3x3 Eyes Digest : Manga Translations : 3x3 Eyes Manga Vol. 5 (2/2) Key: YMnn Issue number of Young Magazine in which the story appears #nnn 3x3 Eyes story number () Literal meanings [] Comments and explanations name?: Not sure of speaker name[narr.]: Speaker is narrating -- not actual dialogue Sidebar: Extra text on the side of the page. This text is generally edited out in the tankoubon. Contents: * Story 8(#34) - Earthly City of the Gods - Part XII * Story 9(#35) - Return of the Seima - Part I * Story 10(#36) - Return of the Seima - Part II * Story 11(#37) - Return of the Seima - Part III * Story 12(#38) - Return of the Seima - Part IV * Story 13(#39) - Return of the Seima - Part V --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 5, Story 8(#34) - Earthly City of the Gods - Part XII Translated by Jeffery Hansen (hansen@cmu.edu) pg. 131) Naparuba: Lady Pai! Lady Pai! Naparuba: Lady Pai! Naparuba: Am I too late? pg. 133) MacDonald: Naparuba!! Naparuba: Mr. MacDonald! .... Lady Pai! Lady Pai! Yakumo: Pai!! pg. 134) Naparuba: Lady Pai threw herself in there with Choukai. I'm sorry Yakumo, I'm so sorry! Yakumo: Be quiet!! pg. 136) Naparuba: CHoukai! Yakumo: Things are dangerous! Get out of here everyone! pg. 137) Yakumo: Pai.... where's Pai!? MacDonald: Look out!! Get out of there you fool!! Yakumo: Pai! pg. 139) Yakumo: Pai! pg. 140) Yakumo: You! You had us all worried! Sanjiyan: He he! I'm all tired out! Sanjiyan: That fool Choukai!! He did a botched job of creating a void space and it got hot inside too. I thought I was going to die... Sanjiyan: I'm exhausted! You take over... pg. 141) Pai: Father Tinzuin.... because of me you meet with such an awful fate.... pg. 142) Tinzuin: Don't cry Lady Pai... Pai: Father Tinzuin... Tinzuin: It was my fate to die. It's not your fault... It's actually easier for my this way and I am not at peace. Tinzuin: Do not be sad. The one's who have it tough are those alive like you. The "truth" is always cruel. Go out and seek that "truth". Don't lose faith!! pg. 143) Pai: Thank you. Father Tinzuin. Naparuba: We must part ways here. As a protecter of the Holy Hall, I am unable to lead you any further. Pai: Naparuba... Naparuba: Take care you yourself. Naparuba: I'm always praying for the the pure light of Aran for the Seima (Pai). MacDonald: We'll bring back the secret of the immortality power. Be waiting for us! pg. 144) Pai: Come on! Let's hurry. MacDonald: Yakumo said that he had business with this "Benaresu" guy. It looks like he hasn't arrived yet, but he said not to worry. Yakumo: YOU ASS HOLE! Yakumo: That's my right arm! Give it back you punk! Yakumo: Rrrrrrrr! Yakumo: You! Common' let's have it out right now! I'll get you for this! pg. 145) MacDonald: Let fools be fools.... MacDonald: All right, shall we calm Chiruuo and continue... to the Holy Hall? pg. 146) Pai: Chiruuo has turned white? MacDonald: He's suddenly frozen and solidified. pg. 146) MacDonald: A Chiruuo bridge, I guess... Pai[thinking]: Ken Ken... Don-chan... Grandpa, Grandma pg. 147) Pai[thinking]: I will get my memory back and return. Pai[thinking]: No matter.... Pai: Common' let's go to the Seichi (Holy Ground)!! Pai[thinking]: ... what "truth" is waiting!! pg. 148) (really part of next story) Pai: Greetings.. KenKen and Don-Chan. How is Tokyo? Anything new at school? I guess the new term is starting now isn't it? I have now come before the entrance to my "homeland". I wonder if my memory will return, and if it returns what will become of me? KenKen, Don-Chan... I.