3x3 Eyes, Legend of Trinetra, vol 28 Artwork and story by Takada Yuzo Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin (thark@hem2.passagen.se) Latest revision 981022 [] marks a very unsure translation {} marks translation notes *** marks an unidentified kanji --Intro--------------------------------------------------------- Main Characters PAI: Last survivor of the legendary monsters Sanjiyan Unkara. She has lived over 300 years, and has two personalities. SANJIYAN: (Parvati the 4th) Appearing when a third eye opened on Pai's forehead, already one personality. Once sealed Kaiyanwan. AYANOKOUJI YOUKO (HOUASHIWO): Once a monster replacing on Pai on Benares' orders, she is now one of Yakumo's gang's most trusted friends. FUJII YAKUMO: Main hero of the series. He was an ordinary restaurant student, but after having been made into an undead - "Wu" - by Pai's magics, he left on a journey of adventure. KAMIYAMA YORI: Born from monster and human, she uses astral beasts. She calls Youko "onee-sama" and admires her. {onee-sama = lit. "honored older sister"} USHASU: Mother of Shiva, current king of the eye-monsters. Having brought the displeasure of the previous king, she was imprisoned in sub-space for 3000 years. AMARA: Ushasu's "Wu". He created a small world in a sub-space to defend his master Ushasu. RATORI: A clone Ushasu created of herself, unable to bear the loneliness. Currently a prisoner of Benares. HAAZRAT HAAN: A secret trader of magical items. Depends on thinking of Youko. KAIYANWAN SHIVA: A king once seeking to destroy the Sanjiyan race. Resurrected to the human world, he would destroy the world. BENARES: Shiva's "Wu". Originally a huge dragon, he now controls all monsters. SUMMARY UP TO NOW: There has been no news for four years from the anthropologist Professor Fujii, exploring the interior of Tibet alone, when a his son, Fujii Yakumo, recieves the professor's remains and letter from a lonely girl. According to his father's letter, the girl is the last living member of a legendary race called the "Sanjiyan Unkara", who wield the magic of eternal youth. At first, Yakumo laughs, but when he suffers serious wounds at the attack of the monster Takuhi, and the girl's magic saves his soul from certain death by reviving him as an undead "Wu", his own body confirms his father's words. Together with the girl having a third eye on her forehead, Pai, Yakumo sets of on a journey to find the way to become human. During their journey, they find out about the key to humanization, the "Statue of Ningen", but at the same time, Pai is shocked to find monsters seeking to revive Kaiyanwan, King of Darkness, as he is surely Kaiyanwan Shiva, the last king of the race who saught to destroy the Sanjiyan Unkara. To prevent the revival of Kaiyanwan, which would bring about the descruction of the entire world, including the human world, Yakumo's party challenge Kaiyanwan's "Wu" Benares to fight in the Holy Land of the Sanjiyan. Yakumo having been defeated by Benares' previously overwhelming power, the actions of Pai's body depending on the abandoned Hoashiwo, Benares' body is smashed up against the sky together with the Holy Devil Stone, in which Kaiyanwan is sealed. Once again returning to their original goal of "becoming human", Yakumo and Pai learn how to use the "Statue of Ningen" from the survivig thoughts of Kaiyanwan, drawn out of the fragments of the Holy Devil Stone. They are truly shocked to find out that carrying out the Ritual of Huminification would require three Sanjiyan, and would again give power to Kaiyanwan's evil rule. Before that can happen, Benares, who should be defeated in the Holy Land, appears, his pawns all over Tokyo gaining upon Yakumo in the search for the third Sanjiyan. Yakumo succeds in bringing back Ushasu from the sub-sapce, but Benares has taken away Pai. In the fort on Lava Castle Island, Benares leads the preparations for the "Humanification Ritual" that will revice Kaiyanwan. Together with his party, Yakumo rushes to the fort to get Pai back. --Act 249------------------------------------------------------- Pg007 TXT: 249 / Isolation Pg008 4. Ushasu: I'm sorry, Fujii-san. Ushasu: I can't allow you to hurt Shiva no matter what. Pg009 1. Yakumo: I'm sorry for saying such a thing so late. Ushasu. Yakumo: What you sense isn't Shiva. 