hand! Tsugiri: -...What are you doing? Your touch is unpleasant... Myoubi?: -Even now it’s unpleasant! but (for her too) page 115 -Do you not want the memory of your missing self? I am saying I can give it to you. Tsugiri: -What do you mean by give... Myoubi: -Ten years ago... -Accept to reciece that memory in order to repair the body and soul/heart that your death covered. -[Raise your hand] -[Becuase you were abandoning everything of your self of that time] -[Even living...] -Tsugiri, if you desire to know take my hand. page 116 -It’s your choice. - Do as you like. Tsugiri: -[Choice?] -[I am choosing so that ... Is she pretending to not quide my choice...] -[Because that is also the hand of an Alichino.] Myoubi: -Will you, I wonder? page 117 Tsugiri: -Or else, will I be happier not knowing? -[Most likely, I will be full of madess---------but...] -[I] -...I came to this conclusion myself. -[want to know.] -[I have to know.] page 118 -[This is] -[my will.] Myoubi: -...Hey, Tsugiri. page 119 -You’re about to open Pandora’s box -I wonder if it contains hope? page 121 Chapter 5: Awakening (most of this chapter is a flashback, so I’m not adding the %) page 122 Tsugiri: -[-----Al way s] -[Always, always the same thing, the same smell, and I am conclealed.] -[-----Look, now, they’re coming. page 123 Tsugiri’s mother: -%Tsugiri, you can’t go outside!% -%Mother has decided that you can’t be alone.% Tsugiri: -[But it was the same even where Mother was.] -[They easily...even the village people found me...] page 124 -Although I’m not doing anything wrong... Alichino: -hehe hehe -Do you never do anthing wrong/bad? Your existance has a grip on the villagers. Isn’t that a sorrowful/misfortune! -But we hold good fortune, becuase you’re a very unique treat. -But I wonder if he didn’t hold only a little. The pretty container will rot completely, in exchange for you to die and obtain a soul. (not sure that’s right...?) page 125 Tsugiri: -[I hear nothing] Alichino: -hehe hehe hehe Tsugiri: -[But I ought to listen to what they say.] -[They crowd around the weakness of a person’s soul...] Alichino: -Shall we tell you something nice? -You came to be born and should live only for the sake of your death. That is, in your death, humans and the like, no one will be sad or unpleasant. It will be a place where everyone is generous. Tsugiri: -[That’s, that’s not true!] -Stop it! Go away! -[Mother will be sad!] -Stay away from me!! -[Because,] -[because there’s Hiyura...] -Waa! Alichino: -damn. sfx: su za za page 126 Hiyura: -You secretly sneaked out. -You shouldn’t do that. (literally, “you child that does things he shouldn’t”) page 127 Tsugiri: -Hiyura! Hiyura: -Tsugiri. Tsugiri: -As I thought, You’re great Hiyura! *heart* They weren’t there. Hiyura: -Is that all right? Your mother will know that you’re gone. -That’s surely not a good feeling to live with. page 128 Tsugiri: -But isn’t it a relief that Hiyura is here? -...That -Mother would think it better that I’m gone than holding on to her. -Mother is always afraid of something, and (only they’re no different?) I don’t understand what that something is... But, when I’m there she’s tired and dark. Hiyura: -...That’s not true. -Your mother think’s you’re very important. Too important/valuable... that part’s for certain. page 129 -It is both kind and cruel to protect you from the timidity and rage/frenzy that exists in them... Tsugiri: -...and Hiyura? Am I important to you? -Why, the village people, when everyone is gone when I’m near... Hiyura: -Is there a reason for them to be near you? -To begin with, If you don’t think it important to exist here? Tsugiri: -[I like Hiyura.] page 130 Hiyura: -[This person] -[shows their smiling face to me alone.] Tsugiri: -I... -I’ll bring Hiyura: -[Always] Tsugiri: -mother to Hiyura! Hiyura: -[I want to protect this colorful significance.] -[The person who is important to me.] page 131 -Tsugiri, as long as you are as you are, -I will be at your side. -....and----- page 132 -So, quickly... -[Al th ou gh that...] sfx: ...taso Tsugiri -[It’s that scent again.] page 133 sfx: pi tan Tsugiri: -Moth...? -[That blood...] -[the faint smell of death...] -[--------Why?] -...................tsu sfx: BANTSU! page 134 Village people: -By the even my parents were sacrificed! -It’s his fault now that people are dying in the village! -This should have been done when he was born! -We’ll find you! -We’ll kill you! Tsugiri: -[I...!?] -[It’s my fault that mother became that way!?] -Haa, ha -[---------No! Someone said it was diffferent...] -ha... -[Hiyura!] -[Where is he?] -[Mother is,] -[Mother is...!] page 135 -[Hiyura!] -[Help me...] -[Smiling?] -[It’s stange.] -[Everyone’s face was always afraid around me.] -[It was good that way (as compared to now?)] page 136 -[Hiyura...] -[Why isn’t Hiyura by my side now? He always comes soon if I call.] Village people: -Hehe hehe Tsugiri: -[They are quiet,] -[Lying in wait,] -[waiting for my death and their desire.] -[Death...] -[am I] -[going to die?] -[As it is, I’m dead.] -[Hiyura] -[will be sad] page 137 -[---------That’s good isn’t it...] Myoubi: -...At that time you -had just died. page 138 Tsugiri: -[That was] Myoubi: -Well? Did you see wonderful things? Tsugiri: -[My head...] -[Many times I had to see] -[Dreams I couldn’t remember] Enju: -Tsugiri...? Tsugiri: -[easy,] -[to gouge out my breast/rib] -[voice of lamentation/grief] Enju: -What happened!? -To be in this state... Tsugiri: -Hiyura was... page 139 Enju: -Myoubi... -You didn’t...! Myoubi: -You are considering it that way Enju, -But, this was Tsugiri’s own wish. -Isn’t that right Tsugiri? page 142 Woman: -Roushouki-sama -That boy called Tsugiri who possesses the unmistakable power of the Kusabi? -Have you finally found him? Roushouki: -Tsugiri -I already have half the Kusabi’s soul in my hand. sfx: pata page 143 -Leave everything to me. -[harari (????)] end Alichino volume 1