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 5, Story 9(#35) - Return of the Seima - Part I English Translation (from Chinese version) by Patrick C. Yip (pckyip@athena.mit.edu) Proofreading & Cleanup by Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au) --------------------------- p.152 ("Pocky" is a popular snack in Japan. I ate quite a lot when I was a child in HK :) It's a chocolate or strawberry flavored coating on a crunchy stick.) --------------------------- p.153 Yakumo: 'At the Kyou of Konron, the capital of the earthy realm of the heavenly emperor'... Yakumo: What does "Kyou" mean? --------------------------- p.154 Macdonald: That's pretty disappointing. Are you really the son of a professor? Yakumo: Hmm, I would have felt better if I hadn't been his son. Macdonald: "Kyou" has the meaning of 'Mountain of Hill'. There are many at Konron. And it can be interpreted as 'Falsehood', as in 'Truth or Falsehood'. Yakumo: 'Truth and Falsehood'. Yakumo: I hope it isn't the "Kyou" in 'Ruin'. Macdonald: That intepretation exists too. Eternal life could be achieved by drinking the 'White Water' at Konron. I'd be content just to reach my objective. Yakumo: What should we do? We don't know how to remove "Choang-Rin-Rin". --------------------------- p.155 Macdonald: I couldn't care less, just so long as others don't get hold of the magic of eternal life. Yakumo: That's pretty selfish. Even if you're kidding, you shouldn't have said it in front of her. (Pai) Macdonald: Whatever. Yakumo: I've been wondering... Because "Choang-Rin-Rin" was flawed, the head monk in charge turned into a monster ... Why exactly? Pai: So!! I've got that curse too... why did I only lose my memory? Yakumo: Using hypnotism is enough to erase someone's memory. Why was such a dangerous magic used to seal her memory off? --------------------------- p.156 Yakumo: I feel bad about this. Macdonald: Oh? You feel bad? Why are you... Yakumo: !? Macdonald: ...so paranoid? Don't just sit around and talk, prepare the incense burner for our trip to Konron! Yakumo: Eek! Pai: Do you know how we can reach the sacred place? Macdonald: I'll think about it. But I don't know much about the stuff in this sacred shrine. Yakumo: Let's go and find the sacred place now. Macdonald: Sure. --------------------------- p.157 Macdonald: The gate to the sacred place is at the center of the sacred shrine, and above the magic circle. It's at the cave underneath. If we fail, we'll be buried alive. Is it OK? Pai: It's fine. --------------------------- p.161 Pai: Here is... Yakumo: We made it! This is the sacred place! --------------------------- p.162 Pai: I'm not dreaming, I'm not dreaming! Yakumo: No, it's for real!! Pai: What these spines for? Very pretty. What's this? Aah! This is... graveyard.... --------------------------- p.164 Pai: Why is that? --------------------------- p.166 Pai: What's this? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 5, Story 10(#36) - Return of the Seima - Part II English Translation (from Chinese version) by Patrick C. Yip (pckyip@athena.mit.edu) Proofreading & Cleanup by Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au) --------------------------- p.170 Pai: This is.. Yakumo: This is the magical message from Pai of the Sanjiyan tribe. (It's probably activated by our presence in this place.) --------------------------- p.171 Illusionary Pai: Welcome to all who have come here. I am Parvati IV, born in the year of Heavenly White Dragon... the last Sanjiyan Unkara. Being the master here, I should have greeted and served the guests who have come from far away... --------------------------- p.172 Please promise me never to come to this place again. Let the long history of the Sanjiyan tribe sleep with this fertile land forever, along with my future husband, "Shiva". --------------------------- p.173 Pai: Huh?! Illusionary Pai: He used to be very nice. I don't know how he became a dreadful evil. When he realised that he was the most powerful in the tribe, things became terrible. --------------------------- p.175 That's his thought. All the people in the tribe are against his abusing the power, but we were misunderstood. So there was the clash of strength against strength. --------------------------- p.176 By the time Shiva was sealed off by the Seima Queen, only I survived. I decided to leave this place; to give up my power and become human. Humanity has a sacred power. They would sacrifice themselves to save other people. Please forget everything about this land. Never ever allow Kaiyanwang to awaken again... --------------------------- p.177 