2. Yakumo: The Destroyer God you hate. Yakumo: It's Kaiyanwan. 4. Yakumo: Now get out of the way, Ushasu. Yakumo: So I can save everything. Pg010 2. Yakumo: Why!? 3. Ushasu: You say you'll save everything, Fujii-san. Ushasu: But that would require sacrificing Shiva. 4. Ushasu: I want to help Shiva too. Ushasu: I want to save Shiva along with Everything. 5. Yakumo: Ushasu, I understand what you're feeling - but that's impossible!! Ushasu: No, it isn't impossible! Pg011 1. Ushasu: You've already harmed Shiva further. Ushasu: Together with Shiva's declining Power, a "wu" could revive infinite power. 2. Ushasu: Then, wouldn't you be able to save everything? 5. Ushasu: I understand you're worrying for Pai-san. Ushasu: However, you should also understand. 6. Ushasu: Shiva adding to Pai-san's harm. Ushasu: That's just talking. 7. Yakumo: [Wake up, I don't know what's happened to you...] Pg012 1. Ushasu: I'll defend Pai-san. 2. Yakumo: Defending her... Pg013 1. Ushasu: The altar is being prepared, isn't it. Ushasu: Then there's no objections. 2. Ushasu: Follow me back, Yakumo-san. I'll oversee the carrying out of the "Humanification Ritual". Pg014 1. Yakumo: What are you thinking of, Ushasu!! Yakumo: Giving Kaiyanwan power would end everything!! 2. Benares: No. Ben: Everything would begin from there. 3. Yakumo: !? Pg015 1. Benares: Cancel your Beast Contracts quickly. Benares: The instant you return to human, the beasts clinging onto your energy will drain your life. 2. Yakumo: Shut up! 3. Benares: Make me!! Pg016 1. Talisman: Benares-sama!! 2. Ushasu: !? 4. Yakumo: Ugh. 5. Benares: Ushasu and Parvati agree about the "Humanification Ritual", too. Benares: You're wasting time. Pg017 1. Yakumo: No joking! 3. Yakumo: Pai agreeing to the "Humanification Ritual", Yakumo: She didn't! 4. Talisman: Watch out! DD: Benares-sama! Pg018 1. Benares: !? 2. Talisman: Gwah! 3. DD: Geeh! 4. Yakumo: You're in the way!! I'm not after you!! 5. Pai: Stop... Pg020 1. Yakumo: PAI!! 2. Benares: !? 5. Pai: There's no point in wasting time. Pai: Hurry up... The "Humanification Ritual"... --Act 250------------------------------------------------------- Pg021 4. Pai: Now, the "Humanification Ritual". Pg022 1. Yakumo: You idiot!! Don't you know what that means!! 2. Pai: I'm happy. Pai will become human. 3. Pai: Human! Pg023 TXT: 250 / Evacuation Pg024 1. Yakumo: IDIOT!! Don't say such a thing! Yakumo: Flee!! 2. Yakumo: You can't become human. Yakumo: It isn't good!! 3. Yakumo: You and me, in this situation... Pg025 2. Pai: Get out of the way. 3. Yakumo: !? Pg026 2. Yakumo: Gaah! 5. Yakumo: !? Pg027 2. Yakumo: Shit!! Yakumo: [My father Fujii begin ???] 3. Yakumo: [???] 4. Pai: You know? Pai: Go away, bothersome person. Pg028 1. Yakumo: It's not Pai's or "Sanjiyan"'s consciousness. Yakumo: Is she being manipulated by Shiva? 2. Yakumo: In the name of Fujii Yakumo!! Yakumo: Come forth, Kuu Yon!! {Weeping Chrysalis} 3. Talisman/DD: Gaaah 4. Yakumo: !? 7. Yakumo: Stop!! You will really die... Pg030 3. Yakumo: Gwaaah! 4. DD: Gaah! 5. Talisman: Waaah! Pg031 6. Gero: This is terrible, Gero. Gero: My great sealed machine ending up like that... 7. Gero: What's going to happen... 8. Gero: !? Pg032 1. Gero: Eek 2. Haan: !? 4. Haan: Fujii!? Pg033 3. Yakumo: Gwaaaaaaah 4. Talisman: Geh.... Ah.... 5. DD: Gwh.... Pg034 4. Pai: I'm so happy. Pai: The time to become human has come. --Act 251------------------------------------------------------- Pg035 4. Yakumo: Gwah! 7. Yakumo: !? Pg036 TXT: 251 / And Then Searching Pg039 1. Uukai: Huh!? Uukai: Talisman and DD!? 2. Benares: Aah, they lost their lives. Benares: Trying to hold Fujii Yakumo. 