3x3 Eyes Digest : Manga Translations : 3x3 Eyes Manga Vol. 21 Key: YMnn Issue number of Young Magazine in which the story appears #nnn 3x3 Eyes story number () Literal meanings [] Comments and explanations name?: Not sure of speaker name[narr.]: Speaker is narrating -- not actual dialogue Sidebar: Extra text on the side of the page. This text is generally edited out in the tankoubon. Contents: * Story 7(#143) - Nervous Date - Part I * Story 8(#144) - Nervous Date - Part II * Story 9(#145) - Version Up --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 21, Story 7(#143) - Nervous Date - Part I Translated by Onimal House (ping@ricochet.net) Steve Long, Lee Ling-Ling, Mama A DATE!? Yakumo Don't act so surprise. It is no big deal! Is that right, Pai! Pai umm! Mama Could it be you..... not just checking in the hotel for rest, but to sleep over.... Yakumo What do you mean!! Mama Never mind! But don't forget to wear protection.... [rice cooker smash!] Yakumo What are you talking about!! Long This is great.... Yakumo Huh? Long Haven't eat anything good lately-- That is right! We can go to French restaurant for French cousin... Otherwise, Tempura is fine, too.... Ling-Ling I don't want that!! I want to go to the race track for some betting!! Long Who say we are going to the race track? Ling-Ling I want to go, so what? Pai ummm, taste so good.... Yakumo Hey.... Nobody say you are coming with us....!! Don't suspect anymore!! I say it is a date with Pai! Pai Yakumo-- What is a date? Yakumo Please spare me.... Haan Hazrat A date? Ayanokouji Pai That is right, just two of them. Haan After worry and thinking for other people, he doesn't know what he is thinking about for himself! and he had not made contracts with those monsters, yet. Could that guy.... Yakumo Shinjuku had changed! It changed so much in such a short time. Do you remember? We met for the first time here! To be honest, I was so surprised. You were so dirty that time. Pai "giggling" <"Yakumo!"> <"I finally found you! Yakumo!"> Yakumo After meeting you, so many things had happened.... No only was I dead once.... and leaving my good friends behind.... and met Miss Huang.... If it is possible, I really would like to go back to Hong Kong one more time.... Pai Then.... Next time we go to Hong Kong together! Yakumo ummm.... Ah.... All right..... Next time! Haan Yakumo that fool had already made up his mind! There is only one way to save the world!! That is not to find the third Sanjiyan!! Long What!! You say not to find the Sanjiyan! Haan This way, After a few months, both Kaiyanwang and Benares will be finished! Ling-Ling But, if Benares is dead.... Haan Just like you thought.... Yakumo will be forever.... trapped inside the sup-space!! Today's date.... is the last one this life time! That fool!! Yakumo sigh-- All right! Where else shall we go? Today is the last chance to be with Pai. Ummm, Let's have some fun.... Huh? Where did Pai go? <"And not even finish her cake...."> Excuse me, this girl who was just sitting here, Do you know where did she go....? Waitress Huh? Customer A Hey! You look! Customer B On my god! Yakumo What? What is she thinking about!! That foolish girl!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 21, Story 8(#144) - Nervous Date - Part II Translated by Onimal House (ping@ricochet.net) Construction Worker A How did she... Construction Worker B What....Why.... Yakumo Excuse me, can you lower that crane, that girl is.... Security Guard It is too dangerous! Don't get close! Police will be over soon..... Don't get near.... Yakumo No, she and me.... Security Guard Hey! Move back! Move Back!! Onlooker A What is this, why don't they lower the crane? Onlooker B Where she stands, if the crane moves she will fall down! Onlooker C Suicide? This is interesting, let's call the TV station. Yakumo Hmmm.... [This is great....] [Have to do something before it get any worse....] [Did Benares send that guy to watch over me?] [Great....] [Benares...] [probably doesn't want to create a big commotion...] [If I don't take care of this thing fast....] That is right... After I call out 'Coo-Yun' on the surface of the moon, I can't use the spell control ball Connery left me. I can't call out any flying monster, either..... Damn! Because of the power of 'Coo-Yun', The Sanjiyan's spell-destroy scroll probably also had disappeared. As long as it is about Pai.... I like to take care of it for her myself! COME ON OUT! 