Macdonald: Sigh. This is.. The life of the Sanjiyan tribe is simple. They call a place like this the sacred place. I... --------------------------- p.178 Macdonald: This place is so awful. Hey, you jerk, don't just sit around doing nothing. Yakumo: I'm ashamed. Pai said humans are willing to give up themselves to protect others, but I don't have that power. Macdonald: I think you're upset because you found out that Pai is the fiancee of Kaiyanwang. Yakumo: That's not true. Macdonald: Relax, I think you've got that power, don't worry about it. Yakumo: The thing is... I can't be killed... --------------------------- p.179 Macdonald: It's true even if you are a "Wu"! It's not just normal humans who will forget themself for the sake of a loved one. Yakumo: Really... Macdonald: Now we're in this ruin, but we haven't found anything useful. Yakumo: I have to find a recording about how removing "Choang-Rin-Rin", or it'll all be worthless. Macdonald: ..... Don't just mouth off, hurry up and find it! Yakumo: Oww! Where's Pai-chan got to? Macdonald: Um... --------------------------- p.180 Macdonald: Sitting on the stone statue over there. --------------------------- p.181 Pai: Well, Sanjiyan... Kaiyanwang that sleeps here can be handled by Yakumo and Yougekisha. There's nothing to fear. I learnt so many things. Who am I? I am Kaiyanwang's fiancee, Parvati. Hm..I'll go back to Tokyo. I need not bother with restoring my memory. If I found out what it was, it might be more hurtful, and I couldn't do anything with it. Pai: I'm happy with things now. Let me stay with Yakumo-san forever... --------------------------- p.182 Pai: Let's go back to Tokyo, shall we? Come on Sanjiyan, answer me. What's up, Hong-Nyang? --------------------------- p.183 Pai: Y... You are... Benares: The sacred one has returned... Thank you so much, Houasyou. --------------------------- p.184 Pai: !? Benares: Kaiyanwang will soon awake, but your memory of the Sanjiyan hasn't recovered yet, Houasyou. Pai: Wh- What!? What are you talking about!? I am Pai, Parvati the fourth! Benares: Ho ho ho ho. I think you're obviously pretending. You haven't lost your memory. --------------------------- p.185 Benares: Remember now!! You are not Parvati, the wife of Shiva!! You are my servant, Houasyou!! --------------------------- p.187 Benares: Remember now what happened four years ago!! Then, you had nothing to do with Sanjiyan!! Pai: I.. I am Sanjiyan!! Ayanokouji Pai!!! Benares: You were mistaken by other people because you had lost your memory. Look into my eyes! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 5, Story 11(#37) - Return of the Seima - Part III English Translation (from Chinese version) by Patrick C. Yip (pckyip@athena.mit.edu) Proofreading & Cleanup by Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au) --------------------------- p.189 Macdonald: Parvati... in Hindu, she's the wife of Shiva. Yakumo: Unh.. Macdonald: I feel weird, keeping the company of these legendary types. Yakumo: Pai is the fourth in her line, and isn't Kaiyanwang the first Shiva... Macdonald: That's enough!! We have learnt that legends have become truth. Yakumo: We have? --------------------------- p.190 Yakumo: Where did Pai get to... Voice: Help me!! Yaku... Macdonald: What's up, Yakumo? Yakumo: Hm.. maybe I misheard something... Macdonald: Don't worry, she's with Ran-Bao-Bao. She'll be back soon. Yakumo: Hm... --------------------------- p.191 Benares: Give it up, Houasyou. It's hopeless trying to contact your "Wu" with telepathy. --------------------------- p.192 Benares: No one is coming. Who can save you!! Hong-Nyang: Huurgh... Huuuuurgh.... Kuwa! Benares: Traitor. Houasyou, now recall what happened four years ago... Don't hurry, no one is coming to bother us.. Pai: Oh... --------------------------- p.193 Benares: No one is... HONGKONG 1988 --------------------------- p.194 Pai: Hongkong? 