3. Uukai: Su, such... 4. Benares: I wasn't able to stop him. Benares: I was worn out trying to keep Shiva-sama and Parvati safe, but, he came between us... Pg040 1. Uukai: Resurrect the Four God Beasts of the Holy Land. Uukai: Let the Four God Beasts defend Shiva-sama... 2. Benares: We don't have the energy to resurrect the Beast Gods yet. Benares: Fujii will immediately return to destroy those Amara held. 3. Benares: We must be finished before that. 4. Benares: The ceremony of the "Humanification Ritual"!! Pg041 1. Monster: 16 finished!! 2. Monster: 22 finished!! 3. Monster: 35 finished!! 4. Monster: 52 Spell-Salt-Pillars finished!! Monster: Now hurry!! 5. Chokkai: Since it's rained, the Spell-Salt-Pillars have already been arranged. Uukai: I understand, now hurry. 6. Uukai: What about the Holy Water? Chokkai: Being arranged. Pg042 1. Uukai: Begin the ceremony after that. Chokkai: Yes. 2. Uukai: You'll take care of the rest. Uukai: I'm going to end Fujii's breathing. 3. Chokkai: Huh? Chokkai: But, Benares-sama... 4. Uukai: I was prepared to die from the started. 5. Uukai: Then it's Mugero. Uukai: [He'll be found and forced to confess.] Chokkai: Y- Chokkai: Yes. Pg043 1. Gero: Wha!? Haan: Hmph. 2. Gero: .... .... 3. Gero: Already hopeless, Gero. Gero: [My treachery is like morning dew, Gero....] 4. Haan: I'm sorry, but you seem like a rather weak guy. Haan: [What do they think you've accomplished?] 5. Haan: Letting Kaiyanwan be revived is out of the question. Haan: First, we'll take care of the type. 7. Gero: Such... Striking a corpse... Gero: What to do, Gero... Pg044 1. Haan: Anyhow, stopping the ceremony. Haan: How can we do that? 2. Haan: Return quickly. Haan: Fujii! Pg046 1. Yakumo: Pai. Yakumo: Where is the true you? 2. Yakumo: Pai. 5. Yakumo: Pai. Yakumo: Pai! Pg047 3. Pai: Ya- Yakumo... Pai: Where... 5. Pai: Where's this? Pai: Where on earth am I? 6. Voice: Don't worry. Pg048 1. Sanjiyan: There's no reason to worry, Parvati. Pai: Who are you!? 2. Sanjiyan: The time for you too to become part of Kaiyanwan has come. 3. Sanjiyan: The truth of everything is here. 4. Sanjiyan: Everything you've wished for. Sanjiyan: Here!! --Act 252------------------------------------------------------- Pg049 1. Pai: How do you say? What I want to know? Pai: Who on earth are you? Pg051 TXT: 252 / Meeting Pg052 1. Pai: Shiva. Pai: You're Shiva, aren't you. 2. Pai: Pai doesn't know anything, but, she just understand. Pai: Just somehow. 3. Pai: Yes. Pai: Not just that. 4. Pai: [???] 5. Pai: Somehow, I know what everybody is saying. Pai: This is when we met before. Pg053 1. Sanjiyan: That we'll all be part of Kaiyanwan. Sanjiyan: We've let you through to Shiva. 2. Pai: Somehow, I understand. Pai: You've hurt Shiva... 3. Sanjiyan: This, this. Sanjiyan: Not at all. 4. Pai: Shiva, please tell me!! What on earth are you all doing? Pai: Kaiywanwan Pai's enemy? Pg054 4. Pai: Shiva... 6. Shiva: We're past your soul. I'm saying "Will". Shiva: Do you understand? Pai. 7. Pai: What's that? Shiva: We all live under the influence of "Will" and die under the influence of "Will". Shiva: I only move with the flow of "Will". Pg055 1. Pai: You killed many Sanjiyan! You plan to destroy the world. You're the God of Destruction [and asking]. Pai: Is that also because of that "Will"? 2. Shiva: I don't obey. "Will" unifies countless. Shiva: The evolution of "Will" returned to a prototype, and nothing... 3. Pai: What are you saying? Pai doesn't understand at all! Pai: Was there no point in Pai fighting you in the end? Pg056 1. Shiva: There's no need to fight. 2. Shiva: Pai, rest here for a while. 4. Shiva: Sleep until I've finished everything. 5. Pai: Ya- Yakumo... Shiva: Everything. Pai: Yakumo, help.... Pg057 1. Pai: YAKUMO 4. Yakumo: Damn! Yakumo: My power couldn't call her back. Pai's soul is still in Shiva's hands... Pg058 1. Yakumo: I haven't defeated Shiva. 2. Uukai: So, don't go. Yakumo: !? 3. Yakumo: You... 7. Uukai: DD.... Talisman.... Pg059 1. Yakumo: I'm sorry, but [Yametoke] Yakumo: You have to understand. You can't defeat me. 2. Uukai: I understand. Uukai: But, as the last Commander of the Nine-Headed Dragons.... 3. Uukai: FIGHT!! 4. Yakumo: Stop!! I'm not your true enemy! Yakumo: You're striking wildly, go back!! Pg060 1. Uukai: Shut up!! Uukai: Murderer of DD and Talisman!! 