Translated by WING( 3 MAY 1999 Note:Please don't make these scripts available elsewhere. Mission 166: "In the passage of eternal time" Shin: Saki!! Shin: Saki! Answer me, Saki!! *Boom* *Whiz* Shin: Saki! Raise your nose!! Shin: (talking to himself) ...He might be dead already... Shin: Darn!! Shin: (talking to self) I must give it a try! *bang bang bang* *Voom* Saki: Uh! *whiine* Shin: Saki! You are back in conscious! Saki: I see...Thanks...Shin. Saki: I like to thank you, but this plane got too many shots to fly on... Shin: Sorry...I did too much. Shin: It's about 10 km to the airport our ally had took over, can you fly? Saki: I can try, but I shouldn't do it... Saki: If my plane occupies the space on runway, everybody will be in trouble. Shin: But..! Saki: !! Saki: Shin... this is the right place...I'm gonna get down here. Shin: We are still in the sky of the Royal palace...This is right in the center of the enemy! Saki!! Shin: Saki!! *bang* Shin: Saki!! Shin: How reckless he is...Its not usual for Saki to take such a reckless action! *pip pip pip* Shin: Shit! I made a blunder!! I forgot about I was running out of my fuel!! Shin: This won't last for 10 km... *bang* *plop* *crunch* Greg: Ouch, ou.... Greg: Aaah, shit! I made a mess... Greg: It was careless of me decreasing altitude too much... So stupid! a soldier: Are you alright!? Are you a pilot from Area 88!? Greg: Yeah, that's right. Greg: I belong to Area 88, Flight Lieutenant, Greg Gates. Greg: How far have revolutionary force occupied? soldier: We have occupied upto the point 3km east of the Royal palace, sir. Greg: Got some cigarettes? soldier: Yes, please have one. Greg: I want to go to the airport where Area 88 members are assembling...Do you mind borrowing me a car? soldier: Hey, someone there! Drive Flight Lieutenant to Mohad base!! Greg: The damage in the city is considerable... soldier: Yes...but this will end soon. We'll build again everything straight away. Greg:'re right... Greg: How far is the Mohad base? soldier: Well, I think 8km and a little from here. Greg: Stop the car. soldier: What's the matter, sir? Greg: I was trying to wait until the base...But 8km is too long to hold. Greg: You know, people used to say, necessity knows no law! *splat* soldier: Hahaha... Greg: For this occasion, I feel lucky to be born as a man! Greg: !! *hick hick sob* soldier: Anything wrong, sir? Greg: I hear someone crying... *Aaah...hick...hick* *Ah...hick...hick* Greg: Hey...some one in there!? *hick hick* girl: Uh... Greg: How pitiful... She lost her parent... Greg: Come... girl: Don't...!! girl: Go away! Greg: It's okay... I'm your friend. Come on, give me that...It's not a thing a child should have. Greg: Come on, now... girl: Noo!! *Bang bang* soldier: Flight Lieutenant!! *clutch* Greg: Don't! Don't shoot!! girl: Ugh...Agh...Hick... *clang* soldier: I'll bring the medical team immediately, sir! Greg: Yeah, please do so... Greg: We must chuck this dangerous stuff away. girl: Are you hurt? Greg: I am hurt...but I am very strong... girl: I'm sorry! I'm sorry... Greg: Come on, don't cry now... Greg: Was your mother nice? *nod* Greg: Well, you will become a nice mother, too... Greg: I'm sure you will... girl: Are you sleeping...? End of chapter 166...