4 years ago? Why am I floating here... --------------------------- p.195 Pai: What are... Monsters: Benares-sama, Is there really a surviving Sanjiyan? What should we do? Benares: That's the situation... She'll be here shortly. Monsters: !? Benares: Before I thought that I should just play it safe and kill her, so that nobody can interfere with Kaiyanwang's awakening. But I changed my mind; I will bring the Sanjiyan before the site of our king. --------------------------- p.196 Benares: When our king awakens, he needs to be replenished with the power of other Sanjiyans, since the long seal has weakened him. I'll use "Choang-Rin-Rin". Houasyou, come forth! --------------------------- p.197 Benares: This great task is now yours. I'm not sure how powerful that Sanjiyan is. But I think you can block the Sanjiyan's consciousness, Houasyou!! (Benares chants something.) --------------------------- p.198 Pai: He... He changed the snake into a rhombus... This... is... Houasyou?! Benares: That's right. You are Houasyou. --------------------------- p.199 Benares: The real self of the rhombus blocked the Sanjiyan's consciousness and occupied your body. You are actually Houasyou!! But... I made two big mistakes. This Sanjiyan was, incidentally, born in the year of the Heavenly White Dragon. She is the most powerful of all Sanjiyans, Parvati, or "Pai". --------------------------- p.200 Benares: I went to great lengths to seal her third eye with "Choang-Rin-Rin". But at the same time, I was blown to pieces. It took me, a "Wu", one whole week to regenerate. Pai: Therefore I... lost my memory, wandering on the streets in Hong Kong... Some nice people came and picked me up... Benares: I made another mistake... --------------------------- p.201 Benares: Using the rhombus only won't seal off the other personality. The Sanjiyan has the imperfect double personality. I blocked Pai's consciousness to make her lose the memory of the Sanjiyan, but this also affected Houasyou. Are you going against me now? It doesn't matter... Right now, you don't have the power to defeat the entombed king and I. --------------------------- p.202 Pai: Seima Stone!! What should I do?! Kaiyanwang is before me!! What can I possibly do!! Help me, Yakumo-san!! Benares: You can go two ways!! The first, obey me. The second, get the Sanjiyan's memory back, and kill Kaiyanwang and me. Make the smallest magic circle and chant the "Shiva's Claw" spell, "Rudorha Mushaate"!! Then Sanjiyan and Pai will be again be awake!! --------------------------- p.203 Benares: But... IF YOU LET PAI AWAKEN, YOU'LL RETURN TO THE UGLY SNAKE!! --------------------------- p.204 Pai: I... I'll return to the appearance of that monster snake... I'll become a snake... I... Yakumo: Paii! Are you OK? I'm coming now!! PAI!! Pai: Ya... Yakumo-san... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 5, Story 12(#38) - Return of the Seima - Part IV English Translation (from Chinese version) by Patrick C. Yip (pckyip@athena.mit.edu) Proofreading & Cleanup by Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au) --------------------------- p.205 Yakumo: Oooooaargh.. Macdonald: What the hell happened? Yakumo!? Yakumo: My arm... Yakumo: Something must have happened. The talisman Hong-Nyang carried, which sealed off my arm, has broken. Pai: How, how can it be... I'm not Pai nor Sanjiyan- I'm actually the snake demon which occupies this body... --------------------------- p.206 Benares: Don't forget. If you awaken Pai, you must return to the ugly shape of the snake demon! --------------------------- p.207 Yakumo: Pai! Pai! Pai! --------------------------- p.208 Benares: Well, the boy arrives earlier than I expected. Yakumo: Do anything to Pai, you bastard, and I won't forgive you! Benares: A fight with one such as I, who controls a hundred magical beasts... I'd like to see that, boy. Yakumo: You shithead! I'll let you see. Wuoooargh! Benares: In the name of Benares, COME OUT "KUAN-YAA"! Yakumo: In the name of Yakumo, COME OUT "CHIN-KUU"! --------------------------- p.209 (Kuwaooooohhhhh! A blinding flash.) Yakumo: Uwaah! (Chin-Kuu has reflected Kuan-Yaa back at Benares.) Benares: ?! (BLAMMMM... crumble