2. Yakumo: Damn. Yakumo: How am I going to sneak into the castle without hurting her. 3. Yakumo: Come forth "An Yui"!! {Darkness Fish} 4. Uukai: !? Pg061 1. Uukai: Damn! He got away. Uukai: Until I attack the murderer of those two... 2. Talisman: Fo... Follow... 3. Uukai: !? 4. Talisman: W, We... Are... De... ad... Talisman: He... Help.... Plea... se... Uukai: TALISMAN!! 5. Yakumo: !? Pg062 1. Yakumo: Idiot! Yakumo: They should've been totally strangled... 5. Uukai: Just wait. DD, Talisman. Uukai: I'll take you back to the castle. --Act 253------------------------------------------------------- Pg063 4. Youko: Are you OK? You two with me too. Kiiru: Uuh! Guputa: Damn! We ate [bori] in a beautiful place. 5. Youko: Yes. Pg064 TXT: 253 / Goddess Mother's Smile Pg066 3. Ushasu: Rudo...... Pg067 4. Ushasu: The statue of "Ningen"... Benares: It's too late for the translation to be useful. 5. Ushasu: ! Pg068 1. Benares: All preparations have been made. Benares: Now begin. 2. Ushasu: Yes. Ushasu: We have waited. 3. Ushasu: Quickly, Rudo.... Please awaken Shiva. Benares: The plan is almost finished, let's not wait for morning. 4. Benares: Kaiyanwan-sama will awaken your old memories. Benares: Instead of what you've seen. 5. Ushasu: I understand. Pg069 1. Ushasu: "Kaiyanwan" will absorb the memories of Sanjiyan crying over the similarity with "man's past". Ushasu: The construction of a person's much important personality by [***]'s "will". Rudo won't be alone in that house, right? 2. Benares: That way. Benares: After this, your and Parvati's will won't hinder Kaiyanwan-sama. 5. Benares: Even now, the original appearance is returning. Benares: Hey. Chokkai: Yes. Pg070 1. Ushasu: There's one thing you need to hear. 2. Chokkai: Ha! 3. Benares: Whatever. 4. Ushasu: Rudo is... Shiva's successor. Ushasu: The father must accept the succession. 5. Benares: So, asking is needed. 6. Ushasu: Rudo's father is.... Pg071 1. Ushasu: The power took control of Rudo and broke his personality. Who will Shiva's successor use.... Benares: ........ 2. Benares: I see the situation... Benares: The force blast returned her original personality. It's now the question of the matter with mankind. 4. Benares: This will be reported later.... Pg072 2. Benares: !? 3. Ushasu: Unh. Ushasu: Uffuffuffuffuff 4. Ushasu: Uhfuhfuhfuhf 5. Ushasu: Uffuffuff Ushasu: Rudo 6. Ushasu: Now, honored mother. Help me. Ushasu: Help me. Pg073 1. Ushasu: Now, fast!! Ushasu: Quickly, Rudo. 3. Ushasu: Remove the obstacle to enter the home now!! 4. Benares: You've exhausted yourself. Pg074 1. Benares: All spirits of the holy land assemble!! 2. Benares: With the great spell. Benares: Bless ne, lord of all forests. 3. Benares: Naaga! Come forth! Benares: Hell be praised! Pg075 4. Youko: What? Youko: It's the first time it's like this! What's happening!? --Act 254------------------------------------------------------- Pg079 TXT: 254 / Euology to the God of Destruction Pg081 1. Fizu: What!? Man: What on earth is happening now!? 2. Fizu: A light is appearing from the important place!? Man: !? 3. Man: Where's it coming from? Man: If Andaka's returning from the other side... 4. Woman: Honored elder, how can we hold them.... Elder: ................ Pg082 1. Elder: I've been waiting for the return of Ushasu-sama and Raatorii-sama. Elder: For me, it's only that. 2. Woman: But the change of this place.... Woman: It isn't just that. 4. Elder: The time came, didn't it? 5. Woman: Time.... For Woman: For our destruction? Elder: ........ Pg083 1. Elder: I've already thrown or given away my things. Elder: Be quick, Ushasu-sama and Raatorii-sama. 3. Amara: The decision has already been made. Do you refuse Ushasu-sama's command to defend? Amara: But who. 4. Amara: Prepare everything. 5. Amara: The God of Destruction is about to be revived. Pg086 2. Ushasu: !? Pg088 1. Benares: Haa! Pg089 1. Ushasu: !? --Act 255------------------------------------------------------- Pg093 TXT: 255 / Undoing the Spell Pg094 3. Kiiru: What's happening!? Youko: Ngh! 4. Guputa: The "Humanification Ritual"... Guputa: It can't be! Pg095 1. Youko: It's terrible, the complicated curse is melting.. Youko: This is probably it. 2. Youko: The demon at the core is getting loose. 