'SHOU-RIN'!! Pai [Yakumo....] Yakumo Pai!! Pai!! Pai Yakumo!! Yakumo Actually climb up to such a high place!! What are you thinking? This is not a mountain in Tibet! Don't cause trouble for other people!! All the people below are troubled because of you!! Pai Eh? Yakumo Sigh.... Forget it! Hurry up and come with me before anyone else gets up here! Pai No. Yakumo Eh? What are you really thinking about? Pai Then what are you thinking about yourself? Yakumo Eh? Pai Why don't you think of a way to find the third Sanjiyan? There is still half a year till Kaiyanwang dies If you don't find the third Sanjiyan before then.... You will be trapped in the sub-space!! With only yourself all alone? Yakumo.... If that happen... We will all be Benares's hostages, Pai can't beat him, too! Yakumo That is why I.... That is why.... I am scared, too. I don't want to go to the sub-space, either! I don't want to be alone by myself..... stay in that dark space hundreds, thousands of year.... I.... Pai Yakumo.... I had already realized that.... If you don't come back from sub-space within half a year.... I.... will end my life immediately! Yakumo What foolish non sense are you talking about.... Pai I don't want you to suffer the pain forever! Yakumo But...But I.... Pai Yakumo.... Because.... We share a common life! Yakumo Pai.... Pai So, if.... you don't plan to find the third Sanijiyan, then there is no need to wait! I will jump down from here.... RIGHT NOW!! Yakumo How do you know my.... Pai Now what? Yakumo!! I am going to jump!! Yakumo But there is no way to beat Benares.... Pai You look, you look.... Yakumo Don't fool around! Pai!! WA! Pai Eh? Yakumo No... it can't be! I know it now!! It is all my fault! I definitely will think of a way to find the third Sanjiyan!! I will come back from the sub-space no matter what! Pai Really? Yakumo When I said 'really', it is really 'really'!! Hurry up and call out 'Fei-Oh'.... So heavy.... Pai Yea! 'FEI-OH'! 'TWAO FEEI"! Eh? Yakumo Hey! What happen? Pai Strange, no response! Yakumo Don't fool around!! No... I can't be! Hey! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 21, Story 9(#145) - Version Up Translated by Onimal House (ping@ricochet.net) Wuu Guai Mr. Long Huang, Parvati.... If we don't hurry up and help her.... Benares Hmmm.... Looks like Yakumo finally makes up his mind to find the third Sanjiyan! Wuu Guai I.... I am not talking about that! Parvati is going to die soon.... Benares No need to worry about that! As long as Sanjiyan encounter danger, its Wu can have infinite power!! Ha ha ha ha! Even in sub-space, there should be Wu with infinite power to protect its master? Let's go! We have works to do! Wuu Guai! Wuu Guai Can he really find the third Sanjiyan? Benares I don't know, either! But, as long there is Sanjiyan in sub-space, then the Wu with infinite power should detect Yakumo's present immediately! They will also try their hardest to find the "exit"! No matter what, we shall have our answer soon! Soon.... Prepare for the ceremony! Wuu Guai But.... Benares Let them be! Wuu Guai Eh? Benares You wouldn't understand.... It is useless to worry!! Pai Ya... Yakumo! Yakumo Err... My hand is already.... Why climb up to such a place! Foolish girl!! Pai I don't know, either. When I realized, I was already up here!! Yakumo What.... What are you talking about? (Damn!! Must be controlled by someone!!) Let's go for it! grab that cable!! Hold on tight to that cable! Then I will call out "Chin-Kuu' and let it spin silk..... WA! Hurry.... Hurry up.... Pai Umm.... I know.... I will try... to catch... Yea.... Yakumo Waa!! Pai Eh? Yakumo Oh no! Here we go again.... Pai YAKUMO!! Yakumo Huh? Pai YAKUMO!! Yakumo How can you be so stupid!! Pai But Yakumo you.... Yakumo Come one out! 'Chin-Kuu'!! Hold on to me!! Pai!! Errrr.... EH? Eh? What? Parvati Look like I over did it. That really is.... the virtue matter I created with the power of Iko. But that virtue matter was created separately from me, and it was Pai's real virtue matter! Don't get mad! Yakumo!! That was Pai's real feeling! Yakumo But you are the one who got Pai's virtue matter on that crane in the first place! Parvati That is also for convincing you.... Yakumo You are worrying about me? Parvati Baka! Who is worrying about you.... Umm....actually...I actually.... Yakumo By the way... Parvati Eh? Yakumo That virtue matter works no matter how far the distance, isn't it? Parvati Eh? Yakumo I really don't want to go to the sub-space alone without any contact with you! But now I can go without worrying! I.... ordering you by the name of your master! Speak out your name!! <'Shyr-Sy', 'Ann-Yu', 'Yih-Shyi'> Yakumo I know it now! and you are welcome! All right! I have finished the contracts with the monsters. Haan Finally it is time to go! Be careful! Yakumo I will! Note: Shyr-Sy: stone line, turn thing into stone. Ann-Yu: dark fish, create darkness to blind enemy's eyes. Yih-Shyi: strange breath, healer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index | Previous | Next 3x3 Eyes story, art, and characters Copyright © 1987-1999 Yuzo Takada / Kodansha. These unofficial fan translations are made freely available for the personal use of owners of the original Japanese manga. They should not be used for profit in any way. Last updated: December 3, 1998