crumble) --------------------------- p.210 Yakumo: Heheh. Benares: I thought your ability was just up to the level of "Tou-Chau". I wouldn't have thought you could actually escape "Kuan-Yaa"... but you can't destroy my immortal body, boy. Now I'll show you the real power of the "Wu". COME OUT, "HUU-YAO-CHI-CHIU"!! Yakumo: Damn! COME OUT, "TOU-CHAU"... --------------------------- p.211 Pai: STOOOP!! Stop or I'll kill Kaiyanwang. Benares-san, I'm begging you. We don't mean to go against you. Yakumo: Wha- Pai: Forget everything about the sacred place and Kaiyanwang. Let us go back to the world where we came from. --------------------------- p.212 Yakumo: Pai, what are you talking about!! Why should we go back without learning how to purge "Choang-Rin-Rin"!! Pai: But...Yakumo, without the memory of the past won't hinder our lives in the future. Why do we have to trace it all the way back... Yakumo: Goddamn Fool! Doesn't the death of Teinzuin mean anything... Teinzuin: The reality is usually very cruel You have to be stronger --------------------------- p.213 Benares: What's your plan now, Houasyou. To expose your real face before this chap? (lit. small priest?? -IS) Or persuade him to surrender to us? Yakumo: ? Pai: Ba.. BARASU VIDARHI --------------------------- p.214 (Gyufuaaaaaaa! The stone remains unharmed.) Benares: I told you!! The power you have now can't destroy Kaiyanwang. --------------------------- p.215 Benares: You have but two ways to go. Yakumo: !! Pai: Run, Yakumo-san- Ah- Ya... Yakumo-san... --------------------------- p.216 Pai: No... I don't... The warmth and... that feeling... I don't want to lose them!! Macdonald: Run away first. Pai: Am I willing to lose them... !? Benares: I know your decision, HOUASYOU! --------------------------- p.217 Benares: I'LL KILL YOU ALL. Yakumo: Shiit! That monster! Yakumo: Be careful, Pai!! Don't mess around!! SHIT!! I'm coming to face you!! Pai: Stop! Don't be rash! You'd be killed. Hong-Nyang: I love sister... very much. Pai: !? --------------------------- p.218 Pai: Hong-Nyang!! --------------------------- p.219 Pai: Hong-Nyang!! Hong... Macdonald: I have to bother you for something. Please help me take care of this woman. (This is his girlfriend in LA. He came here to look for the way to get eternal life because she's lying sick with no obvious cure.) Pai: What?! Ma- MacDonald-san... Macdonald: Let me take care of it!! Naparvha gave me the egg of Xi-Yao-Chong. --------------------------- p.220 Pai: MACDONALD!! Macdonald: Hong-Nyang!! Here! --------------------------- p.221 Pai: Mac... Yakumo: We can't go that way!! Even if I'm sealed off, you must survive and beat Kaiyanwang. --------------------------- p.222 Yakumo: You have to live. Pai: Yakumo-sa... Yakumo: I love you... Pai. Pai: Yakumo-san!! --------------------------- p.223 (HungNyan and MacDonald have already failed, suffering heavy injury) --------------------------- p.224 (flashbacks of Pai with her classmates.) (Benares is holding up Yakumo's dripping torso.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book 5, Story 13(#39) - Return of the Seima - Part V English Translation (from Chinese version) by Patrick C. Yip (pckyip@athena.mit.edu) Proofreading & Cleanup by Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au) --------------------------- p.227 Benares: I ask you again. Do you follow me and save their lives, or do you want to die too? You'll wake up Sanjiyan and defeat Kaiyanwang and me? If you do this, you'll also die, since you're also their enemy. Benares: You don't want to expose your ugly reality before this boy, right? Yakumo: Uurgh! --------------------------- p.228 Yakumo: N..No... Escape.. you... (Pai bowed to Benares) --------------------------- p.229 Benares: Houasyou, you really know the business. Yakumo: No, don't be tricked... Pai: 4 years ago... when I woke up, the nice old man gave me a warm home. They told me I had lost my memory and so they took great care to look after me. Pai: I knew Ken-ken and Don-chan in Junior high. We were the best friends. We were always