3. Kiiru: The God of Destruction!? Youko: The seal preventing Kaiyanwan's resurrection! 5. Guputa: Damn! I have to do this! Pg096 2. Youko: Hopeless!! It's dangerous! Guputa-san!! Youko: Come back!! 3. Guputa: Because of Kaiyanwan, I have to do this, or our destruction is inevitable!! 4. Guputa: I was born to protect the Earth!! Pg097 1 Youko: !? 3. Guputa: !? 5. Guputa: Wha!? Pg098 2. Youko: Guputa-san!! 4. Youko: Come!! Pg099 2. Kiiru: Wait for me!! 3. Youko: Hold on tight!! Youko: Flee, Guputa-san!! 4. Guputa: Stupid!! I'm coming!! Youko: !? Pg100 2. Kiiru: Ha! 4. Kiiru: Wha!? Pg101 2. Guputa: Ho- Guputa: Hold on. 3. Youko: I'm OK! You can let go!! Youko: We'll be an easier target like this!! 4. Guputa: You idiot!! Don't say that sort of thing.... 5 Guputa: !! Pg102 2. Guputa: Danger! 3. Kiiru: We'll be hurt. 4. Youko: !! 5. Guputa: !? Pg103 2. Guputa: Uuup! Kiiru: Ooo! 3. Youko: !? Pg104 1. Yoriko: Honored older sister! 2. Youko: Yoriko.... Youko: Yakumo-san. 3. Yakumo: It's my duty. --Act 256------------------------------------------------------- Pg105 TXT: 256 / Undoing the Spell II Pg106 2. Youko: Hurry up, Yakumo-san!! Yakumo: Gu! Youko: The demon at the core!! 3. Yakumo: I understand!! Kaiyanwan has already started seeing!! Youko: Yes!! Quickly, we mustn't be delayed. Pg107 1. Yakumo: Anyway, defend Yoriko-chan, everyone!! Youko: Huh? 2. Yakumo: Yoriko-chan's thought-waves confuse the function of the fortress. Yakumo: We're crowded here!! Pg108 1. Youko: Huh? 2. Youko: ! 3. Yoriko: Yakumo-san, something's coming!! Yakumo: I see! Youko: Huh? Pg109 2. Uukai: Thi- this is terrible... 3. Talisman: Uuuu! Uukai: !? 4. Uukai: I have to wait for those two!! They'll soon be healed. Pg110 1. Uukai: They aren't dead!! 3. Monster: Uukai-sama!! Monster: Where has Uukai-sama been at such an important time!! 5. Uukai: Shinkai!! Roukai!! Uukai: They're healing rapidly!! Pg111 1. Monster: Huh? Monster: Uh? 2. Uukai: They'll soon have recovered.... Monster: U-uukai.... 3. Monster: Thi- this.... 4. Uukai: Huh? Pg112 3. Uukai: Shi- shit!! Uukai: Bodies of thought!! Pg114 5. Yakumo: OK! 6. Yakumo: I'm leaving Yoriko-chan in your hands!! Yakumo: I'm going! Pg116 1. Guputa: I'm- Guputa: I'm going too!! Wom1: Hopeless! 2. Youko: We must defend Yoriko. 3. Youko: Huh!? 4. All: !? Pg117 1. Neguroni: You must pay attention!! You could get surrounded!! 2. Kiiru: Huh? Guputa: Ngh! 3. Youko: Protect Yoriko! Youko: It's the work of Kaiyanwan.... 4. Youko: Yakumo-san is depending on us!! Pg118 1. Benares: You've finally come!! 2. Yakumo: Oooooo --Act 257------------------------------------------------------- Pg119 1. Monster: Parvati's "Wu" is approaching Shiva-sama. Monster: Guooooo 2. Yakumo: Go away!! Pg120 3. Yakumo: Benares! TXT: 257 / Undoing the Spell III Pg122 1. Yakumo: Prepare yourself! 2. Benares: I'm certain she'll mourn your death. Benares: Cancel your beast contracts!! Pg123 3. Yakumo: Gwah! Yakumo: "Tou Chao"!! {Earth Claw} Pg124 1. Benares: Gwah! 2. Benares: Daa! Yakumo: Awaah 4. Yakumo: Ga! Pg125 1. Yakumo: !? Pg126 2. Yakumo: Shit! I can't do body projectiles like Benares. Yakumo: He's using the servants of the "spirit"... Pg127 1. Benares: You'll regret this. Benares: I have acquired Bemu-Madurai's teaching and the secret of Amara's Power. I've passed this far... 2. Monster: Kuooooo Monster: Parvati's "Wu" is defeated!! 3. Benares: You will fall down. Benares: It's a pity my subordinates want the place. 4. Monster: Guoo Yakumo: Shit! Pg128 1. Yakumo: The time has come to save this place!! Yakumo: Shiva must be hit direcly. 2. Yakumo: The name of Fujii Yakumo commands!! Yakumo: Come forth "Anyui"!! 4. Monster: !! Monster: !! 5. Benares: Come forth "Anshiiyui"!! Pg129 2. Benares: Uh! 3. Yakumo: Revealed!! 4. Benares: !! Pg130 1. Yakumo: Uryaaaa! 3. Yakumo: Guooooo Pg131 1. Benares: I've failed!! 2. Yakumo: Come forth "Shiisuu"!! 