together wherever we went. After the school, we chatted in classroom. That cheerful time will be always in my mind. --------------------------- p.230 Pai: That's what I treasure. Something I'll treasure forever. Yakumo: P....ai!? Pai: Thank you, Yakumo-san. I have been very happy. I'm content. The warmth you and others gave me. This must be the sacred power. Yakumo: What are you saying!! Goddamn fool! Run away now! Pai: No... Thank you... Yakumo-san. --------------------------- p.231 (Pai kisses the disembowelled Yakumo.) --------------------------- p.232 Pai: Goodbye. (Pai turns to Benares) Pai: I am me. I won't obey you. --------------------------- p.233 (Benares summons Huu-Yao-Chi-Chiu to attack Pai; Pai faces Benares with her naked body and chants, "Barasu Vidarhi".) --------------------------- p.234 (The rhombus slowly turns to a snake and detaches from Pai's forehead.) Houasyou: I really want to go to Harajuku with everyone again... (Everything crumbles.) --------------------------- p.236 (The incense burner lies somewhere in the sacred place) --------------------------- p.237 (The monk got a phone call from LA. MacDonald, in bandage, is with his girlfriend. The monk is happy but embarrassed, hearing the raunchy talk on the other side.) --------------------------- p.238 Yakumo: Are you going, really? Everywhere in the sacred place, sacred shrine and hills .... there is no trace of Kaiyanwang? --------------------------- p.239 Sanjiyan: Because of the effect of the "Choang-Rin-Rin", Pai hasn't regained her consciousness. Before she wakes up, I'll rest in this sacred place. Don't worry. Yakumo: Heh? What about when she awakes? Will Pai have her memory back... Sanjiyan: Don't worry. Just see how things turn out. Yakumo: Heh? Whatever you say... --------------------------- p.240 Yakumo: Shouldn't... you think about it again? Sanjiyan: ... Yakumo: You might disappear forever!! Sanjiyan: I've decided, Yakumo. Yakumo: ... Sanjiyan: I'm willing even if I have to die. You're so nice to me... --------------------------- p.241 (Yakumo's flashbacks of Pai) Sanjiyan: I'm going back to the sacred place. Sanjiyan: Wait for me in Tokyo. Yakumo: Tokyo.. --------------------------- p.242 (In hospital somewhere) Voices: Doctor! Doctor! What happened? The patient in room 405!! The patient in room 405!! --------------------------- p.243 She has waken up! No.. Nonsense... The patient has been in a coma since the explosion in Harajuku disco this spring. Ah! (The patient is the assumed role by Pai. She is supposed to have gone with Yakumo for her search for her real identity. But it seems that her another body has been lying in a hospital. You might find it difficult to believe. It seems to be Takada's effort to get a happy ending for Houasyou. Not "convincing"? True, but readers like happy ending Ken-ken: Pai, you're awake! Don-chan: Pai! --------------------------- p.244 (you can't see her face) Second Pai: You, everyone... I.. I.. I've become a snake. (looking at Shiva's claw) What's this? .... What is this really? Don-chan: Oh yes. A boy called Yakumo told me to bring these flowers to you. Second Pai: Eh? Ya... ku... mo... --------------------------- p.245 Second Pai: This name sounds so familiar. Who is he? Friends: Hey, hey, Pai are you OK!? Don't talk so much. Get some more rest now. Second Pai: It seems that I've made a very beautiful dream... Yakumo... Sanjiyan: Take care, Houasyou. Second Pai: Yakumo... --------------------------- p.246 (The "Second Pai" talks to her classmates on a busy street) Second Pai: Hm.. The name sounds nice. "Yakumo." Wouldn't it be nice to be a boyfriend! (They walk off, laughing. Yakumo turns to look at them and smiles.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index | Previous | Next 3x3 Eyes story, art, and characters Copyright © 1987-1999 Yuzo Takada / Kodansha. These unofficial fan translations are made freely available for the personal use of owners of the original Japanese manga. They should not be used for profit in any way. Last updated: December 3, 1998