4. Yakumo: !? Pg132 2. Yakumo: SHI- Yakumo: SHIIT!! --Act 258------------------------------------------------------- Pg133 2. Yakumo: Gaa! Pg134 TXT: 258 / Undoing the Spell IV Pg135 5. Neguroni: Guaa! 6. Neguroni: ! Pg136 4. Guputa: It was dispelled quickly. Youko: .... .... 6. Youko: !? Pg137 1. Youko: Watch out!! Get away quickly, everyone!! 2. Yoriko: Are we in time? Youko: Yoriko!! Yoriko: Gather the leaders of the earth!! 3. Monster: Gii Gii 4. Monster: Gee Pg138 3. Yakumo: Wha!!? Pg139 1. Yakumo: Ayakouji!! Yori-chan!! Yakumo: Guputa!! Kiiru!! Neguroni!! 3. Yakumo: Shi- 4. Yakumo: Shiiit! Yakumo: Are they in time as I expected!?! Pg140 2. Yakumo: Paiiii! 4. Pai: Yaku.... Pai: !? Pg141 4. Yakumo: Shi-! 5. Yakumo: U- Pg144 1. Yakumo: Wha Yakumo: aa Pg145 1. Ushasu: Rudo 2. Benares: Kaiyanwan-sama. 3. Pai: Shiva!! Pg146 3. Shiva: Pai. Shiva: It's time now. --Act 259------------------------------------------------------- Pg147 1. Shiva: Now TXT: 259 / Charm of the God of Destruction Pg148 1. Yakumo: Thi- Yakumo: This! 2. Yakumo: What are you making her do? Pg149 3. Benares: What's the matter? Is he ugly, boy? Yakumo: !? 4. Yakumo: Wha! 5. Benares: Don't be rude in front of the king. Pg150 2. Yakumo: Gwah! 3. Pai: Yakumooo!! Pg151 1. Benares: I understand that you're scared of me. Benares: Kaiyanwan-sama, I understand you can't do this. [Shame ???] Hold out your hand. 2. Yakumo: U Yakumo: Uu! 3. Yakumo: Regrettable scary.... Yakumo: Why's it? I don't understand why I'm afraid. I'm not moving my body. 4. Yakumo: Shiiit! 5. Benares: I'm sorry,for being before you when you're like this, Kaiyanwan-sama. Pg152 1. Shiva: You've started trouble, Benares. 3. Shiva: My body has begun disintegrating because I was awakened. Every day has become serious. Shiva: Well. I will endure. Speak politely. 4. Benares: My speech is unworthy. Pg153 1. Ushasu: It's no mistake, it's Rudo. This gentleness. Ushasu: Rudo still exists. 2. Ushasu: Rudo 4. Ushasu: Rudo Ushasu: Rudo, Rudo!! Pg154 1. Ushasu: We've met., We've met Ushasu: We've met Ushasu: We've met 2. Ushasu: We've met, Rudo!! Ushasu: I...... I...... 3. Shiva: Honored mother. Shiva: I, too... Pg155 2. Ushasu: Ah Rudo Ushasu: Rudo, Help now. 4. Ushasu: The "Humanification Ritual" immediately. 5. Shiva: Yes. Pg156 1. Pai: Wrong!! What's wrong?!? Pai: Everyone!! 2. Pai: Everyone 3. Pai: Everyone 4. Pai: Everyone 5. Pai: Enchanted!? Pai: By Kaiyanwan!! Pg157 1. Shiva: Pai, now you... Pai: U- useless!! I...... 2. Pai: I!! 4. Pai: Yes. Pg158 1. Shiva: Now, "Humanification Ritual". Pg160 1. Pai: I mustn't. Pai: Hopeless. 2. Pai: Someone.... Pai: Stop it!! --Act 260------------------------------------------------------- Pg161 4. Shiva: Well then, Shall we begin? Pg162 Benares: Get away everyone!! TXT: 260 / Execution Pg163 Benares: We're carrying out the "Humanification Ritual"!! Pg164 3. Shiva: Now, the guidance of the lights towards the future. Pai: Yes. 4. Shiva: You too, honored mother. Ushasu: Yes. Pg165 2. Yakumo: !! 3. Yakumo: What!! It's beginning!! Yakumo: What are they doing.... Pg167 4. Shiva: Barasu Shiva: Vidaahi Pg171 4. Yakumo: Shi- Shit! Yakumo: [otto? "husband" doesn't quite make sense...] Pg172 1. Benares: Your opponent isn't Kaiyanwan-sama. It's me. Yakumo: Gua! 2. Yakumo: Shiiiiit! 3. Benares: What's wrong this time, Fujii Yakumo? Benarus: Quickly, cancel the beast contracts. You... 4. Uukai: I request to do it. I can certainly tke care of him... Pg173 1. Uukai: I've taken care of everything. Certainly I... Benares: Disappear. 3. Benares: You disappointed me. Already, Dragon Commander. Benares: You'll be useful as food for Yamiuji-domo. Uukai: Wha!? Pg174 1. Uukai: Gwah! Benares: Dispose of her. 5. Benares: [Dunno .... Isn't ugly person pull out ?power?] Benares: This holiness can be useful for the "Humanification Ritual", then. --Act 261------------------------------------------------------- Pg175 1. Pai: U Pai: Uuu 2. Yakumo: Pa- Yakumo: Pai!! Pg176 TXT: 261 / Rescue Pg178 1. Haan: Shiit! It's starting to fall. Gero: Everything rests, Gero. The "Humanification Ritual" hasn't stopped yet, Gero. 2. Haan: That sort of thing!! Haan: What? The ritual is [izu]? Haan: Even if that one serves Fujii. Nothing but [dara]. Haan: What is Shiva [??? *** ???] 4. Monster: Ku! Ku! Ku! [zamaanaize] Monster: [Now ??? be proud ???] Pg179 1. Monster: Commander of the Nine-Headed Dragons. [???] Monster: Benares-sama's authority [***] 2. Uukai: Be- Benares-sama's. Ka. Shadow [???]. Uukai: Ha. Work [???]. We, the lies of the Commanders of the Nine-headed Dragons.... 3. Monster: I won't allow you to cry. Uukai: Obu! 4. Monster: Shit. Foolish. Monster: How shall we have her cooked... 5. Uukai: Ju- Just kill me.... 6. Monster: [fufun] Pg180 1. Monster: Let's polish this persons ass. Let's stab her like a "[dunno, some type of food-on-stick?]". 2. Uukai: ! 3. Monster: That person. This thing's not good, Mu-sama. 4. Uukai: Sto- stop!! Monster: Your ass is history!! 5. Uukai: The end is coming!! Help me!! Monster: He! Your pitiful innards will be exposed. Pg182 1. Monster: Wha 2. Monster: a 8. Uukai: Y- you... Pg183 1. Uukai: Ho- how.... I-I.... Haan: Didn't you know? Haan: Women are my weak point. 2. Haan: Wo- women and talking are my weak points. Haan: Wo- women being bullied [rareteru? no mo?] Uukai: .... .... 3. Haan: Take care of her, Mugero. Gero: Uhh. Is Gero this sort of servant!? 4. Haan: There's no time, do it quickly!! 6. Gero: That's person is angry. I'm scared, Gero. Gero: The way to stop "Humanification Ritual".... Pg184 1. Uukai: Shit. Things are in motion. "Humanification Ritual" must be stopped. Uukai: The ability to use the power of the Sanjiyan Unkara... 5. Uukai: Ah. At the western watchtower. The Sanjiyan clone [itana?].... Uukai: If possibly her power.... Pg185 2. Ratori: Ushasu!! Ratori: Please answer Ratori: Ushasu!! 3. Ratori: You haven't lost me. Ratori: Return to concsciousness, Ushasu.... 5. Ratori: !? Ratori: What? Pg187 1. Ratori: Y- you...... Haan: I'm Fujii Yakumo's companion. 2. Haan: Can you use your power to stop "Humanification Ritual"? Ratori: ! 3. Ratori: I understand. The evil ritual has been started.. Ratori: But, how can even I.... 4. Haan: Tha- Haan: That sort of.... 5. Ratori: Please be relieved. Ushasu has a secret plan. Ratori: If Ushasu's consciousness returns.... Pg188 1. Haan: !? 3. Ratori: Now, Ushasu Ratori: Return to consciousness!! --Act 262------------------------------------------------------- Pg189 3. Benares: !? 4. Yakumo: !! Pg190 1. Ratori: Steady!! Ratori: Awaken your eyes, Ushasu!! 2. Ushasu: ? 4. Ratori: Quickly, somehow with your limbs. The evil ritual. Ratori: Your child, Shiva.... Pg191 TXT: 262 / Discretion of the Goddess Pg192 1. Benares: GO! Chokkai: Yes! 3. Yakumo: Ra- Ratori 4. Ratori: !? Pg193 1. Haan: Watch out! 2. Chokkai: You're an obstacle! Haan: Gwah! 3. Yakumo: Gyaaa Yakumo: Iyaa! 4. Yakumo: Haan... Yakumo: Ratori Pg194 1. Benares: Ku! Ku! Ku! Fool! Benares: Chokkai's going, so even her power can't stop the "Humanification Ritual". Yakumo: Ku! 2. Benares: Good, try to resist. Benares: You're already useless. 3. Yakumo: Shiit. Yakumo: Somehow, I've got to kick him off..... 5. Benares: !? Pg196 1. Benares: !! 2. Yakumo: !? Pg197 1. Yakumo: A summoned demon!? Yakumo: Who the hell!? 4. Yakumo: Ushasu!! Pg198 2. Yakumo: Wha- what.... 4. Ushasu: Now, Rudo. Please help. Pg199 2. Yakumo: !? 3. Shiva: .... .... Pg201 1. Ushasu: Now, who else stops this "Humanification Ritual". It's a stupid thing, don't you think? Ushasu: However, we mustn't do as the God of Destruction wants. 2. Shiva: .... .... Pg202 1. Yakumo: Wha- what are you planning!? Yakumo: Ushasu!! 2. Ushasu: You control this one too, in order to drive away the control of the God of Destruction. Ushasu: Even if you must die to bring back the original you. 3. Ushasu: I'll reach out Ushasu: to Kaiyanwan!! --Act 263------------------------------------------------------- Pg203 4. Ushasu: The control of the "Gods of Destruction" has misguided Rudo. I'll reach out to Kaiyanwan. Ushasu: Rudo!! Rescue your mind!! Pg204 Ushasu: For your sake Pg205 TXT: 263 / Error Ushasu: I, to Kaiyanwan!! Pg206 3. Yakumo: What are you saying!! He hasn't changed at all, has he!?! Yakumo: Kaiyanwan has changed to a new form. That danger's one... Pg207 1. Ushasu: Don't worry, Yakumo-san!! Kaiyanwan's power's absorbed from Rudo. I... Ushasu: Quickly, cancel the Beast Contracts!! 2. Yakumo: Even if you say that sort of thing.... 4. Ushasu: ! 5. Shiva: Honored mother. The power of the "Humanification Ritual" moves me to tears. I won't die! Shiva: That's where my body was disintegrated. The power of the Sanjiyan Unkara is lost. I'll surely die. Pg208 1. Ushasu: I won't let you die. Ushasu: Your mother would die too. 5. Ushasu: The way to destiny is not much longer. Ushasu: I'll reach out to the power Kaiyanwan took from you. Destiny will end here and now. Pg209 2. Ushasu: Your true form is gradually showing, God of Destruction. But it's too late. 3. Ushasu: Your carrying out the "Humanification Ritual" ends. Ushasu: I'll stop the power from serving that person. 4. Ushasu: Now, I'll alter the flow of power from the "Statue of Ningen". Rudo will return to the his origin. Shiva: I wonder how you'll do that. 5. Ushasu: ! Pg210 1. Shiva: You won't stop me so easily. 2. Ushasu: Your charm won't work twice. 3. Yakumo: !? Pg211 2. Ushasu: !! 4. Yakumo: Pai! Pg212 1. Shiva: Good, Parvati. Shiva: You've awakened. Feel the taste of your power. 2. Yakumo: Stop!! Pai!! 3. Ushasu: !! Pg213 1. Ushasu: Ga Ushasu: Ha 2. Yakumo: Stop!! You're destroying Ushasu's body!! She'll die if you do that sort of thing!! 4. Yakumo: Gwah! Pg214 1. Shiva: Don't worry!! Shiva: Ushasu won't die before the "Humanification Ritual" is completed. Pg215 1. Yakumo: !! 2. Yakumo: Mo- moved!! Finally, the "Humanification Ritual"!! Yakumo: I'm already too late.... 3. ?: Master, the Sanjiyan Unkara are running out of time. Yakumo: !? 5. ?: That "wu" has given off infinite power, and now I entrust you with that power. Yakumo: Huh!? Pg216 5. Yakumo: PAI!! --Act 264------------------------------------------------------- Pg218 Yakumo: PAI! Pg219 TXT: 264 / Humanization Magic Pg221 1. Ratori: ! Chokkai: !? 2. Chokkai: Fool!! You won't stop Kaiyanwan-sama from getting the great power. Chokkai: What's that!? How much power does that "Wu" servant have!?! 3. Chokkai: Who's giving the servant the power.... Pg222 1. Yakumo: Guoooo 2. Shiva: .... .... 3. Shiva: You're in the way of her eye. Shiva: Kill that person, Parvati!! Pg223 1. Pai: U Pai: O Yakumo: Pai!! Awaken your eye! 2. Yakumo: PAI! Pai: U uuu Pg224 1. Pai: Ya- Pai: Ya- ku- mo.... 2. Yakumo: Pai! Pai: U aa! 4. Yakumo: Hang on tight! I'll endure this! Yakumo: I can surely hold out until Kaiyanwan runs out of power!! 5. Shiva: I see. You and Amara are connected? Shiva: [Harming Ushasu will defeat you.] [The infite power flowing into you.] Pg225 1. Yakumo: That's right!! I'm full of power. Yakumo: Kaiyanwan!! Will your power last longer than mine?!! 2. Chokkai: Neu Chokkai: A! 3. Chokkai: [???]!! 4. Chokkai: Trying to stop this is useless!! Pg226 2. Chokkai: Gaaa! 4. Yakumo: Your servants won't be able to stop me! Pg227 2. Yakumo: !? 3. Shiva: At most, you've acquired power, but not the skills of an immortal. Shiva: [Think you have caught up to me?] 4. Yakumo: This way, you'll die! Shiva: I, die? Why do you desire my death? Pg228 1. Yakumo: You want to destroy the world, but we will justly defeat the God of Destruction!! Yakumo: [We'll survive!!] 2. Shiva: How do you hope to survive? 3. Yakumo: Huh? 4. Shiva: You began from nothing; you will return to nothing. You will most certainly die out. Shiva: Surely, like the "will" of all of creation.... Pg229 1. Yakumo: Still, will that be accepted!?! 2. Shiva: [However, god exists thanks to "will".] Shiva: ["Will" will make mankind return to nothing.] 3. Yakumo: Wha!? Pg230 1. Shiva: Parvati. 2. Pai: Yes.... Yakumo: !? 4. Yakumo: Huh!? 5. Yakumo: Damn!! Pg231 2. Shiva: Guu! Pg233 1. Yakumo: Benares!! 2. Monster: Buoooo! 3. Monster: Gieeee! 4. Benares: [It's been long since I was at full power.] Pg234 1. Benares: [Your big talk ends here.] Benares: Fujii Yakumo!! 2. Yakumo: !! ----------------------------------------------------------------